Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6663706   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I've filed a threat with the FBI about the threats and this is the long story.


(Pt.1)3 years ago I started a new job baking at my Mom's donut shop. I started going online to troll for fun because I had free time. It was relaxing for me since I got off a tech job that had me drive long hours. I ended up on YouTube chat telling about real history and real events. One day, a new online stream showed up.(new to me) It was Infowars, at the time I thought it was a small establishment that I never heard about. Alex Jones was the main host and he started signaling to me. It was fun at the time, so, I kept telling him stuff and he started to repeat the stuff I said. The show was about Globalists, their brain washing, and how the world was controlled.


At the time I was knowledge about 9/11 and all the conspiracies but there was something I was not aware of and it was Agenda 21. I researched it and I thought it wasn't credible. So I told them it wasn't then he kicked me out and said no more of this and it was the last time. I was desperate for his affection and then one day I told them I knew about computers and I could hack. I told them about how corporations leave honeypots for hackers to get into. Then I told them about cameras that could be hacked and they had speakers. Then I told them I could hear them say things like making fun of YouTube chat. (of course I didn't) Then I told them to look at their desktop and that was the end of the coerce. Some people in chat fell for it.

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6663712   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

(Pt.2) Alex Jones has woken me up about women, money, and being a patriot. Coming off of depression I was it made excited. I didn't know how to talk to women so I started downloading dating games. I started playing a game about incest. The game was called, "Dating my daughter". Turns out It had pedophilia in it. I wasn't into pedophilia but I was into incest due to a childhood incident. At the time I thought it was cool because I was able to pay for it through and I thought it was legal since I was ignorant about laws of this kind of stuff. I didn't care about the pedophilia (I thought I was safe which it wasn't) because the main female character(17) had big female boobs and it was good enough for me.


Back to the main story, one day Alex Jones seems disgusted at me and people in chat stop talking to me. And people in chat started giving me cryptic messages about pedophilia. He didn't want to deal with me anymore but I still wanted to be apart of the show. So I stayed in chat telling more about what I knew like how my uncle was in a government program for the National Space Defence. Then I realized that they or someone has hacked my PC at home. I saw stuff on my desktop being moved.

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6663718   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

(Pt.3)Meanwhile I was at YouTube chat still telling them information and real history. I was also playing music at the time. What really shocked me was when I told them America was at it's best in the 1990's. I also said music was brainwashing and during the early 2000's is when the elites pushed us into emo to kill ourselves. (This was a conspiracy theory)it was about world government and the NWO. I knew about this stuff because I saw it a time or two on the History channel. History channel was my source of info. I usually watch this stuff and leave the TV on all day.


Back to the pedo thing, I freaked out that they found out about the stuff. I knew I wasn't a pedo but liked incest so I stayed in chat. Suddenly more and more people started calling me a troll. Turns out someone has been watching the things I said in chat and posted this stuff on 4Chan. Apparently, someone used my info and made information drops in the 4Chan forums. The Anonymous poster went by Q and they, he, she, or it have been leaving intel about pizzagate and the podesta emails. I didn't realize it till much later that I did tell infowars to look int to the leaked emails because it should have a lot of information about epstein island and dealings with pedophillia. At the time we were all huge Trump supporters and Trump was going to take down the deep state and the New World Order. (to cut the story short) They moved Q account to 8chan because it had tripcodes that could identify a person in fear someone could impersonate Q. (Q was created because I said, "that guy looked like a guy from Street fighter")

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6663722   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

(Pt.4)Long story short (if you want to know ask me in person) I figured a theory stating the Jews did 9/11. It was to open up the middle east for Israel. Alex Jones defends the Jews. I didn't like it one bit. Throughout this whole time I feel like i've been blackmailed by Infowars. They had me fly to Oregon and attend a rally and he said he would show up but he didn't. It was for me to make a speech and run for the upcoming congressional elections. I didn't make the speech and I flew back home to California. I was coerced to go to "PatriotSoapbox" live stream on YouTube there, is whe I learned that Q gave me decision if I was looking for a career change and go into the FBI. Turns out I failed the test because I couldn't control my blood pressure. (I avoided going to search for Q posts because I knew it was info was was posting and it was the same info I said)


Much much later, till present.


Here is the reason why I decided to contact the authorities. I found out my grandma had cancer. By coincidence,Ruth Betty Ginsburg an senator who had her lungs operated due to cancer people started making memes about her. it was conspiracy that she was already dead and nobody has seen her.

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6663728   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

(pt.5)Then later more and more coincidences happen they became menacing through the memes I saw on People started making weird pictures of me pointing guns and hanging ropes. They seem towards me. It scared me and then someone started threatening my family and friends. I was glued onto the board in fear like stockholm syndrome.

it seems like I became you can read the rest of the story till present on my twitter account at KlayUSA page. there I have a screen cap showing the time of my grandma's death and them posting a cryptic message.


(The reason why people scared me because I did not want to shill for Israel but the chanboards wanted me to and I refused.)


What really scared me the most is when a girl started messaging me out of the blue. I barely even knew her and she was blowing kisses at me and showing nudes. I was suspicious and I started asking question s and turns out there was a lot of inconsistencies. Weird thing is that I decided we should meet up in Long Beach pier. By coincidence Q posted a picture of Long Beach. That freaked me out even more that I figured out Israel was apart of the 9/11 attack and an anonymous person wants to meet me. Then I glanced over to 8chan and there were a page of memes that had to deal with Death, guns pointing and one that scared me the most and it was an NPC meme, a picture of a person getting shot through the head. So I ran scared and told my friend who I haven't met in a long time. After a drive and came back, I dropped off my friend there was a crime scene tape down the street and that freaked me out. Long story short I smashed the phone.


The memes and messages wanted me to shill for israel. (The message boards have been deleting the threats to me) They hacked my phone cameras and Surface Pro camera and reply by posting it on this board so I can see it.

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.6663735   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

(Pt.6)I ended up going to twitter to defend Donald Trump and this is where everything got hektic. I deleted my account and saved the info and it's secured to a cryptic email. I unfollowed all the Q followers because they too were making cryptic meme and threatening me and the stuff you see now is only half. Long story short I found out that Donald Trump was apart of an "End Times Prophecy" and it seems they've used Q to usher in a take over of the government. I am in fear that Trump is being blackmailed by a higher power.

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.6663740   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3776 >>3780 >>3840 >>3975 >>3991

My info: 16009 Norwalk blv. Norwalk California 90650


Hi my name is Soklay Douk and I go by Klay.

I went by the a couple of aliases Top Flight Youtube and KlayUSA on twitter

I live in california and I bake for my parents.

I've been on infowars Youtube chat since 2016. Before they were banned.

I want you to contact the FBI.Since I have already done it.


Infowars, fox news, and Donald Trump

have been leading me to contact the FBI for some time now.

But I couldn't decipher the message.


look at my face and see it's lopsided and look at my scars on me neck. They use to be real big.

I finally got the message that Donald Trump has been blackmailed by the Chabad-lubavich

They want me to have all you guys contact the FBI.

All the discription is listed along with this video.

This is not a movie or a show. This is real. to make sure im serious about it.

I'm going to dox myself 16009 Norwalk blv Norwalk California 90650

(562) 409-4695

Anonymous ID: a702e3 June 3, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6663796   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Please spread this video and take it seriously. The more people report the more they are serious.


I've sent the info that i've posted in this chat to the FBI and