Anonymous ID: 8ea739 June 3, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.6663091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did we know this about Mueller's ancestry? Good grief. He's from an entire line of creepy spooks:


"(Mueller)…came from a well-connected and well-off family.


His wife, Ann Cabell Standish Mueller, is related to Charles Cabell, once deputy director of the CIA. Richard Bissell, formerly the CIA’s director of plans, is his cousin. Both men were fired by President Kennedy for their roles in the Bay of Pigs fiasco."


Charles Cabell wiki:

Charles Pearre Cabell (October 11, 1903 – May 25, 1971) was a United States Air Force General and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1953–1962).

He was the son of Ben E. (son of Confederate general William L. Cabell) and Sadie E. (Pearre) Cabell

Ordered the creation of Project Blue Book

Was big force behind creation of the U-2 bomber along with the Dulles brothers

His brother Earle was the mayor of Dallas when JFK was assassinated

Was a 10th-generation descendant of Pocahontas and 3rd cousin of Navy four-star admiral Richard H. Jackson.[6]


"One hypothesis regarding the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, has to do with the so-called Renegade CIA Clique", where one attempts to implicate Cabell and several other CIA officials, including James Jesus Angleton and William King Harvey, as well as the "three tramps", and Cabell's brother Earle Cabell.[4]


During Jim Garrison's 1973 bribery trial, tape recordings from March 1971 revealed that Garrison considered publicly implicating Cabell of conspiracy in the assassination after learning he was the brother of the Dallas mayor.[5] Theorizing that a plot to kill the President was masterminded out of New Orleans in conjunction with the CIA with cooperation from the Dallas police department and city government, Garrison tasked his chief investigator, Pershing Gervais, of looking into the possibility that Cabell had stayed in the city's Fontainebleau Motel at the time of the assassination.[5] The Washington Post reported that there was no evidence that Gervais ever followed through with the request and that there was no further mention of Cabell in Garrison's investigation.[5] "


Richard Bissell wiki, which really needs to be read to be believed. My mouth was hanging open.

Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. (September 18, 1909 – February 7, 1994) was a Central Intelligence Agency officer responsible for major projects such as the U-2 spy plane and the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

First co-director of the NRO


Good grief, look at Bissell's pedigree:

Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. was the son of Richard Bissell, the president of Hartford Fire Insurance.[3][4] He was born in the Mark Twain House in Hartford, Connecticut, and went to Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts.[5] Two of his fellow pupils at Groton were Joseph Alsop and Tracy Barnes. He studied history at Yale University, turning down membership in Skull and Bones, and graduating in 1932, then studied at the London School of Economics. He returned to Yale where he obtained a Ph.D. in economics in 1939. His brother, William, also attended Yale and became a member of Skull and Bones[citation needed].


Administered the Marshall Plan in Europe post WWII


"Bissell moved to Washington, D.C., where he associated with a group of journalists, politicians, and government officials that became known as the Georgetown Set, originally formed in 1945-1948 by a group of former OSS veterans from WWII." (see Georgetown Set wiki for members' names along w/their wives)


Lordy, there's too much more to post. See Bissell's wiki.

Set up Area 51

Devised strategy for the Bay of Pigs debacle Worked directly with the Mafia with pal Allen Dulles. His closest co-worker Sidney Gottlieb was the CIA's Tech Services head for its MKUltra operation.


As a face-saving exit from the CIA, John F. Kennedy offered Bissell the post as director of a new science and technology department. This would leave him in charge of the development of the Lockheed A-12, the new spy plane that would make the U-2 obsolete (forerunner to the SR-71 Blackbird) Bissell turned down the offer and in February 1962 he left the Central Intelligence Agency and was replaced as head of the Directorate for Plans, by Richard Helms.

Anonymous ID: 8ea739 June 3, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.6663263   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Confirmation for "Operation Charlemagne" as described last week by Giulio Occhionero to Neon Revolt


If anyone here is still screeching about shooting the messenger on this massive story, they should log off and go clean up their kitchen.

Giulio Occhionero is 100% right, and has a significant collection of documents to back it up.

Anonymous ID: 8ea739 June 3, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.6663287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3333

Around 2 AM this morning, an anon popped in quickly claiming to be "deeohjay anon" to give us a heads up for a big drop this week.


Eyes on, anons:

Anonymous ID: 8ea739 June 3, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6663383   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Need anons with Instagram accounts to watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Dan Scavino's accounts, per their request for this week


Pics should be interesting!