Anonymous ID: a4e0c4 June 3, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.6661455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Second attempt as the 1st attempt only had one reaction (confirming)

In drop 3328 Q refers to Comey as [Comey] but in 3344 where he states misdirection is used for rats to turn onto each other he refers to [C].


In one of the drops in between Q said "follow the watch".


The previous time Q was refering to the Watch Q added pics of China iirc.


Is Q misguiding the DS to Comey while China is what we are waiting for? C becomes for D would make more sense to me if C is for China as that's the bigger threat.


Also when China is eliminated as a threat, after Iran, SA and NK the DS in the USA will be isolated and on thay way "the walls are closing in".


Think Huawei, think steel dumps, think trade deal.

C comes for D means the "trade deal" with China needs to be finished before Patriots can attack the cabal on domestic grounds?


China Declass > Comey > Clapper/Brennan > HRC/CF > domino continues