Well said Anon, very well said.
I understand, We understand. Hang on tight, we're almost there. I send all my blessings and love to you. Thank You for being here and cherish yourself.
Well said Anon, very well said.
I understand, We understand. Hang on tight, we're almost there. I send all my blessings and love to you. Thank You for being here and cherish yourself.
>God is an emotional being.
And THIS is the most FREE and Emotional Realm there is in ALL THAT IS.
You make a lot of great points Daniel. I often pray for the Creator, and I feel so bad for Them, this must hurt.
Happy to be of service. And please know ALL your Anons and all of us in The Great Awakening feel the same, including GEOTUS.
Honor yourself Anon, we Love (You)
I Need to get my bibles back. I know the story and there's so much going on, I don't know what exactly you are driving at, but I wanted to name my first son "Daniel", so I like where you're going with this.