Anonymous ID: 65b4a4 June 3, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6662979   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Roger Stone


Roger Stone Reportedly Demands Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Be 'Hung' For Treason On Instagram

Anonymous ID: 65b4a4 June 3, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6663016   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Prosecutor shifts Smollett recusal reasons, releases files


Chicago’s top prosecutor again shifted her explanation for why she recused herself from an investigation into Jussie Smollett’s claim that he’d been the target of a hate crime, saying she stepped aside because of false rumors she was related to the “Empire” actor.


Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx offered the new public explanation in a statement issued along with the release of 2,000 pages of documents in the case, which also refer to the rumors arising as suspicions grew that Smollett, who is black and gay, staged the attack against himself.


Her statement and the documents, which included internal office communications, illustrate how Foxx and her office at times agonized over whether she should recuse herself at all and over how to explain the decision in March to drop all charges that accused Smollett of lying about the assault and making a false police report. Smollett claimed he was the victim of a racist, anti-gay attack in downtown Chicago in January.


Foxx said in her Friday statement: “False rumors circulated that I was related or somehow connected to the Smollett family, so I removed myself from all aspects of the investigation and prosecution … so as to avoid even the perception of a conflict.”


But previous explanations suggested that she recused herself in February because of communications with a Smollett family member as the investigation of the reported attack was ongoing.


Foxx communicated in early February with former first lady Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff Tina Tchen, who was representing Smollett’s family, and with a member of Smollett’s family about the investigation. She recused herself on Feb. 13, and her office cited the communications with the Smollett relative, whom Tchen had encouraged Foxx to call, as the reason for the decision.


The new documents portrayed her as torn about whether to recuse herself at all.

Anonymous ID: 65b4a4 June 3, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.6663081   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3093 >>3101



Hillary Clinton and Daughter Chelsea to Form Production Company


Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea are forming a production company to pursue film and television projects, making a foray into Hollywood after decades in the public eye.


The two have spoken to studios about financing a pipeline of programs, said people familiar with the matter. They would give a studio first crack at releasing the projects, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are at an early stage.


The family hopes to use film and television to influence culture and society now that Hillary Clinton is out of politics. They plan to focus on stories by and about women. The production company is one of many potential business opportunities that Hillary Clinton, 71, is considering.


Hillary Clinton previously signed on to help produce a TV show with Steven Spielberg. That series, “The Woman’s Hour,” is an adaptation of a book about activists who fought to earn women the right to vote.


The Clintons are following in the footsteps of the Obamas. Former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle created a production company, Higher Ground Productions, and have a deal at Netflix Inc. Their first slate of shows includes an adaptation of Michael Lewis’s book about federal bureaucracy, as well as a drama series about the world of fashion.