Anonymous ID: 13fb45 June 3, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6662706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2788 >>2889

In the ongoing battle for the mind and soul (Armageddon), our language has been hijacked!


NLP was been weaponized by the usual suspects, LONG before Tony R. and others brought it into public view!


Consider that the technology of laser holography has been brought to a level capable of projecting images of aircraft while the public/commercial exploitation has been deliberately retarded, to prevent people from connecting the dots too soon.


Similarly, the industrial remodeling of our primary communication channel, by the master of the media, especially Hollowwood, was kept in the background until the damage was already done and THEN the public view was permitted, to FURTHER NORMALIZE the OUTRIGHT INVERSION of the semantics of our language.


Though it is fun for a minute to say “libtard” in knee-jerk response to a "trumptard” grenade, we of the anon army who are dedicated to the Great Awakening must lead the mass mind away from compromised words with highly charged connotations.


Time to return language to the constructive use of thinkers and communicators, not to be used only unconsciously by mindless minions, emotional traps and manipulators!


The mind control training which media addicts soak up like brain-dead sponges, enables superficial, hypnotized minds to JUDGE OTHERS WITHOUT AWARENESS, applying easy stick-on labels provided by the sorcerers of spin, to straw man group targets!


The easiest target for low IQ intellectuals is: fundamentalist Christians.

Note the hypocrisy!

Islamic fundamentalism is OFF-LIMITS to the angry idiot crowd!


Though people on the path of spiritual growth (the purpose of life) may shake their heads at believers stuck in literal interpretations, there is meme gold here waiting to be gifted!


We in the Great Awakening are dealing with lifetime media addicts, who literally worship the State, or more accurately, worship at the SHARED ILLUSION of the State which the media Matrix maintains at all times!


Imagine trading the admittedly flawed human religious institutions created to gate keep deep knowledge (from whence the darklings get the power to wield arrogantly, BTW) for institutions DESIGNED to cut off human conscious awareness at the knees, by sliding meanings away from coherence to superficial and ridiculous bullshit!


Formerly human people whose minds can no longer accept the idea that the media is lying to their faces and BELIEVE THE MEDIA LITERALLY, without question, using the language of their captors to rationalize any sloppy discrepancies or glitches in the Matrix!


So, a better anti-label, since we engage with empowered label lobbers, which contains actual information content:

Media fundamentalist


These people go beyond the absurdity of believing scripture literally; they believe low IQ, corrupted souls paid to LIE TO THEM are telling the literal absolute truth and anyone who questions the superficial wallpaper of fiction is shunned for being a “conspiracy believer”!


Proof of brain damage becoming normalized!


ALL of the 4-6% estimated unrecoverable are Media fundamentalists and this group of entranced zombies COMPRISE THE PRIMARY LOOSE CANNON, aimed at all awakening, freedom loving people!


One technique to deploy consistently against people taking superficial sound bites and running amok with them is to demand:

Define your terms, please!

This phrase (once common in formal debates) functions like shining sunlight on nightwalkers!



“What do you mean by that term?”

“Where did you get that information?”


Try it!