Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6662029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2035 >>2047 >>2075 >>2178 >>2192 >>2619

New Strzok-Page Emails Reveal at Least FOUR FBI 302 Reports Related to Hillary Clinton’s Investigation Were Never Written


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Monday it received 218 pages of Strzok-Page emails which show FBI counsel James Baker instructing FBI officials to expedite the release of FBI probe material to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer in August of 2016.


Hillary’s lawyer, David Kendall and FBI counsel James Baker discussed quickly obtaining the “302” report of the FBI/DOJ interview of Clinton.


FD-302 reports are notes FBI officials take to summarize interviews they conduct with an individual.


The Strzok-Page emails also show the FBI failed to document at least four interviews of witnesses in the Clinton email probe.


Remember, this was happening at the same time Strzok launched “Crossfire Hurricane” to investigate Trump-Russia.


Via Judicial Watch:


On August 16, 2016, at 10:02 p.m. Baker emails then-Associate Deputy Director David Bowdich; Michael Steinbach, former executive assistant director for national security; former Acting Assistant Director Jason V. Herring; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former Principal Deputy General Counsel Trisha Anderson; Michael Kortan, FBI assistant director for public affairs, now retired; James Rybicki, former chief of staff to Comey; and others to inform them that he “just spoke” with Clinton’s lawyer Kendall, who requested documents from the FBI. Baker says he told Kendall he would “need to submit a request.” Baker tells them, “I said we would process it expeditiously.”


I just spoke with David Kendall … I conveyed our view that in order to obtain the documents [FBI investigative material] they are seeking they need to submit a request pursuant to the Privacy Act and FOIA. I said they could submit a letter to me covering both statutes. They will send it in the morning. I said that we would process it expeditiously. David asked us to focus first on the Secretary’s 302 [FBI interview report]. I said OK. [Redacted] We will have to focus on this issue tomorrow and get the 302 out the door as soon as possible and then focus on the rest of the stuff.


The following day, August 17, 2016, Kendall sent a FOIA/Privacy Act request on “behalf of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton” to the FBI’s top lawyer with a request for “expeditious processing.” Baker passes this request to Bowdich, Steinbach, Herring, Page, Anderson:


In my view, we need to move as quickly as possible on this, but pursuant to David’s oral request last night, we should focus first on Secretary Clinton’s 302…. Is the end of this week out of the question for her 302?


Then, in an August 21, 2016, email exchange Baker tells his people that he would “alert” Kendall shortly before Clinton’s 302 was to be posted on the FBI’s FOIA Vault webpage. On September 2, 2016, the FBI announced the release of Clinton’s interview documents.


Finally, on August 24, 2016, the acting FBI FOIA unit chief said he sees “no problem” with giving Hillary’s attorney a heads up before her records were posted to the Vault.


It gets worse…

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.6662040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Rebuffs Trump's Call To "STOP!" Ongoing "Butchery" In Idlib


With the joint Syrian and Russian air campaign over Idlib province heating up over the past three weeks, and with the final showdown between Damascus and the last major al-Qaeda stronghold in Syria's northwest imminent, President Trump on Sunday issued a stern warning directed at Syria, Russia, and Iran.


Trump tweeted that the three allies are "bombing the hell out of Idlib Province in Syria" and are in the process of "indiscriminately" killing civilians which he further called "butchery". He ended the statement in all caps, saying "STOP!".


The Kremlin was quick to respond, saying Monday militants from Idlib had stepped up attacks on civilian areas in places like nearby northern Hama as well as into Latakia province.


Blaming Turkey for failing to uphold the Astana ceasefire agreement by allowing its proxies to attack Syrian government areas, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said "militants were using Idlib as a base to launch attacks against civilian and military" which he called "unacceptable," according to Reuters.


“Of course strikes by militants from Idlib are unacceptable and measures are being taken to neutralize these strike positions,” Peskov told reporters.


Trump had issued a similarly threatening tweet aimed at preventing a Syrian-Russian assault on Idlib as Syrian Army ground forces mustered last September.


Amid threats the US was prepared to launch another strike (following the April 2018 strikes for a claimed chemical attack in Idlib's Khan Sheikhoun) if there was even so much as a claim of Syrian forces using chemical weapons, that prior September operation was called off as Russia and Turkey pursued a diplomatic route.


But here's the huge significance of Trump's latest tweet on Idlib: though it might be the case that's it's merely connected with the broader anti-Iran "maximum pressure" campaign, it remains that such statements are sure to get the immediate attention of the anti-Assad "rebels" — dominated in Idlib by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly AQ's Nusrah Front).

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.6662056   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘We are a patient country’: Putin spokesman says Kremlin keen on fresh Trump talks


The White House continues to act ‘illogically’ by failing to stage a new meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, Dmitry Peskov told RT, describing the broken relations between the countries as Barack Obama's legacy.


“We see lots of strategic questions on the agenda that should be tackled on the level of two presidents. There is no way for these problems to be solved on a lower level. We understand that lots of questions are coming from the American side that also should be discussed by the presidents,” Peskov, Vladimir Putin’s long-serving press secretary, told RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze in a sit-down interview.


He believes that the absence of prolonged face-to-face talks between the two leaders since the Helsinki summit last summer has key issues "idling" and "contradicts the national interests of our two countries," adding that there is only so much Russia can do on its own.


"We can't be holier than the Pope," Peskov surmised, speaking in English.


Trump abruptly canceled a scheduled sideline meeting with Putin at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires late last year over the Ukrainian ship incident near Kerch Strait between Crimea and mainland Russia, though the two held a brief informal chat.


The US president has announced that he may meet with the Russian leader during the upcoming G20 summit in Japan later this month, but Peskov insisted that no official request has come from the White House, and reiterated that the ball remains in America’s court.


"From the very beginning President Putin insisted that we were ready to go ahead as long and as advanced as our American counterparts are ready to. Unfortunately, now we see that they are not ready to advance at all," said Peskov.


”But President Putin is quite an experienced and quite a patient president of quite a patient country."


Peskov added that the Russian leader has made it his mission to “repair this damage that was done by President Obama during last month of his presidency."

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6662089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2128

Swedish court rejects request to detain Assange in absence over rape allegation


A Swedish court has struck down a prosecutor’s request to detain Julian Assange in absentia over outstanding rape allegations. The case was reopened after the WikiLeaks founder was hauled from London’s Ecuadorian embassy.


The court decided pre-trial detention for Assange would not be “proportionate,” said Swedish Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson at a press conference Monday, but added the investigation could still proceed without it.


The ruling was handed down Monday by a judge in a court in Uppsala, north of Stockholm.


Swedish prosecutors reopened the rape case earlier this month, soon after Assange was jailed for skipping a 2012 bail hearing. Assange requested Monday’s hearing be postponed, citing ill health, but the request was denied.


Detaining Assange in absence would have allowed Sweden to issue an arrest warrant on him, but for now the European warrant already issued will have to suffice for the investigators, the Swedish judge said.


Assange was arrested in mid-April after spending over six years under political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.


The United States introduced 17 indictments against the WikiLeaks founder in late May, charging him under the WWI-era Espionage Act for his work with whistleblower Chelsea Manning. He faces a sentence of up to 170 years in prison if found guilty. The UK is currently reviewing extradition requests from both the US and Sweden, but has yet to determine where Assange will go after his 50-week prison sentence in Britain.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6662097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2110 >>2192 >>2619

Apple Shares Drop To Session Lows As DoJ Launches Anti-Trust Probe


The latest scoop on the Trump Administration's big-tech anti-monopoly push comes courtesy of Reuters, which just sent Apple shares reeling by reporting that the DoJ will lead an anti-monopoly probe into the consumer-tech giant.


A fusillade of reports about the DoJ-FTC joint anti-trust push into Silicon Valley's largest and most powerful companies began with a WSJ report published late Friday indicating that the DoJ would take the lead in investigating Google. That was followed by a handful of reports on Monday about investigations into Amazon, Facebook and, now, Apple.


And just like that, the 'Bullard bounce', which briefly sent stocks into the green, is being eroded.


The news hit just as Tim Cook was presenting at Monday's Apple developer conference.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.6662110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162 >>2619


Facebook Tumbles After FTC Opens Competition Probe


The Trump Administration's long-anticipated anti-trust War on Silicon Valley is starting to look more like a blitzkrieg.


After WSJ opened the floodgates by quietly publishing the first report, about an anti-trust probe into Google, late Friday night, reports exposing new details about the anti-monopoly push, which will also encompass Amazon and, now, Facebook, have been dropping like bombs on the market.


According to WSJ's latest revelation, published around midday New York City time on Monday, the FTC is taking the lead on an anti-trust investigation into Facebook.


The report sent Facebook shares down 9% in midday trade, wiping $6 billion off CEO Mark Zuckerberg's net worth in minutes, showing just how seriously the market is taking the risk that the Trump Administration could do Elizabeth Warren one better by leading the breakup of big tech.


Per WSJ, the fact that the FTC - which is already preparing to levy a massive fine against Facebook for data privacy violations - has secured jurisdiction over the anti-trust probe into FB, suggesting that the agency is considering even more rigorous scrutiny.


Earlier, the Washington Post published more details about the incipient anti-trust push when it revealed that the FTC also has jurisdiction over an anti-trust probe into Amazon, as the FTC and DoJ divide up the anti-trust push not on a company by company, but on an issue-by-issue, basis, as WSJ explained.


Jurisdictional agreements between the FTC and Justice Department don’t assign one agency the right to oversee one company for all purposes. Instead, the two antitrust agencies clear each other to work on specific issues. Both the FTC and Justice Department, for example, in the past have conducted oversight of issues related to Google and Amazon.


The NYT also published new details about the DOJ's probe into Google, which will reportedly focus on its advertising and search businesses. If the intraday drop holds, it will be the biggest decline in FB shares since December.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6662143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A worker with a humanitarian group is now on trial for allegedly harboring illegal immigrants as they tried to enter the US


He insists that all he did was offer them food and water


Scott Warren, who volunteers with the humanitarian group No More Deaths, could face 20 years in prison for allegedly harboring illegal immigrants after they entered the United States.

What does his group do?


No More Deaths leaves water and food in places where it will likely be found by illegal immigrants making the dangerous trek across the desert in southern Arizona. The group was founded in 2004.


There are no exact figures for the number of illegal immigrants who die in the desert each year, but according to PBS, officials in Pima County, Arizona, recovered the remains of 2,816 people between 2000 and 2017. Since that time period, the number of border crossings has increased.

What happened now?


The case against Warren centers on two illegal immigrants who stopped at a shelter maintained by No More Deaths and a few other humanitarian groups about 40 miles from the Mexican border. The prosecution claimed that Warren coordinated the transportation of these two immigrants to the shelter, while Warren has insisted that he offered them only food and water after they arrived — and at the recommendation of a doctor and nurse.


The U.S. Border Patrol often allows aid groups to give illegal immigrants food and water, but not to transport them or to shield them from immigration authorities. Warren testified that the immigrants were only staying at the shelter temporarily and were about to continue their journey when they were arrested.


Warren has pleaded not guilty to the charges that led to his arrest on January 17, 2018, saying that he delivered aid only in accordance with the law. He faces one count of felony conspiracy and two counts of felony harboring.


Assistant U.S. Attorney Nate Walters, who is heading up the prosecution in this case, said Warren crossed the line from providing humanitarian aid and was actively trying "to shield illegal aliens from law enforcement for several days."


No More Deaths claims that Warren's arrest could be retaliation for a video that the group released showing Border Patrol agents dumping out water bottles left in the desert for illegal immigrants. Border Patrol had reportedly been notified of this video just hours before Warren was arrested.


According to CNN, this isn't the first time that volunteers with No More Deaths have been charged with violating laws dealing with illegal immigration. Warren's trial began on Monday.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6662156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2186 >>2211 >>2237 >>2269 >>2311 >>2403

WATCH: Woman Strapped to Chair, Beaten & Pepper Sprayed Over Unpaid Traffic Ticket


Cleveland, OH — A deeply disturbing video has been released from a surveillance camera inside Cuyahoga County jail of multiple officers strapping a woman to a restraint chair before hitting her and then covering her face in pepper spray foam. The nature of the video were so horrifying that the officers involved have all been charged with crimes.


The incident happened on July 16, 2018 when an innocent woman, Chantelle Glass was brought to jail. Despite being strapped down to a chair and savagely tortured, Glass was never charged with a crime but because she had an unpaid traffic ticket, they held her in jail.


Officer Idris-Farid Clark is one of five officers charged in multiple attacks on inmates. The video of Glass’ incident was just released this week as part of a claim filed against the county in the Ohio Court of Claims.


According to, the county spent months suppressing and refusing to release the video and disciplinary records stemming from Glass’ abuse. After watching the video, we now know why they wanted to keep it secret. It is utterly shocking.


As reports:


Glass was arrested and brought to the jail after a heated argument with her sister. She was never charged in the case, but was being held in the jail because she failed to show up for court for an old traffic ticket.


In a previous interview with, Glass said she got mad when officers refused to allow her to make a phone call to let someone know she was in the jail. That is backed up what officers wrote in their documentation of the incident released late Tuesday.


Glass’s account of what happened next differs from what officers wrote in their report. She said an officer threatened to pepper-spray her unless she stopped banging on her cell door and demanding her phone call.



Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6662183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York Times Highlights Sec Elaine Chao’s Connections To China. Chao’s Sister Appears To Find It Racist


The New York Times published a story Sunday suggesting Transportation Department Sec. Elaine Chao “boosted the profile of her family’s shipping company” through her position.

The NYT cited proposed budget cuts within her department to imply she serves at the expense of U.S. government support of the American shipping industry.

Chao is the daughter of Chinese immigrants who founded shipping giant Foremost Group.


The New York Times published a story Sunday evening suggesting Transportation Department Sec. Elaine Chao “boosted the profile of her family’s shipping company” through her position.


Chao, the daughter of Chinese immigrants who founded shipping giant Foremost Group, has not had a “formal role” at Foremost since the 1970s, reported The NYT. The news outlet also pointed out that Chao’s sister Angela Chao is CEO of Foremost and has ties to the Chinese state, including her membership of the board of the Bank of China.


“We are an international shipping company, and I’m an American,” Angela Chao told The New York Times Friday, adding, “I don’t think that, if I didn’t have a Chinese face, there would be any of this focus on China.”


The NYT piece connected Chao’s family ties to Foremost with cost-cutting proposals for the Maritime Administration that she oversees, like refurbishing used ships instead of buying new ones.


But Republican Maine Sen. Susan Collins, who leads a group with oversight of the Department of Transportation (DOT) budget, said that the push for budget cuts came from the White House and not Chao, according to The NYT. Collins called Chao a “strong advocate” for maritime prioritization.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.6662261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2272

CONFIRMED: Cancer is entirely a man-made disease


It may be hard to believe, but a recent study shows that cancer is 100 percent a man-made disease, and that it is caused by modern-day phenomena like pollution and dietary intake.


Researchers at the University of Manchester's KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology in England, reached that conclusion in 2010, after reviewing remains and literature from ancient Egypt and Greece, as well as earlier periods, a study that also included the first historical diagnosis of cancer in an Egyptian mummy.


The study, published at the time in the journal Nature Reviews Cancer, noted that researchers found only one occurrence of cancer while investigating hundreds of Egyptian mummies. In addition, they found very few references to the disease in period literature, which indicates that cancer cases were extremely rare during the period.


However, after the Industrial Revolution, cancer rates exploded, and in particular among children, which proves that the rise in cases is not exclusively tied to longer life.


"In industrialized societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare," said Prof. Rosalie David, of the Faculty of Life Sciences. "There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.


"The important thing about our study is that it gives a historical perspective to this disease," she continued. "We can make very clear statements on the cancer rates in societies because we have a full overview. We have looked at millennia, not one hundred years, and have masses of data."

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.6662283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2309

Netanyahu Promises Permanent Occupation


In a speech commemorating the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will never leave those areas. Since the 1967 Six-Day War, the Arab residents of these territories have lived under a military occupation, with no representation in the Israeli government.


Netanyahu praised President Trump twice during his speech, once for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and again for recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. He said recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights was a “good and important start.”


Some see Trump recognizing the Golan Heights as a part of Israel as a precursor to him recognizing the rest of the territories occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War. Netanyahu does know how to play to Trump’s ego, recently promising to name a settlement in the Golan Heights after him.


Netanyahu could be in trouble since he failed to form a new government after being reelected in April, Israeli Parliament voted to dissolve and Israelis will be heading back to the polls on September 17th. Back in April Netanyahu made a similar pledge in the run up to the elections, saying he would begin annexing the occupied West Bank if reelected.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6662303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2619

Israel relied heavily on NSA during 2006 Lebanon War, new Snowden documents show


US intelligence liaison report shows conflict with Hezbollah pushed Unit 8200 to its ‘technical and resource limits’; repeated Israeli requests led to new intel-sharing mechanism


Israel heavily relied on US intelligence during the 2006 Lebanon War, and made repeated requests for help in locating Hezbollah operatives for targeted assassinations, according to the latest classified documents leaked by American whistleblower Edward Snowden.


The two documents released on Wednesday revealed that even though the National Security Agency was legally prohibited from sharing surveillance data for targeted killings, Israeli pressure led to the creation of a new framework to facilitate intelligence-sharing between the two countries.


One of the documents released this week and published by The Intercept was a 2006 article featured in the NSA’s internal newsletter, SIDToday, by an unnamed NSA official in Tel Aviv who liaised with Israeli military officials during the 2006 conflict.


The other was an internal NSA presentation summarizing the US-Israeli intelligence sharing during that time.


In the SIDToday article, the liaison officer indicated that relations between the Israeli and US intelligence agencies became strained due to the repeated requests for help from Israel’s SIGINT National Unit (ISNU), a military intelligence squad known as Unit 8200.


It said the 2006 war pushed ISNU to its “technical and resource limits,” and Israeli officials turned to their American counterparts at the NSA for a great deal of support and information on Hezbollah targets.


“ISNU’s reliance on NSA was equally demanding and centered on requests for time sensitive tasking, threat warning, including tactical [electronic intelligence] and receipt of geo-location information on Hezbollah elements,” the US officer wrote in October 2006.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6662335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2619

Countrywide – China‘s average income per day is $8.16 as in eight dollars and sixteen cents a day


ountrywide – China‘s average income per day is $8.16 as in eight dollars and sixteen cents a day



Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.6662406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420 >>2619

Amazon Installing Alexa in Apartments and Hotel Rooms. They Say 24/7 Data Collection Will Help Property Managers Better Manage and Serve Tenants.


More creepy “Surveillance Capitalism” courtesy of Amazon who isn’t hiding that it is putting millions of smart speakers in homes and hotels by “offering discounted hardware, customized software and new ways for property managers to harvest and use data.”


Are there actually people willing to pay for this type of arrangement?


From the Wall Street Journal, “Amazon’s Plan to Move In to Your Next Apartment Before You Do.”


For Amazon, the appeal is obvious: Adding millions of new users to its services and gaining access to data like their voice-based wish lists and Alexa-powered shopping habits will put it further ahead of the competition which, at the moment, doesn’t have a significant presence in rental properties and new-home construction.


‘We can predict if residents are happy based on their digital interactions.’


Here’s what they have to say about privacy:


And there’s a question of privacy: Renters, home buyers and hotel guests are all surrendering more data as a result of these innovations, and may not be aware of all the parties monitoring their smart-home interactions.


Consenting to this data-surrending may be hidden somewhere in the contract’s fine print that most don’t read or don’t understand.


According to the article, Google is also interested in doing this kind of thing in homes too. Why the heck not, right?


In the meantime, Amazon is also planning to “push” its surveillance and data collection devices in other places too – including public places:

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.6662425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A perfect example of how the MSM subtly tries to manipulate the way you think by tricking your mind into believing something that’s not true. 58% are in FAVOR, not opposing.


A clear and perfect example of how the MSM continues to subtly manipulate the way you think. In this image, on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, you can see that they flipped the opposing and in favor of category’s to make the viewer believe 58% oppose the expansion of a border wall, when 58% are actually in favor.


As the viewer, you would simply and quickly read each column and not pay attention to the formatting. It’s something many might not recognize, but some would. It is deceitful and another reason why you cannot trust anything you see. You must verify.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6662439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top North Korean official reappears days after purge report


SEOUL, South Korea – A senior North Korean official who had been reported as purged over the failed nuclear summit with Washington was shown in state media enjoying a concert alongside leader Kim Jong Un.


North Korean publications on Monday showed Kim Yong Chol sitting near a clapping Kim Jong Un and other top officials during a musical performance by the wives of Korean People's Army officers.


Kim Yong Chol had been North Korea's top nuclear negotiator and met with President Donald Trump at the White House while setting up Trump's two summits with Kim Jong Un.


South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo last week cited an unnamed source to report that Kim Yong Chol was sentenced to hard labor following the collapse of the second summit in February.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.6662469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2484 >>2619

YouTube pushes children’s videos to pedophiles through content recommendation engine


A mom in Brazil became concerned as she watched the viewing numbers on innocent backyard clip her daughter posted to YouTube suddenly climb hundreds of thousands of views. The child posted a video of herself and a friend playing in the family pool. YouTube’s recommendation engine had been suggesting the video as recommended content to viewers who’d just watched other videos that contained sexually oriented video content. YouTube’s AI sexualized her kid and pushed her image to pedophiles. This happens a lot, apparently.


“YouTube’s algorithm has been curating home movies of unwitting families into a catalog of semi-nude kids,” tweeted Max Fisher at the New York Times.


“YT often plays the videos after users watch softcore porn, building an audience of millions for what experts call child sexual exploitation.”


“I asked YouTube— why not just turn off recommendations on videos of kids? Your system can already identify videos of kids automatically,” says Fisher.


“The recommendation algorithm is driving this whole child exploitation phenomenon. Switching it off would solve the problem and keep kids safe.”


YouTube’s CEO is a woman, Susan Wojcicki.


From Max Fisher and Amanda Taub at the New York Times:


YouTube’s automated recommendation system — which drives most of the platform’s billions of views by suggesting what users should watch next — had begun showing the video to users who watched other videos of prepubescent, partially clothed children, a team of researchers has found.


YouTube had curated the videos from across its archives, at times plucking out the otherwise innocuous home movies of unwitting families, the researchers say. In many cases, its algorithm referred users to the videos after they watched sexually themed content.


The result was a catalog of videos that experts say sexualizes children.

Anonymous ID: b57b04 June 3, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6662497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2567 >>2619

Sudanese security forces launch deadly raid on camping protesters, at least 13 killed – reports


Sudan’s military has used live ammunition to disperse protesters in the capital, Khartoum, according to reports. A medical association close to the protesters said that at least 13 people have been killed and dozens injured.


Sudan has been ruled by the Transitional Military Council since the ousting of authoritarian president Omar al-Bashir in April. The crackdown comes as participants in a long-running sit-in outside the army’s HQ have been demanding democratic reforms and for generals to hand over power.


On Monday, security forces started an operation to clear protesters from the camp. There have been reports of gunfire and explosions heard in the centre of Khartoum and neighbouring city Omdurman. Videos by Arab media and on social media show people fleeing the site of the sit-in. The central committee of Sudanese doctors, which confirmed the deaths of protesters, accused the military council of firing live bullets at people. The council has dismissed the accusation, saying the security forces had targeted criminals.


Footage a hour ago‼️

5:30am Khartoum time‼️

Sit ins officially dispersed by the RSF‼️#SudanUprising #SudanRevolts # #_ #


The Sudanese Professionals Association, the group that initiated nationwide protests last December, has called on people to “go out to the streets” and “build barricades” while emphasizing the peaceful nature of the protest. “We call for continued struggle with full civil disobedience until the fall of” the Transitional Military Council, the group’s statement says.


The protesters and Sudan’s army chiefs have been stuck in a deadlocked negotiation over who should govern in a transitional period. The military said it would let protesters form a government but insists on maintaining authority during an interim period which is opposed by protesters.