I thought this quote was interesting and maybe explains Q's reference to the destruction of the Old Guard.
"Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the party's "old guard"
were Catholics", wrote M. Frederic Hoffet. "It was not by accident that,
because of its chiefs' religion, the National-socialist government was the most
Catholic Germany ever had… This kinship between National-socialism and
Catholicism is most striking if we study closely the propaganda methods
and the interior organisation of the party. On that subject, nothing is more
instructive than Joseph Goebbel's works. He had been brought up in a Jesuit
college and was a seminarist before devoting himself to literature and
politics… Every page, every line of his writings
recall the teaching of his masters; so he stresses obedience… the contempt
for truth… "Some lies are as useful as bread!" he proclaimed by virtue of a
moral relativism extracted from Ignatius of Loyola's writings…"
See Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmund Paris, p.167