pool-report: POTUS remarks at UK State Dinner
Trump spoke briefly, focusing on praise for British bravery and grit in World War II and calling the queen’s personal role an inspiration. There was no direct reference to Brexit or current British politics, but Trump made one reference to self-determination, which is a theme he has stressed in the past when criticizing the E.U. And praising Britain for leaving.
As the queen rose to give the formal toast, Trump appeared to lightly touch her back with his left hand, as seen on the pool feed from the front. Protocol dictates that one doesn’t touch the queen.
Some quotes - check against broadcast and transcript and thanks to co-pooler Emily Goodin:
“This week, we commemorate a mighty endeavor of righteous nations and one of the greatest undertakings in all of history. 75 years ago, more than 150,000 Allied troop were preparing on this island to be parachuted into France, storm the beaches of Normandy, and win back our civilization. As Her Majesty remembers, the British people had hoped and prayed and fought for this day for nearly five years. When Britain stood alone during the blitz of 1940 and 1941, the Nazi war machine dropped thousands of bombs on this country, and right on this magnificent city. Buckingham Palace alone was bombed on 16 separate occasions. In that dark hour, the people of this nation showed the world what it means to be British.”
“They cleared wreckage from the streets, displayed the Union Jack from their shattered homes and kept fighting on to victory. They only wanted victory. The courage of the United Kingdom's sons and daughters ensured that your destiny would always remain in your own hands. Through it all, the royal family was the resolute face of the commonwealth's unwavering solidarity. In April 1945, newspapers featured a picture of the queen mother visiting the woman's branch of the army, watching a young woman repair a military truck engine. That young mechanic was the future queen, a great, great woman.”
“The bond between our nations was forever sealed in that great crusade. As we honor our shared victory and heritage, we affirm the common values that will unite us long into future. Freedom, sovereignty, self-determination, the rule of law and reference for the rights given to us by almighty god. From the second World War to today, her majesty has stood as a constant symbol of these priceless traditions. She has embodied the spirit of dignity, duty, and patriotism that beats proudly in every British heart.”