so this is not good.
trust no one
Trump And Prince Are Golfing Buddies. Why That Is A HUGE PROBLEM!!!
so this is not good.
trust no one
Trump And Prince Are Golfing Buddies. Why That Is A HUGE PROBLEM!!!
Iron Sky Official Trailer #2 - Nazi's on the Moon Movie (2012) HD
Truth in plane sight whit mix fiction
IRON SKY 2 Trailer (2016)
Truth in plane sight.
The zionist Jared Kushner
White House envoy Jared Kushner stands accused of “racism” for answering a question about Palestinians’ ability to self-govern by expressing hope they’ll be capable of this in the future – implying they’re incapable of this now.
In a sit-down interview with Axios on HBO, the son-in-law of US President Donald Trump and his charge d’affaires for brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal triggered a storm of anger when he equivocated about Palestinian competence. “We’ll have to see,” said Kushner. “The hope is that they [Palestinians], over time, will become capable of governing.”
Kushner’s comments – called “racist” by some observers – put in doubt the possibility that the so-called “deal of the century” he has been hawking for over a year and a half stands a chance of meeting the minimum expectations of Palestinians, let alone cracking the code for a peace agreement that has long eluded the land’s inhabitants.
Not forget Bilderbergmeeting 2019 whit Pompe and the cabal.
48s49 seconds ago
BREAKING: Authorities investigating Flint's water crisis have seized from storage the state-owned mobile devices of former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and 65 other current or former officials. - AP
Charlie Skelton
5h5 hours ago
the private & public sector are almost indistinguishable at #Bilderberg. Here's a snapshot of the military industrial complex™ ➜ James Ellis, a director of Lockheed Martin, ex-Commander, US Strategic Command + Jānis Sārts, director of the new #NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence
All evil in one place the deep state
Key Mueller figure George Nader charged with transporting child porn
George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman with links to President Trump’s associates, was arrested Monday on charges of transporting child pornography.
U.S. officials arrested Nader at John F. Kennedy Airport on Monday morning, the Justice Department said. Nader was charged after he arrived in Washington from Dubai in January 2018 with a cellphone containing images of minors engaged in sexual conduct, officials said. The criminal complaint was only made public after his arrest Monday.
Nader was a key figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference.
Undercover Huber
2m2 minutes ago
Undercover Huber Retweeted Post Local
George Nader is also “linked” to Kathy Ruemmler, Obama’s White House Counsel and buddy of Bob Mueller and Andrew Weissmann from the Enron task force
The deep state man Rothschild is shilling..
Mike Rothschild
1m1 minute ago
My newest post is an open invitation for former QAnon believers to share their story with me. You must be out there, and I want to hear what drove you to walk away.