Anonymous ID: 59aefc June 3, 2019, 12:20 a.m. No.6659076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9265


This is a worldwide operation, the houses of our allies must be cleaned as well. Failure to do so would allow DS actors to seek shelter where they still have control. Many complain that things are moving too slowly, but given the enormous scale of this operation, things are actually moving very quickly. This is by far the most thought out and well planned out mil operation I’ve seen or studied. Remember POTUS and Q team are in control, but to begin arrests and trials the operation has to be played out to allow our enemy to further incriminate themselves. If all of a sudden we were to just start arresting the DS shitstains based on evidence the NSA (they have it ALL) collected, people would not be awakened. Those who are clueless as to what is really going on would be easily manipulated by the DS/MSM into thinking that Patriots/POTUS are attempting a power grab, and that all the NSA data was manufactured, which could lead to Civil War or WWIII. We may be ready for the ending, but there are still many normies that need to be slowly spoon fed. The 4-6% that are lost forever will be dealt with one way or another. For now we must stay united, keep digging, try to bring those that are waking from their slumber up to speed and pray for POTUS, Q team, Operators and Patriots world wide. Stay patient fellow Anon(s), take pleasure in watching these stupid people run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to save themselves, turning on each other and get a good laugh when they come up with their “ingenious” plants only to run right into the meat grinder. In the mean time do whatever you can do to make the world a better place, even something as simple as cleaning up the trash along the road in front of your house or helping you “elderly neighbor” across the street with yard work would make a huge difference if we all did it. The difference between us and the libs is, while they would wait for someone else (the City, the State, the Government) to do simple things, WE take action and take care of it while they bitch and cry about why someone hasn’t done it for them.