Anonymous ID: 0dd90a June 3, 2019, 2:46 a.m. No.6659540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9550 >>9759 >>9905 >>0012 >>0136 >>0244 >>0282 >>0295

I am still focused on the briefing to H Reid and the gang of 7.


We believe Nunes got a different briefing than the rest, probably JUST talked about ‘Russian interference’, with NO mention of FISA, C.P. PapaD, etc.


But WHAT were Mitch, Lyin Ryan, told?


Were they also given sanitised briefing, or the ‘real deal’? My suspicion was the

Coupists would NEVER have proceeded without KNOWING, with ASSURANCES, that they had REPUBLICON Congressional leadership ‘buy in’; that it would be too risky.


They needed to know that if House RepubliCANS started investigating (Nunes) that Ryan could keep it under wraps (Nunes ethics investigation), and Mitch similarly in Senate.


Without such an assurance, they could NOT have moved forward.


And, THAT was the Coupists insurance policies, ultimately.


Personally, I think it was Ryan and Mitch who said “Go for getting him to fire a S.C., we can guarantee Impeachment if he does that!


Its all about the,RepubliCONS in leadership in Congress. Look at,ACTIONS, not WORDS, and it becomes clear,….IMHO

Anonymous ID: 0dd90a June 3, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.6659548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The noose is getting tighter around the treasonists, and their handlers.


“The details don’t add up” to the explanations given. “Don’t Jive”. For those screaming and whining about declassification — the president has declassified, and left it up to AG Barr, who is working with Dunham.


Ratcliff, one of the four who has seen everything is saying (in effect) , “This might be better saved ” for “presentation to a Grand Jury” “seeking indictments” for those whose explanations for what they were doing don’t add up. But the tracks, taken at face value, almost undeniably add up to a nefarious intent.


Very few people know everything that is being declassified.


Several sitting U.S. Senators, Representatives, and presidential candidates are going to have to be vewy vewy careful about what they say in the upcoming campaign for the next elections. And they are going to be asked many questions and say a lot. Voters for the republic are going to want to know.


In addition, some very bright lights are going to be shone from many directions on some uncomfortable dark places of the main stream enemedia, social media, and Google/Apple/Microsoft/Amazon/Youtube/Twitter.


Winnamins are wonderful things. Good patriots are breathing easier, speaking freer, feeling doubts replaced with validation , having their faith in the American Dream and Truth and Justice restored. Other segments of the population are finding themselves sweating more, looking over their shoulders, wishing there were more dark places to hide, and avoiding questions. Resigning to spend more time with their family


Whatever you do in secret will be shouted from the rooftops. Every knee shall bow


His Truth is marching on.

Anonymous ID: 0dd90a June 3, 2019, 2:59 a.m. No.6659570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“The spygate docs can be declassified now & Durham can still investigate.”


Keep in mind: we don’t know what else is out there beyond FISA, 302’s, text messages, etc. etc. There could be documents, recordings, transcripts, memos, emails, meeting notes, etc. in the possession of the CIA or NSA that the Cabal (and others directly or indirectly involved — Fusion, DNC, House, Senate, Obama Admin, etc.) DON’T KNOW ABOUT.


Think about it: if you were James B. Comey, would you trust John Brennan? If you were James Clapper, would you trust John Brennan? Hell… if you were Barack Obama… at the end of the day… would you trust John Brennan?

Anonymous ID: 0dd90a June 3, 2019, 3:04 a.m. No.6659577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9609

I think so far as the election is concerned that the expected soon release of the DOJ IG report on FiSA abuse should be enough to change the national political situation.


It will hopefully compel the MSM to start covering the abuse with enough truth to tip people off that the real scandal lies with the DEMS.


That they have shown themselves to be suspect when it comes to safeguarding our much loved political freedom. That what was really happening under Obama and crew was the birthing of a police state.


Those eight years seem to have changed the nation. Truth and objectivity does not matter in MSM anymore. Gone is a dispassionate reporting of critically important events. Instead plain language subverted in the interest of political subterfuge. The use of the national intelligence apparatus and organizations and law enforcement agencies and powerful tools to subvert and sabotage the electoral process.

Yet PDJT still stands.


And now AG Barr seems to be loyal to the Constitutional scheme of things. And he seems to be doing his best to alert people that there was the possibility of something being drastically wrong – that all of this could be occurring.


Declass is important but things are turning. The IG report COULD BE a another big turning point even if we don’t see the docs for some time yet. It should be that.

Hope remains.

But God , I hope the electorate will begin to pay attention and become aware soon!

Hope remains but are enough people paying attention?

Anonymous ID: 0dd90a June 3, 2019, 4:14 a.m. No.6659786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9842 >>9885

The Matrix, The Machines, and the Blue Pills


So I was taking a shower today morning, before work (which is normally where I do most of my philosophical thinking), my thoughts somehow landed upon The Matrix, the most philosophical movie of our time. Simultaneously, some distant neuron in my brain also fired, connecting with my initial thought. Resulting in a completely new picture that dawned upon me. An interesting interpretation of The Matrix movie and its concepts. What if the Wachowski sisters (who were brothers back then), were on to something? What if there was a deeper yet more subtle message hidden in the movie that was camouflaged with a layer of science fiction? So I hope you have your tinfoil hats lying around. If you do, now would be a good time to put them on.


In the movies, the "Matrix" is essentially a virtual world created in the image of our Human world at its peak, as we humans last remember it, before the machines destroyed it. The "Blue-pill" humans were the source of power running the machine juggernaut. The body heat and neural electricity produced by billions of humans were used to power the machine industry, communication, and its AI hive mind. The humans are induced in a deep comatose state by the machines, by some form of neural implants (and I'm sure lots and lots of serotonin), putting them in a dream state and introducing their consciousness into a flawless virtual instance of the Matrix.


Now let's take a step back. The Matrix is our real world. Replace the Machines with the huge corporations and the mega-rich elite people who run our world and the blue pills are us common folk. Our inaction is our deep comatose. We're what the corporations rely on to keep running. They milk our hard earned money. They advertise and brainwash us with all these products and services which we don't really need in our lives. They create different ways to take our money away. Quoting Chuck Palahniuk "We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like".


They control our perception of the real world.