Anonymous ID: 93a45b June 3, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.6660351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0355


I think I understand Comeys ‘crazy’ seeming (until now) behavior. In leaking his contemporaneous self-serving memos to self, yes he was ‘triggering’ the appointment of a SC, his buddy/mentor Mueller.


But he,was doing more. He,was sending a message; I have similar memos on the whole operation. And I’m not afraid to USE them. Memos written right after each briefing I attended with the,Gang of 8, for instance.


Just to make sure they got the message, he threw lynch under the bus during his book tour.


Now, WHAT do you think his memos say, written after those briefings? I’m thinking like Ohr, they say G of 8 was told “Its unverified, unsourced, has errors (kyslyak memo, which Comey knew about), and so on.


He has been doing this performance,to send a clear message; don’t arkanticide me, cause these menos exist, AND I have copies.


PROTECT me, or I’ll bring YOU down with me. Hence, Ryan sidelining Nunes, pressuring 40 members in safe seats to step down, etc.


Brennan and McCabe, as well. Its blackmail, because Ryan and McConnell were on board, and thats what Comey, Brennan and McCabe will tell a grand jury. Fienstein, Schumer, Pelosi as well, of coarse, but to me the most damaging is Ryan and McConnell.


Hence no charges to date, and their cocky attitude. Its blackmail, right in front of our face!


Essentially, Comey is taking a page from J. Edgar Hoover’s old playbook: BLACKMAIL. (I’m utterly amazed that they named the Federal office building after that man.)


What he never considered is that, if you’ve made billions thats-with-a-B of dollars in international real estate, you must know far more about Blackmail than he does. They merely thought that they were playing with “another politician.” They didn’t know that they were, themselves, being played.


Memo to file: “never play Chess with Donald Trump nor with any of his lawyers.”


The Mueller thing was simple: it would never be completed. They’d make it so awful for the President that he would do something – anything at all – to intervene. Once he did, “Pow! Obstruction of Justice!” Trump cunningly chummed the water almost every day with “tweets” – WORDS – which painted the picture of an impetuous, angry man … while his ACTIONS were altogether different. This distracted them from noticing that other forces were at work: Justice, and Intelligence.


The tables have now been inverted, and these self-absorbed criminals still don’t realize it. They still won’t admit to themselves that they mis-read Donald Trump since the first day he appeared on the scene, and that THEY are caught in their own web.

Anonymous ID: 93a45b June 3, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.6660557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Week #16 since AG confirmation:

Repost from Veteran Patriots.


Dear Mr. Attorney General Barr,


Americans know the refrain “truth, justice, and the American way.” Truth and justice are integral to the American way. We ask that you remember the Americans who are counting on you to restore truth and justice, both alive and those who have died to secure the American way:


America is crying out for justice.


AG Barr, Patriots are cautiously optimistic.


Americans know the myriad illegal and unconstitutional actions the Deep State, Democrats (Obama Admin, Clinton-DNC), and some Republicans utilized to stop a Presidential candidate and impair a Presidency. Americans know Russia is a false flag. Americans know foreign agents, journalists, law firms, and opposition research outfits were engaged in this silent coup.


The conspirators are but a small number in comparison to us, Mr. AG Barr. Millions of Americans are praying for justice to save this Republic. Will you alter the course of history for the good of our Nation by upholding the law, bringing the wrongdoers to justice, and rejecting the pressures of a few attempting to shield the lawbreakers and evildoers? Will you restore justice in America? America is watching.