Nolte: The Daily Beast Doxing Standard Could Backfire on the Media
The far-left Daily Beast doxed a man for spreading fake news, a new standard of journalism that could very easily haunt everyone in the establishment media. For the sake of argument, let’s assume the Daily Beast was accurate in its reporting on the man who created a fake video about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). What I mean is, let’s assume it is true that this man (who I’m not going to name) deliberately sought to deceive thousands of his Facebook followers with a video clip manipulated in a way to make Pelosi look drunk. If true, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the guy. If the Daily Beast’s reporting is accurate (a big “if”), this man did not advertise the video as a spoof and did publish it at a site that advertises as a straight news site. I loves spoofs. I love memes. But there is nothing funny or okay about deliberately trying to con thousands of followers in a cynical attempt to make YouTube money. But…
There is never anything okay about doxing anyone for any reason, which is exactly what the Daily Beast did to this man, and in doing so, the Daily Beast has opened up a Pandora’s Box that could haunt the establishment media forevermore. Welcome to a whole new world. Before we get to that, for those who don’t know, “doxing” is the indecent act of researching and publishing private information about someone; the act of gratuitously and publicly revealing all kinds of embarrassing information about someone in an effort to humiliate them. It is a gross and indefensible abuse of power. Up until now, it was understood that doxing is an immoral act, something no legitimate media outlet or decent person would ever do. There have been exceptions. When she was with the far-left Politico, the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman doxed private citizens in an effort to boost Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.
In 2008, after then-candidate Barack Obama bungled a question asked by a private citizen Obama chose to approach during a neighborhood canvas, Politico’s Jonathan Martin (who is also with the Times now) was so desperate to change the subject away from Obama’s “spread the wealth” comment, he did a little oppo-research on this private citizen and published his tax liens. The Daily Beast’s doxing is different, though, because it sets an all-new standard — let’s call it the Daily Beast Standard — a standard that says it is okay to dox anyone who deliberately spreads fake news. You see, what the Daily Beast did is called retribution — and retribution is not journalism. This was an effort to intimidate, not an effort to report. This was a malicious act of doxing premised on a journalistic standard that says doxing is now okay if the person being doxed is guilty of deliberately spreading fake news.
Actually, the media as a whole have now affirmed this standard because the media as a whole, most especially CNN, have whole-heartedly embraced what the Daily Beast did. If the media’s Daily Beast Standard now says it is okay to dox those who deliberately spread misinformation, to dig into their private lives, their credit, criminal, and academic histories, their past relationships — and publish all of it — what we have here is an establishment media inviting an unprecedented examination of their own personal lives. It is simply a fact that the establishment media set the standards of journalism in this country. And now that the media have violated yet another long-held norm about doxing, think about what they are inviting to be unleashed…