I am still focused on the briefing to H Reid and the gang of 7.
We believe Nunes got a different briefing than the rest, probably JUST talked about ‘Russian interference’, with NO mention of FISA, C.P. PapaD, etc.
But WHAT were Mitch, Lyin Ryan, told?
Were they also given sanitised briefing, or the ‘real deal’? My suspicion was the
Coupists would NEVER have proceeded without KNOWING, with ASSURANCES, that they had REPUBLICON Congressional leadership ‘buy in’; that it would be too risky.
They needed to know that if House RepubliCANS started investigating (Nunes) that Ryan could keep it under wraps (Nunes ethics investigation), and Mitch similarly in Senate.
Without such an assurance, they could NOT have moved forward.
And, THAT was the Coupists insurance policies, ultimately.
Personally, I think it was Ryan and Mitch who said “Go for getting him to fire a S.C., we can guarantee Impeachment if he does that!
Its all about the,RepubliCONS in leadership in Congress. Look at,ACTIONS, not WORDS, and it becomes clear,….IMHO