Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.6661139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1163

William Barr Is Washington’s Worst Nightmare

Nothing scares the denizens of D.C. more than an honest man.


If you are bewildered by the weird antipathy with which Democrats and the media regard Attorney General William Barr, consider a passage from the Nobel Prize acceptance speech delivered by Polish dissident Czesław Miłosz in 1980: “In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot.” Our government hasn’t yet devolved into the kind of totalitarian regime under which Poland groaned at that time, but there is a conspiracy of silence surrounding the skullduggery that led to the Russia collusion fraud, and Barr fired that metaphorical pistol on April 10, 2019.


Barr used the word “spying” during testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee with regard to his plan to look into counterintelligence activities against the Trump campaign during the 2016 election cycle. When he first uttered that word, it clearly startled every Democrat on the committee. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) immediately inquired if he really believed spying had occurred. Barr said, “I think spying did occur, yes.” That bullet continues to ricochet around the Beltway to this day. Indeed, his use of the “s” word was belabored at considerable length by Jan Crawford during the CBS interview with Barr that aired Friday:

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 8:48 a.m. No.6661171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696 >>1778 >>1830

Feds: Puerto Rico Disaster Contractor Pocketed Millions in Taxpayer Cash


The owners of the Textile Corporation of America promised the government that they could deliver 1,000 new jobs to residents of Pikeville, Tennessee, and millions of dollars of supplies to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico. And federal and state leaders lined up to support them, helping them secure millions of dollars in contracts and grants.


But two years later, the company is the subject of a federal criminal investigation alleging that its executives bilked taxpayers out of those millions.


According to affidavits filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in a federal court in Tennessee in October and February, the Textile Corporation of America (TCA) fabricated evidence of work performed at a Pikeville, Tennessee, textile plant in order to draw grants from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)—a federally owned corporation—and the state’s Department of Economic and Community Development.


The FBI alleges that the company’s owners pocketed much of that money for personal use.


But more than a million dollars of the grant money, investigators say, went towards the purchase of tarps to fulfill a $30 million Federal Emergency Management Agency hurricane relief contract. The TCA sister company to which FEMA awarded that contract, Master Group USA (MGUSA), used more fraudulent paperwork, including fabricated copies of invoices and wire transfers, to conceal the fact that it was purchasing those tarps from China, in violation of federal sourcing laws, the FBI alleges. FEMA awarded MGUSA nearly $4 million before canceling the contract, after the tarps failed to meet quality requirements.


Some information about the scheme has trickled into public view over the past year. But the existence of a federal criminal investigation into TCA and MGUSA, and the full extent of their alleged fraud, as spelled out in a pair of FBI affidavits, has not been previously reported. Those affidavits, filed in November and February, sought the seizure of millions of dollars from the companies’ Pakistani-American owners, brothers Karim and Rahim Sadruddin, and search warrants for their email accounts and those of a number of family members allegedly involved in the scheme.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.6661195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pharmaceutical Company Admits to Price Fixing in Violation of Antitrust Law, Resolves Related False Claims Act Violations

Heritage Pharmaceuticals Agrees to Pay More than $7 Million in Criminal Penalty and Civil Damages and to Cooperate with Ongoing Parallel Investigations in the Generics Industry


Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc., a generic pharmaceutical company headquartered in Eatontown, New Jersey, was charged for conspiring with its competitors to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers, the Department of Justice announced today.


According to a one-count felony charge filed yesterday in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, from about April 2014 until at least December 2015, Heritage participated in a criminal antitrust conspiracy with other companies and individuals engaged in the production and sale of generic pharmaceuticals, a purpose of which was to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers for glyburide, a medicine used to treat diabetes. This charge is the third in the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division’s ongoing investigation; Heritage’s former CEO and its former president were previously charged.


The Antitrust Division also announced a deferred prosecution agreement resolving the charge, under which Heritage admits that it conspired to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers for glyburide. Under the agreement’s terms, Heritage will pay a $225,000 criminal penalty and cooperate fully with the ongoing criminal investigation. The United States will defer prosecuting Heritage for a period of three years to allow the company to comply with the agreement’s terms. The agreement will not be final until accepted by the court.


Pharmaceutical Company Admits to Price Fixing in Violation of Antitrust Law, Resolves Related False Claims Act Violations

Heritage Pharmaceuticals Agrees to Pay More than $7 Million in Criminal Penalty and Civil Damages and to Cooperate with Ongoing Parallel Investigations in the Generics Industry


Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc., a generic pharmaceutical company headquartered in Eatontown, New Jersey, was charged for conspiring with its competitors to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers, the Department of Justice announced today.


According to a one-count felony charge filed yesterday in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, from about April 2014 until at least December 2015, Heritage participated in a criminal antitrust conspiracy with other companies and individuals engaged in the production and sale of generic pharmaceuticals, a purpose of which was to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers for glyburide, a medicine used to treat diabetes. This charge is the third in the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division’s ongoing investigation; Heritage’s former CEO and its former president were previously charged.


The Antitrust Division also announced a deferred prosecution agreement resolving the charge, under which Heritage admits that it conspired to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers for glyburide. Under the agreement’s terms, Heritage will pay a $225,000 criminal penalty and cooperate fully with the ongoing criminal investigation. The United States will defer prosecuting Heritage for a period of three years to allow the company to comply with the agreement’s terms. The agreement will not be final until accepted by the court.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 8:57 a.m. No.6661222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1243 >>1261 >>1346 >>1473 >>1614 >>1692 >>1830

Did The Government Just Test The Internet Kill Switch?



"'I felt a great disturbance in the farce, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."


At 3pmET, it appears that Google Cloud (affecting Gmail, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, and Facebook among others) mysteriously (and almost unprecedently) went offline.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.6661242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1253

Just think of what;s going to happen when the IoT is complete


That major Google outage meant some Nest users couldn’t unlock doors or use the AC


If you’re a Google user, you probably noticed some trouble last night when trying to access Google-owned services. Last night, Google reported several issues with its Cloud Platform, which made several Google sites slow or inoperable. Because of this, many of Google’s sites and services–including Gmail, G Suite, and YouTube–were slow or completely down for users in the U.S. and Europe.


However, the Google Cloud outage also affected third-party apps and services that use Google Cloud space for hosting. Affected third-party apps and services include Discord, Snapchat, and even Apple’s iCloud services.


But an especially annoying side effect of Google Cloud’s downtime was that Nest-branded smart home products for some users just failed to work. According to reports from Twitter, many people were unable to use their Nest thermostats, Nest smart locks, and Nest cameras during the downtime. This essentially meant that because of a cloud storage outage, people were prevented from getting inside their homes, using their AC, and monitoring their babies.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.6661260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1274

Quest Diagnostics Says Up to 12 Million Patients May Have Had Financial, Medical, Personal Information Breached

Published 4 hours ago | Updated 1 minute ago


Quest Diagnostics, one of the biggest blood testing providers in the country, warned Monday that nearly 12 million of its customers may have had personal, financial and medical information breached due to an issue with one of its vendors.


In a filing with securities regulators, Quest said it was notified that between Aug. 1, 2018 and March 30, 2019, someone had unauthorized access to the systems of AMCA, a billing collections vendor.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.6661284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who Ran Crossfire Hurricane?

Barr’s investigators should focus on John Brennan and Gina Haspel.


Crossfire Hurricane” — the melodramatic code name for the FBI/CIA spy operation on candidate Trump and his early presidency — was run for the FBI by then-FBI Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, Special Agent Peter Strzok, and a few others.


Then-CIA director John Brennan ran it for the CIA. Brennan had to have help, but who was it? A lot of evidence points to the CIA’s then-chief of station in London in 2016-2017, and now the Director of Central Intelligence, Gina Haspel.


President Trump claimed that the FBI and CIA’s spying on his campaign and early presidency was treason. Attorney General William Barr said that, legally, it wasn’t.


Barr is correct. But note well that he didn’t say that crimes other than treason weren’t committed. On Friday, Barr said that since he became attorney general he had been asking why the counter-intelligence investigation was begun and hasn’t yet gotten a satisfactory answer.


The criminal investigation being conducted for Barr by U.S. Attorney John Durham is aimed at the intelligence community. As I wrote last week Trump’s recent executive order, which requires the intelligence agencies to cooperate with Barr and gives Barr the power to declassify anything he chooses, was probably necessitated by the stonewalling by the CIA and the NSA that Durham had already encountered.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.6661319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly…. Its Been that way ever since the days of Kings and Queens and serfdom and indenture servants… Q said bigger then we can imagine.. With all the reading I have done I can imagine alot.. and this is huge


Outrage across Africa after report exposes slave trade in Libya


Who's the highest bidder? 800 Dinar! 1,000 Dinar! 1,100 Dinar! In the end, the winning bid is 1,200 Libyan Dinar — the equivalent of $800 (€680). A done deal; however, this isn't just any auction for a car or a piece of art. What's being sold here is a group of frightened young men from Sub-Saharan Africa.


The low-resolution images, apparently taken at a market in Libya earlier in 2017 were shown on the U.S.-based network CNN last week, which looked further into the issue. Journalists working for CNN discovered several such slave markets in the country's interior, proving what experts had feared for a long time: migrants trying to reach Europe via Libya continue to be subject to abuse.


Published 8:18 a.m. ET Nov. 23, 2017 | Updated 8:28 a.m. ET Nov. 23, 2017

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:18 a.m. No.6661350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REO Speedwagon - Golden Country (Live - You Get What You Play For)


Golden country your face is so red

With all of your money your poor can be fed

You strut around and you flirt with disaster

Never really carin' just what comes after

Well your blacks are dyin' but your back is still turned

And your freaks are cryin' but your back is still turned

You better stop your hidin or your country will burn

The time has come for you my friend

To all this ugliness we must put an end

Before we leave we must make a stand

Mortgage people you crawl to your homes

Your security lies in your bed of white foam

You act concerned but then why turn away

When a lady was raped on your doorstep today

Well your blacks are cryin' but your back is still turned

And your freaks are dyin' but your back is still turned

You better stop your hidin or your country will burn

The time has come for you my friend

To all this ugliness we must put an end

Before we leave we must make a stand, oh yeah..

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:25 a.m. No.6661387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The US Army’s Next Rifle May Use Facial Recognition


The U.S. Army wants guns that wait to fire until they see the whites of the enemy’s eyes.


At least, it put out a call for contractors to develop next-generation rifles that come equipped with facial recognition and automatic targeting software, according to The new software could help make soldiers more precise and effective in combat — thought it remains unclear how the Army expects to deploy the mind-bending symbiosis of humanity and machines.


Bidding contractors have a chance to win a five-year contract so they can develop a prototype of the rifle, which reports should provide wireless communication systems, wind trackers, and advanced targeting capabilities that increase “the soldier’s ability to rapidly engage man-sized targets out to 600 [meters] or greater while maintaining the ability to conduct Close Quarters Battle.”

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.6661507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Keeping the Russia collusion hoax alive


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year-long fishing expedition found no evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russians. So why is Mr. Mueller now hinting that Mr. Trump is somehow guilty after all?


Maybe it’s because the media, which had heaped praise on him, now see him as a sellout or loser. Or maybe it’s because he wants to distract from a glaring fact: He never addressed the real scandal, which is the Obama administration’s flagrant abuse of the FBI and intelligence agencies to damage a presidential campaign and then, failing that, to destroy a sitting president.


Since the “Russia collusion” scandal dominated the news every day, Mr. Mueller may have helped Democrats take the House in 2018. You’d think they’d be grateful. But, since he did not outright nail Mr. Trump, Mr. Mueller’s star has fallen.


For his part, former FBI Director James Comey has been outed as a squirrely partisan who used his office to target Mr. Trump and allowed Hillary Clinton to skate away from actionable offenses connected with her unsecured email server. Her people wiped evidence-bearing computers and used hammers on cellphones? What’s the big deal?

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.6661550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IAF's AN-32 with 13 on board goes missing after taking off from Assam's Jorhat airbase

Naresh Mitra | TNN | Updated: Jun 3, 2019, 20:40 IST


GUWAHATI: IAF's AN-32 transport aircraft carrying 13 people on board went missing about half-an-hour after taking off from Jorhat in Assam.

The aircraft with eight crew members and five passengers took off at 12.27pm from IAF's Jorhat air base for the Menchuka advance landing ground (ALG) in Arunachal Pradesh.

PIB statement said that the aircraft last contacted the ground agencies around 1pm.

"Thereafter there was no contact with the aircraft. Since the aircraft did not reach the destination, overdue actions were initiated by IAF," the statement said.

Union defence minister Rajnath Singh tweeted that he spoke to vice chief of IAF, Air Marshal Rakesh Singh Bhadauria regarding the missing IAF AN-32 aircraft which was overdue for some hours.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:46 a.m. No.6661587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Next Irish governor faces calls to resign in NZ scandal


Opposition politicians in New Zealand have called on the man appointed as the next governor of Ireland’s central bank to resign from his current role.


Gabriel Makhlouf is currently serving as the senior civil servant at New Zealand’s finance ministry, having previously held senior roles in the equivalent UK ministry. He was named as the next governor of the Central Bank of Ireland by the Irish finance minister in May this year. Makhlouf was expected to start his five-year term as governor

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6661599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberian president fires central bank leadership and board


The Central Bank of Liberia’s governor is stepping down, one of its deputy governors has resigned, and the central bank board has been dissolved by the government, after the country’s president accused the institution of major failings.


The CBL has been the subject of extraordinary political, judicial and legal pressure over allegations by Liberian president George Weah that it has misused funds. This week, the president announced another criminal investigation into the bank was under way.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.6661706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ocasio-Cortez Smarts Off To Democrat Presidential Candidate. He Challenges Her To Debate.


Democratic presidential candidate John Delaney challenged democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to a debate on Sunday after the 29-year-old former bartender mocked Delaney, who is a successful businessman and former Democratic Congressman.


Delaney slammed the idea of government-run healthcare during a speech on Sunday at the California Democratic Convention in San Francisco.


"Medicare for all may sound good but it's actually not good policy nor is it good politics," Delaney said. "This is called the battle of ideas my friends."


"We should have universal health care, but it shouldn't be the kind of health care that kicks 150 million Americans off their health care," Delaney continued. "That's not smart policy. I want everyone to have health care, but it's got to be a plan that works for every American."

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6661743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not to worry you can vote for Hillary in 2020


Does Bill Clinton Run Murder Inc.?


The Clinton Body Count Rumours

Rumors claim the ex-president is responsible for more than a dozen murders


Rumors dating to the mid-1990s claim that dozens of people connected to Bill and Hillary Clinton have died under mysterious circumstances, provoking outlandish conspiracy theories about the former president's supposed involvement in their deaths. The idea of the "Clinton Body Count," which began during Bill's presidency, reared its head again during Hillary Clinton's 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns.


A typical chain email promoting the conspiracy theory lists over two dozen individuals who supposedly "[had] dirt on the Clintons," including former White House counselor Vince Foster, businessman James McDougal, and Susan Coleman, a law school student who allegedly had an affair with Bill Clinton. The email describes the circumstances of each person's death and advises the reader to "Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what happens to anyone who might damage the Clinton machine!"


Since Chronicles, the body count has multiplied: Some lists now include more than 60 “victims.” The lists include the most familiar dead Clinton associates (Vince Foster, Ron Brown), but also a cast of lesser-known characters, from a Little Rock dentist to former Clinton bodyguards. Some lists include people entirely unconnected to the president, such as Abbie Hoffman and Nicole Brown Simpson.


According to the lists, each Clinton scandal has a body count. Whitewater’s victims include James McDougal, who suffered a heart attack in prison. The fundraising scandal’s victims include C. Victor Raiser, a Clinton fundraiser who perished in a private plane crash, and Paul Tully, the former political director of the Democratic National Committee, who died of an apparent stroke. The Paula Jones suit’s victims include Bill Shelton, an Arkansas state trooper, and Kathy Ferguson, his fiancee, who both committed suicide. (Ferguson’s ex-husband was named as a co-defendant in Jones’ suit.) Flytrap’s victims include Ed Willey, husband of Clinton-accuser Kathleen Willey, who committed suicide, and Mary Mahoney, a former White House intern gunned down in a holdup at a Starbucks.

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.6661793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Full Media Blackout: Bill de Blasio's Wife Can't Account For $850 Million Collected From Taxpayers


he mainstream media in America cannot be trusted, period.


I noticed an article from The Daily Mail (UK) trending on Voat this evening and was shocked to learn that the story is actually months old, and not shocked to find that only a handful of conservative sites covered the story. It seems that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife (Chirlane McCray) headed a taxpayer-funded project called ThriveNYC and now she can not, or will not, account for $850 million in taxpayer money.


From The Daily Mail (published in early March):

Anonymous ID: ec600b June 3, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.6661833   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So kind of you to use your one and only post to warn me/us about that.. wonder why kek


'Unhinged': President Trump and San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz trade insults over Puerto Rico relief