Anonymous ID: 6baab5 June 3, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.6661117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re Piggy Face McStain Junioretta making retarded assassination statements: eating 14 MSG packed cheeseburgers a day, with 14 large fries, 14 choco sundaes & 14 super size diet sodas will seriously eff up your mind. Hey Piggy, your future lies in the cotton fields, hoe in hand. Just think….you'll lose the lard.

Anonymous ID: 6baab5 June 3, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.6661188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1201

>>6660867 lb

>>6660717 lb

Muhbad. It was penguin pineal glands not adrenal glands. And where they got them from, the missive did not say…

You try digging shit out of the memory hole and see what you come up with…


Why did U.S. State Department purchase frozen penguin pineal …

But why was the U.S. State Department so interested in penguin pineal glands? Searching around the net, this is what I found: The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brains of nearly all vertebrates. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, hence the name "pineal gland"….


OK southern latitudes source. But why?


Frozen Pineal Glands from Penguins | Peptidegate

The Wikileaks email about frozen pineal glands from penguins. If you dig into the email eventually you find the bill of lading realized it is going to MIT.. 1973 August 1, 19:47 (Wednesday) FM AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRES TO SECSTATE WASHDC 3067 INFO US DESPATCH AGENT NEW YORK UNCLAS BUENOS AIRES 5632 DEPT PASS: DR. …


Multiple anons were correct in recalling this. You >>6660867 lb are incorrect for yelling at an anon for not recalling 100% of the details perfectly.

Recalling information and free-associating to locate information is a facet of weaponized autism. We stand by our autism.