BUN on Google employee posts from several breads ago
Related to massive outages earlier today >>6656512 pb
I looked, and they haven't gotten in there yet, so…
all pb
Collected notes @600
>>6659066 DJT retweets Scalise re: LNG
>>6659185 New DJT tweets
>>6659191, >>6659197 Anon connects the dots in PDT's tweet to Q #64 (fasten your seatbelts)
>>6658767, >>6659348 Google employee says shit went down today
>>6659341 Anon interprets Q posts on Mueller, midterm elections, blockade
gotta go to bed, already up way too goddamn late. was just helping with notables but I could do an early bake I guess
so the other thing is this would be my first bake ever
I'm down to try though, I can start around 650
got any other notables/additions/corrections?
make the posts in the dough separated by breaks, post main.jpg on the first one
roll one old bread off the list and post new notables for #8515, save everything i post and then post the dough
anything else?
also I don't see this in notables yet either
>>6659415 Adam Schiff: We Can’t Impeach Trump, It Will Fail in The Senate
good call. ok, trying now
>>6659273 Graphic of PDJT itinerary for the next 3 days
>>6659271, >>6659340 Stone Cold Loser vs. PDJT
>>6659191, >>6659197 Anon connects the dots in PDT's tweet to Q #64 (fasten your seatbelts)
>>6659185 New DJT
>>6659066 DJT retweets Scalise re: LNG
>>6658767, >>6659296, >>6659348 (You) Goog Employee Larp(?) re: Google shutdown
>>6659341 Anon interprets Q posts on Mueller, midterm elections, blockade
>>6659415 Adam Schiff: We Can’t Impeach Trump, It Will Fail in The Senate
>>6659264, >>6659331, >>6659338 POTUS arrives in the UK
>>6659367, >>6659430, >>6659436 FLOTUS pays tribute to D-Day veterans with a military themed blouse
ok, think I got it right except for where I copy/pasted ( You ) into one of the notables kek
ty anon o7
fresh bread
fresh bread