Has anyone collected notes for this ghost bake?
>>6659175 Green text is normal for the pastebin pasta in /comms/ - no worries!
>>6659185 How about a repeat of 'stone cold' from yesterday's USMC tweets re: cold/frozen, etc.?
>>6659296 TY.
>>6659348 TY Anon
>>6659376 Are you Baking?
>>6659396 >>6658743 If you gotta go, I'll take the bake. If you want it, it's yours.
I'll hang around - Do you have any questions I might be able to help with?
My Notes:
>>6659273 Graphic of PDJT itinerary for the next 3 days
>>6659271, >>6659340 Stone Cold Loser vs. PDJT
>>6659191, >>6659197 Anon connects the dots in PDT's tweet to Q #64 (fasten your seatbelts)
>>6659185 New DJT
>>6659066 DJT retweets Scalise re: LNG
>>6658767, >>6659296, >>6659348 Goog Employee Larp(?) re: Google shutdown
>>6659341 Anon interprets Q posts on Mueller, midterm elections, blockade
>>6659443 Sounds right. I generally make the pastebin first so I have the link ready for the dough post. And I have the formatting already set up so I just have to drop stuff in.
Don't forget to post a final bun, tag that post and add it to the bottom of the notables list before you make the pastebin!
>>6659458 SupahStar!
Let's help out the new baker by philling this bread!
>>6659531 Ah yes, nothing like a good morning shitpost.