Anonymous ID: 49e1d6 June 3, 2019, 6:08 a.m. No.6660224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0292 >>0317

If there are any true autists here, you will make the connections to what I’m stating. Time is running out! I can’t state this enough! A BIG event is coming. YOU will NOT see the indictment that you are expecting – (diGenova to hint). We are all in danger if we don’t make others aware and really wake up the public. Big Voice. It’s time to see what is really taking place. You are all being deceived (general public)! This has all been planned; every bit of it. Everything is going as planned and you are all helping, and you don’t even know it. I can’t be as direct as I would like to be for fear of endangering my family more than I have already. I can assure you that what I point out is true and real.

Control is pinnacle. 9/11 was the catalyst for a new direction (world wide). Why? Mistakes were made; too many mistakes, and too many caught on. What went missing that day, why is this important? [T]he “eye” If there are any true autists here, you will make the connections to what I’m stating. Time is running out! I can’t state this enough! A BIG event is coming. YOU will NOT see the indictment that you are expecting – (diGenova/others to hint). We are all in danger if we don’t make others aware and really wake up the public. Big Voice. It’s time to see what is really taking place. You are all being deceived (general public)! This has all been planned; every bit of it. Everything is going as planned and you are all helping (how?), and you don’t even know it. I can’t be as direct as I would like to be for fear of endangering my family more than I have already. I can assure you that what I point out is true and real.

Control is pinnacle. tAkwIn. 9/11 was the catalyst for a new direction (world wide). Why? Mistakes were made; too many mistakes, and too many caught on. What went missing that day(1 kings 10:14), why is this important? [T]he “eye” sees [A]ll. what was impLemented as a resOlt, and why is thiS even more important? UG CHU farm. Internal dismay between those at the top resulted - internal conflict (power struggle). >Embed active<. Over 400 years of planning, organizing, and execution and those at the top were given the biggest scare ever – failure came too close. Do you really think contingencies weren’t planned – just in case?

Think! Jussie Smollett, Epstein, Weinstein, Awan brothers, Paul Combetta, Bryan Pagliano and many more (all in common?) Who’s really in control? Trump? Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Dennis Cain, Chelsea Manning and many more (all in common?) How are they being dealt with? The next big thing to come. Obama/Clinton – you will be blindsided and it will all be with purpose. {Ismail al-Jazari}

Trump pushes AI, 5G, spd4, spacex, EMP EO – more (Under the radar) <ISAgoge>

AI, 5G, Chem dispersals, GMO, Gun control, crypto/arpanet (who really created?), blockchain, BIG data (all with purpose) – Time to really Wake Up! – Who are the ones they want to scream the loudest, Why? How does this really benefit them? {as above so below} Silence comes to whom? You are witnessing a power struggle (Paramount),think letters. Corralling of the sheep (now in line). Lead them to WATER. Initiate LaW.

Planted shills will contest and try to discredit. Past posts (shepherds)