Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.6662654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2797

Forgotten Battles Against the Deep State part 2: JFK vs. the Empire


John embraced this Irish heritage. But his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, partnered with British and Wall Street financiers, pushed and shoved his way up into immense wealth, and finally thrust himself alongside the highest ranks of the British imperial oligarchy.


This article first appeared in the September 6, 2013 issue of Executive Intelligence Review for the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s murder, a crime from which America has never recovered. It is now featured as the second part of a new series entitled “Forgotten Battles Against the Deep State” which sheds new light on the resistance to the British coup conducted on western governments during the post war years.


Click here for the first article in this series “John Diefenbaker’s Northern Vision Sabotaged by Rhodes Scholars”


Method of Investigation


Investigators normally consider who benefitted from a crime, and what changed as a result of that crime.


In this case, we must first understand who Kennedy was, and what he fought for; who we were as a nation, and where we were headed when he was shot. Knowing that will make plain who killed him and why. It will help guide us to what we must now change for our survival.


Kennedy’s Nationalism


When Kennedy returned from his celebrated World War II Naval service and plunged into politics, he aimed to set the world back on the path of his late Commander-in-Chief, Franklin Roosevelt, and to bury imperialism.


In his first political speech, to the American Legion post in Boston, Nov. 18, 1945, in anticipation of a run for Congress, he explained Winston Churchill’s recent electoral defeat by contrasting the outlook of Churchill’s party with that of Franklin Roosevelt.


Churchill’s Conservative Party had governed England


“during the years of the depression when poverty stalked the Midlands and the coal fields of Wales, and thousands and thousands lived off the meager pittance of the dole. Where Roosevelt made his political reputation by his treatment of the depression, the Conservative Party lost theirs.”


And the English voters had been jolted by that contrast when soldiers from Roosevelt’s America were stationed there in wartime:


“England traditionally has been a country with tremendous contrasts between the very rich and the very poor. That arch Tory, Benjamin Disraeli, … once stated that England was divided into two nations—the rich and the poor…. With the … coming of the American troops with their high pay, with their stories of cars, refrigerators, and radios for all, a new spirit—a new restlessness—and a fresh desire for the better things of life had become strong in Britain.”


But Kennedy warned that even if the Labour Party were in power, “Britain stands today as Britain has always stood—for the empire.”


In that speech, Kennedy spoke also of the heroic Michael Collins, leader of the 1922 Irish armed revolt against Britain:


“This young man, who was killed in his early thirties, looms as large today in Ireland as when he died.”


Cont. in link

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, noon No.6662683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2711 >>2898 >>2986 >>3408

Snap Ukrainian General Elections: What’s Going On?


On May 21st Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree dissolving the parliament, after vowing to do so on the previous day, during his inauguration speech. The date of the snap elections was set as July 21st.


The reason he gave was that the MPs weren’t attempting to solve the people’s problems, but rather they were the problem.


“Allow me to quote one American actor who has become a great American president: “The government does not solve our problems. The government is our problem.”


I do not understand our government that only shrugs and says: “There is nothing we can do.” Not true. You can. You can take a sheet of paper and a pen and free your seats for those who think about the next generations and not about the next election! Do it and people will appreciate that.


Your applause is pretty light…I guess not everyone likes what I’m saying? Too bad, since it’s not me, but the Ukrainian people who is saying that.”


In the upcoming elections, Zelensky’s new party “Servant of the People,” with his campaign manager Dmytro Razumkov as its head would interview possible candidates for MPs, who need to be “highly moral.”


Razumkov, the director of a political consulting company, got his start in politics as a member of the former Party of Regions of Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from power by the Maidan Coup in 2014.


The contenders in the upcoming elections are several:


Zelensky’s Servant of the People platform;

Opposition Platform – For Life;

European Solidarity – the rebranded Petro Poroshenko Bloc;

All-Ukrainian Union – Fatherland, whose main contender is former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko;


According to recent opinion polls by IAP, SM & UICD, Rating between May 16th and 29th, Zelensky’s leading the race with approximately 40%, with the Opposition Platform lagging behind with approximately 12%, and European Solidarity behind with about 9%. Following them is Tymoshenko’s Fatherland with about 9%, too.

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.6662709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2832 >>2898 >>2986 >>3408

Israeli intelligence purportedly linked Iran to UAE tanker sabotage — report


US to present Mossad-gathered evidence to Security Council in coming days; source tells public broadcaster attack on Gulf oil vessels was ‘a pretty good operation’


Intel purportedly linking Iran to UAE tanker sabotage sourced by Israel — report


Intelligence indicating that Iran is responsible for sabotaging four oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates last month was sourced by Israel’s Mossad, the Kan public broadcaster reports.


An Israeli describes the purported Iranian attack on the tankers as “a pretty good commando operation.”


Kan says the US is preparing to present the evidence gathered by Israel to the UN Security Council in the coming days.


Last month, a senior Pentagon officer accused Iran and its proxies for the tanker bombings and a rocket attack in Iraq. Vice Admiral Michael Gilday did not provide direct evidence to back up claims tying Iran to the attacks, but told reporters that the conclusions were based on intelligence and evidence gathered in the region.


Iran denies being involved in the attack.



Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.6662719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2753

Catholic School Principal Arrested at a D.C. Strip Club While on Student Field Trip


In an incident that shocked communities Friday, Michael Comeau, a school principal and recipient of the prestigious Milken award for educators, thought it was a good idea to get belligerently drunk, hit up the strip club, then refuse to pay … all while on a school field trip.

Comeau, 47, was one of several chaperones that traveled from Holy Family Catholic school in Port Allen, La., to Washington D.C. to explore the nation’s capital, when he decided to do some secret exploration of his own. He went to a strip club just a short walk from the White House, but his plans were foiled when he got disorderly, refusing to pay his tab at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club. According to the arrest report obtained by the Advocate, officers received a 2:20 a.m. complaint of “an intoxicated man refusing to pay his bill.” Comeau was found standing in a roadway and refused to move even after being asked multiple times. Comeau was arrested for public intoxication and possession of an open container of alcohol.

According to Dan Borne, spokesman for the Diocese of Baton Rouge, students were in their hotel rooms and safely with other chaperones when Comeau was on the little excursion that led to his arrest. At least they weren’t waiting outside on the school bus.

Comeau’s fall from grace comes as a particular shock as he was previously named one of 20 outstanding teachers honored by USA Today and received the prestigious Milken award, including a $25,000 stipend. The Milken award was given to Comeau for his work in closing the achievement gap for academically struggling students.

Perhaps a warning sign of something being off could be found in one of Comeau’s previous school scandals. According to the Advocate, while Comeau worked at Greenbrier Elementary, he allegedly mishandled $120,000 in Hurricane Katrina recovery donations. The funds were meant for instructional purposes, but Comeau resigned in 2006 after an auditor determined the money went mostly to other uses. There’s been no word on if he cashed the money into all single dollar bills. The Advocate notes, “It is unclear whether the Diocese knew of Comeau’s history at Greenbrier when he was hired.”

Still, the Diocese has been accused of knowingly hiring people who’ve done much worse.

According to an official statement from the Diocese, Comeau gave a letter of resignation, bringing an end to his five-year service as principal:


The Diocese of Baton Rouge confirmed today that Michael Comeau, principal at Holy Family School in Port Allen, was arrested on May 30 while on a school sponsored trip to Washington, DC. The incident occurred when the students on the trip were in their hotel rooms for the evening under the supervision of other chaperones. Mr. Comeau had been principal of Holy Family School for five years and prior to that time had served in public education in the surrounding area. Mr. Comeau has submitted his resignation as principal and an interim principal will be appointed.

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6662764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2774 >>3245

All the evidence point to the fact that ISIS was created by the US & Israel and funded by Saudi Arabia


ISIS is a US-Israeli creation,


SIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is written for the large majority of people in the world who still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS. No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism.


It’s amazing how many people still struggle to get that point. We have been inundated with propaganda surrounding the fraudulent war on terror, notably terms such as Islamic terrorism and radical Islam, but more accurate phrases would be Zio-Islamic terrorism and radical Zio-Islam. Secret military agencies such as the CIA and the Mossad pull the strings. Here is a list of the top 10 ‘indications’ that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation.


ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #1: ISIS Foreknowledge via Leaked DIA Doc


The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) is 1 of 16 US military intelligence agencies. According to a leaked document obtained by Judicial Watch, the DIA wrote on August 12, 2012 that:


“there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime …”


This was written before ISIS came on to the world stage. Clearly ISIS was no random uprising, but rather a carefully groomed and orchestrated controlled opposition group.


The “supporting powers to the opposition” referred to are Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the GCC nations such as Qatar, who are in turn being supported by the US-UK-Israeli axis in their struggle to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. As I outlined in this article Syrian Ground War About to Begin? WW3 Inches Closer, the US is backing the Sunni nations while Russia, China and Iran are backing the Shia nations, so there is the definite potential for this to erupt into World War 3. Below are screenshots of the actual DIA document:








Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6662774   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Finally, consider this: why is ISIS always the perfect excuse for further military intervention in Syria? Given the history of foreign meddling in Syria, particularly by the US and Israel in the last 70 years, isn’t it rather convenient that the specter of ISIS is the justification offered for proposed no-fly zones, air strikes and ground troops? How would the US and Israel conquer the Middle East without their pet Frankenstein ISIS?


Share this article with those who haven’t yet awoken to the truth about ISIS. Many have already seen through the propaganda. Once enough of us do, the usefulness of this ridiculous, dangerous and vaudevillian terrorist group will expire – and maybe a critical mass of people will pull back the curtain and, for once, get a glimpse of the true puppetmasters.


Concluding Note


ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #10: ISIS is an Acronym for Mossad. [The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Interesting Coincidence]


ISIS itself is an acronym, not just for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service! This is another way to describe the Mossad, the shady Zionist spy agency whose motto is “by way of deception, thou shalt do war”. In this video (below), the 2 authors being interviewed (Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman) admit that the acronym ISIS = Mossad.



Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6662828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IRAN: The Last Bulwark Against Zio-Anglo-American Terrorist Groups in the Mideast


US-Iran: Inverted Reality, Real War


June 3, 2019 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – In its march toward yet another war, the United States accuses Iran of using military force to establish itself as a “regional hegemon.” It accuses Iran of being the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. It accuses Iran of aiding rebels in Yemen, the government in Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.


But what the United States leaves out about Iran is just as important as what it accuses Iran of.Familiar Lies


For one, the Middle East already has a regional hegemon – the United States.Even the wildest accusations against Iran regarding state sponsored terrorism pale in comparison to Al Qaeda and the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) whose terrorism spans the globe, including standing armies operating in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan – several of which Iran itself is specifically fighting.


The US also supports terrorist organizations within Iran including the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK). MEK enjoys the support of National Security Adviser John Bolton – who lobbied for them for years while they were listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department itself.

Thus, Iran finds itself involved in Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon precisely to stave off openly declared intentions by the US to include Iran next under its already expansive hegemony over the Middle East.

During Washington’s slow-motion blitzkrieg across North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, now decades of lies have continued generating excuses, pretexts, and artificial threats to justify America’s unending wars and Washington’s march toward its next target – Iran.

Iran is Resisting Regional Hegemony

The US invasion of Afghanistan along Iran’s eastern borders in 2001, then the US invasion of Iraq along Iran’s western borders in 2003 left the nation surrounded by US military forces. The invasions, followed by extended occupations were only two of the most extreme examples of Washington’s aggressive military encirclement of Iran itself.


It is a multi-trillion dollar industry, and one only Washington is shameless enough to openly and continuously promote. There is no lie too big or disgraceful to keep America’s last major export of chaos profitable.

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6662858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2978 >>3263

Italy’s Communist regime conspired against Trump and the American people


by Leo Lyon Zagami


Today, I would like to let the American people know that the rumors that the firing of top Italian spies are related to Obama and a plot to set up President Trump in the Hillary email scandal are 100% true. I can only say this now because I am finally safe in the United States of America after Matteo Renzi and Giorgio Napolitano, who continuously tried to have me arrested in the last few years. It was these two criminals that ruined my life, and the life of my poor wife, who suffered anxiety after my involvement in the so-called “pitchfork” movement in Italy in 2013:


This sordid tale began with the involvement of Italian intelligence and Giorgio Napolitano, who served as the 11th President of the Republic from 2006 to 2015, and was the only Italian President to be re-elected to the presidency, due to the fact that he is the illegitimate son of Umberto II, the last King of Italy. For this reason, critics often refer to him as Re Giorgio (“King George”).


However, Napolitano, who is a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, was a member of the Italian Communist Party. Even the progressive newspaper, “The Guardian” that in recent years wrote many articles on the infamous Russiagate, and after his election in 2006 stated the following, “The Italian parliament today elected a former communist as president.” What people don’t know is that ex-president Giorgio Napolitano, because of his bloodline, still controls Italian politics, even after he resigned in 2015.


In fact, former constitutional court judge and veteran center-left politician Sergio Mattarella, who took his place as Italian president, is only a modest Sicilian Mafia puppet in the hands of “King George” who actively conspired against Donald J. Trump with ex-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in 2016 under direct orders from his friend, Hillary Clinton. Renzi, who abused Italian intelligence for similar illegal activities is linked to the Clinton Foundation and is currently participating to the Bilderberg meeting in Montreux Switzerland.


There could be, however, other interesting developments on this story that the Italian media are keeping totally silent because it involves SpyGate, linked to the total failure of the Russiagate investigation. We all know how they attempted to frame a young Trump staff assistant, George Papadopoulos, through a fake “Russian spy,” called professor Mifisud, and both of these figures interestingly enough, revolved around the Link University in Rome, and contacts between the FBI and other foreign agencies, including the Italian ones that participated in a manipulative plot to sabotage President-elect Donald J. Trump.


Not sure about Zagami but this is interesting, so called insiders cannot be trusted.

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6662907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3164

The "Secret Source" Of Tesla's Cash Has Been Revealed


A Bloomberg report has revealed what it dubs the "secret source" of Tesla's cash.


Tesla has been pulling in much-needed extra cash from the same competitors that it criticizes for relying on internal combustion engines. To achieve this, the company has been offloading federal greenhouse gas credits to GM and Fiat, according to disclosures made to the state of Delaware earlier this year.


The sales of hybrid Chevrolet Volts and all-electric Chevy Bolts have put GM in a position where they don't need the credits today, but they are buying them as a hedge against potential stricter future regulations, which could be a reality, especially if President Trump is dethroned by a socialist democrat in 2020.


Mike Taylor, the founder and president of Emission Advisors, a Houston-based environmental credit consultant and broker said: “This might not be a bad hedge. If a Democrat gets elected in 2020, GM may need the credits and prices may go up.”


GM's agreement to buy the credits was dated February 25. A company spokesperson said that GM was buying the credits "as insurance against future regulatory uncertainties."


Fiat disclosed agreements with Tesla that were dated 2016, 2018 and early 2019. A spokesperson for Fiat said: "U.S. standards are getting stricter at a pace that far exceeds the level of consumer demand for electric cars that is required for compliance. Until demand catches up with regulatory requirements, and there is regulatory relief, we will use credits as appropriate."


In other words, more suffocating government regulation is inadvertently continuing to bail out the cash incinerating Tesla.


Since 2010, Tesla has generated an astounding $2 billion in revenue from selling these credits, a massive figure considering that the company has found a way to remain hugely unprofitable throughout most of the last decade. The company's home state of CA requires "carmakers to sell zero-emission vehicles, or ZEVs, in proportion to their share of the state’s auto market, which is the largest in the country."


If a company doesn't meet its obligation, it is required to purchase credits from competitors to make up the difference. Similar credit systems are run at the federal level by the EPA and NHTSA. Tesla CFO Zach Kirkhorn said during an investor call last month that credit sales would "be a more meaningful part of Tesla's business" in coming years. Because, you know, car sales are working out so well.


As a reminder, in Q1, Tesla reported that it had sold $216 million in creditrs. Even so, it still managed to post a loss of nearly three quarters of a billion dollars.

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6662931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2986 >>3408

Gov. Cuomo plans ‘solidarity trip’ to Israel


Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Sunday he plans to make a “solidarity trip” to Israel following the end of the legislative session, which sunsets June 19.


“As a sign of solidarity, at this time of crisis for the Jewish people, I’m going to be doing another trip to Israel as a trip in solidarity right after the legislative session, and I invite my Jewish colleagues to join us as a sign of solidarity. New York stands with Israel,” said Cuomo at the Manhattan-based Celebrate Israel Parade — a pro-State of Israel gathering held since 1965.


The governor highlighted a 57-percent increase in anti-Semitic attacks reported across the country, as well as an 83-percent spike in the Empire State alone.


“There was a time when we could have political differences, but it didn’t turn into hate,” he added in remarks given before marching in the parade. “We’ve always had political differences, back to our founding fathers we had political differences. But we tolerate them and we understand them. We can have political differences about Israel and Palestine, that’s what makes democracy that debate.”


Last month, the NYPD marked a doubling of anti-Semitic crimes compared to this time last year.


Cuomo also directed the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force earlier Sunday to aid investigations into an incident at the Brooklyn Jewish Children’s Museum, last Thursday.


An anti-Semitic note with the words, “Hitler is Coming,” was discovered on a billboard, prompting an ongoing police probe.


The governor canceled a scheduled visit to Israel last summer, citing violence on the Gaza strip related to the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


He has visited the nation in the past, notably in 2014 during his second gubernatorial re-election campaign.

Anonymous ID: 7fa486 June 3, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6662947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2986 >>3408

Catholic schoolgirls are being taught that God is GENDER-NEUTRAL and are banned from using the words 'Lord', 'Father' and 'Son' in prayers


Brisbane Catholic schools are removing male-centric terms from their prayers

The Catholic Office for the Participation of Women director said she is 'thrilled'

Queensland Catholic Education Commission doesn't give a guide on language


Catholic schoolgirls are being taught that God is gender-neutral and banned from using the words 'Lord', 'Father' and 'Son' in prayers.


A number of elite Catholic schools in Brisbane are making moves to teach their students to use inclusive language when referring to God.


Top schools including All Hallows, Stuartholme, Loreto College and Stuartholme School are leading a push towards a feminist interpretation of the Christian Bible.


Students at Stuartholme School in Brisbane's inner-city, which charges upwards of $40,000 a year, are taught to use the word 'Godself' instead of 'himself'.


As we believe God is neither male or female, Stuartholme tries to use gender-neutral terms in prayers … so that our community deepens their understanding of who God is for them, how God reveals Godself through creation, our relationships with others and the person of Jesus,' a spokeswoman told The Sunday Mail.


Loreto College in Coorparoo has taken the word 'Lord' from their prayers as it is a 'male term'.


The school's principal Kim Wickham said prayers written for use within the college didn't assign God a gender.