Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.6663491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller’s ‘Star Witness’ George Nader Indicted on Child Porn Charges


George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman and one of Mueller’s ‘star witnesses’ has been indicted on child pornography charges.


Robert Mueller previously investigated whether George Nader, an advisor to the United Arab Emirates, was influencing U.S. policy, the New York Times reported in March of 2018 — Nader was reportedly interviewed by the Special Counsel’s team twice.


Mueller wanted to interview Nader after he supposedly helped arrange a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian official.


Nader fled the country last year and flew to the United Arab Emirates to go into hiding after his decades-old child molestation charges were revealed.


A Czech Republic court sentenced him to a year in prison in 2003 for ten cases of sexually abusing minors between 1999 and 2002.


In one case, Nader asked for oral sex from a 14-year-old boy in a hotel room at the Hilton in Prague.


When the boy refused, Nader masturbated in front of him and paid him 2,000 koruna, equivalent to around $100 today, a court official told the Associated Press.


Politico then revealed he was convicted in 1986 in a federal court in Northern Virginia in 1991 on a felony charge of transporting sexually explicit materials in foreign commerce – importing child pornography from overseas.


He also had a 1986 charge of importing from magazines depicting nude boys from the Netherlands dismissed on a technicality.


On Monday it was revealed Nader was indicted by federal officials on child pornography charges, reported the Washington Post.


Creepy Mueller used a pedophile to implicate President Trump in ‘Russia collusion’ — Knowing that no crime related to collusion exists in US law.

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6663535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3592

Brace Yourselves — The DOJ Inspector General’s Report Is Coming


It’s finally June, Patriots, and you know what that means. The DOJ’s Inspector General is getting ready to release his report into the FISA process that allowed the Obama administration to surveil President Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6663562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3835 >>3880 >>4147

"Wide-Scale Consumer Fraud:" Walmart Sued For Selling Fake Medicine


A new lawsuit by the Center for Inquiry (CFI) alleges Walmart is "committing wide-scale consumer fraud and endangering the health of its customers through its sale and marketing of homeopathic medicines."


The lawsuit was filed in the District of Columbia last month. CFI is also involved in a similar suit against CVS, which has been ongoing since June 2018.


"Walmart sells homeopathics right alongside real medicines, in the same sections in its stores, under the same signs," said Nicholas Little, CFI's Vice President and General Counsel. "Searches on its website for cold and flu remedies or teething products for infants yield pages full of homeopathic junk products. It's an incredible betrayal of customers' trust and an abuse of Walmart's titanic retail power."


CFI defines Homeopathy as an 18th-century pseudoscience "premised on the absurd, unscientific notion that a substance that causes a particular symptom is what should be ingested to alleviate it." The nonprofit organization dedicated to defending science says these snake oil medicines that line the shelves at Walmart are diluted with limited to no traces of an active ingredient.


"Walmart can't claim it doesn't know that homeopathy is snake oil, because it runs its own enormous pharmacy business and make its own homeopathic products," said Little. "So whether it's a scientifically proven remedy like aspirin or flatly denounced junk like homeopathic teething caplets for babies, Walmart sells all of it under its in-house 'Equate' branding. It's all the same to Walmart."

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6663583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3835 >>3866 >>3880 >>3951 >>4147

Illinois House Passes Bill Requiring Fingerprints to Obtain Gun License


The Illinois House of Representatives passed a bill on May 29 that would require residents to give their fingerprints in order to obtain a firearm license. The bill passed 62-52, and now moves on to the Illinois Senate.


State Representative Julie Morrison (D-Ill.) declared, “Fingerprinting increases our ability to look at records in other states, so it’s a huge advantage and one I think Illinois needs to seriously look at.”


As reported by the Chicago Tribune, the law would also establish a special task force that would enforce the removal of all firearms in the possession of a gun owner who had had their license revoked.


The bill would also reportedly make it possible to impose delays in legal firearm transfers, criminalize private transfers, and mandate an additional background check, if gifted a firearm (even if they already possess a Firearm Owner’s Identification card).


A FOID is restricted under this law, reducing its longevity from 10 years to 5 years and requiring the applicant to pay for the fingerprinting process, which can cost up to $150, in addition to any application fees, stated the NRA.

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.6663622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648 >>3775

Imagine suggesting Jews couldn't govern themselves? Kushner's remarks on Palestinians slammed


White House envoy Jared Kushner stands accused of “racism” for answering a question about Palestinians’ ability to self-govern by expressing hope they’ll be capable of this in the future – implying they’re incapable of this now.


In a sit-down interview with Axios on HBO, the son-in-law of US President Donald Trump and his charge d’affaires for brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal triggered a storm of anger when he equivocated about Palestinian competence. “We’ll have to see,” said Kushner. “The hope is that they [Palestinians], over time, will become capable of governing.”


Kushner’s comments – called “racist” by some observers – put in doubt the possibility that the so-called “deal of the century” he has been hawking for over a year and a half stands a chance of meeting the minimum expectations of Palestinians, let alone cracking the code for a peace agreement that has long eluded the land’s inhabitants.

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6663658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3835 >>3880 >>4147

FBI Failed to Document Four Clinton Witness Interviews. Barr Should Reopen Clinton Probe.


The FBI failed to document at least four interviews of witnesses in the bureau’s investigation into former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send classified emails, according to documents obtained by the government watchdog Judicial Watch.


Judicial Watch also discovered among the 218 pages of emails between former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour former FBI Attorney Lisa Page that then FBI General Counsel James Baker had instructed “FBI officials to expedite the release of FBI investigative material to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall in August 2016. Kendall and the FBI’s top lawyer discussed specifically quickly obtaining the “302” report of the FBI/DOJ interview of Mrs. Clinton.”


These findings are significant, as they come at a crucial time when the Department of Justice under Attorney General William Barr is investigating the bureau’s handling of both the Clinton probe and the investigation into the origination of the bureau’s investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign alleged – now debunked – ties to Russia.


“These incredible documents show the leadership of the FBI rushed to give Hillary Clinton her FBI interview report shortly before the election,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And the documents also show the FBI failed to timely document interviews in the Clinton email ‘matter’ – further confirming the whole investigation was a joke. AG Barr can’t reopen the Clinton email investigation soon enough.”


The information obtained by Judicial Watch coincides with documents obtained by Congressional investigations. For example, Rep. John Ratcliffe, a former federal prosecutor who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox New’s Maria Bartiromo Sunday that Strzok’s involvement in the Trump campaign’s defensive briefing mired in conflict.


First, Ratcliffe noted that it was Strzok who opened the official investigation into Trump’s campaign on July 31, 2016 dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane.” Ratfcliffe warned that U.S. Attorney John Durham, who has been appointed by Barr to investigate the bureau, was essentially acting as a ‘special counsel’ in the DOJ’s investigation.


“It’s interesting that 18 days later on August 17, of 2016 that the FBI and CIA conducted a counterintelligence briefing for the purpose of protecting and warning Donald Trump would put in charge for coordinating that briefing Peter Strzok – the same agent who was already investigating the Trump campaign,” Ratcliffe told Bartiromo. “The same agent who eight days before that defensive briefing to protect and warn Donald Trump sent a text message saying he was going to ‘stop him.’ Then two days before that defensive briefing sent a text message saying ‘we need an insurance policy’ against the Trump presidency.”


“So little wonder on that day of August 17, 2016 Donald Trump isn’t warned about Russian interference in his campaign and he wasn’t briefed about the Steele Dossier, wasn’t briefed about Carter Page,” Ratcliffe added.


Currently, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is putting together his report on the FBI’s handling of the FBI’s probe into the Trump campaign. According to numerous congressional sources the investigation is expected to include the FBI’s defensive briefing to Trump and the lack of information provided to the Trump campaign. Strzok, who was vehemently anti-Trump in his text messages to Page, is also expected to be a significant part of the Horowitz investigation.

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6663877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3897



House Oversight to Vote on Holding Barr, Ross in Contempt Over Census Question


On Monday, House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) announced that a contempt vote will be held for Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross over the Trump administration's efforts to include a citizenship question in the 2020 census.


In letters addressed to Barr and Ross, Cummings stated that the House Oversight and Reform Committee will schedule a vote to hold the two officials in contempt for not complying with congressional subpoenas.


"Unfortunately, your actions are part of a pattern. The Trump Administration has been engaged in one of the most unprecedented cover-ups since Watergate, extending from the White House to multiple federal agencies and departments of the government and across numerous investigations," Cummings wrote.


"The tactics of this cover-up are now clear. The Administration has been challenging Congress' core authority to conduct oversight under the Constitution, questioning the legislative bases for congressional inquiries, objecting to committee rules and precedents that have been in place for decades under both Republican and Democratic leadership, and making baseless legal arguments to avoid producing documents and testimony," he added, also noting that the contempt votes, which have not yet been scheduled, may be postponed if Barr and Ross provide the requested documents by Thursday, Politico reported.


Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) claimed in a court filing last week that the citizen question was added in an effort to re-draw congressional districts in such a way as to benefit Republicans.


"The new evidence reveals that Dr. Thomas Hofeller, the longtime Republican redistricting specialist, played a significant role in orchestrating the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 Decennial Census in order to create a structural electoral advantage for, in his own words, 'Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,'" the court filing states.

Anonymous ID: cfd13a June 3, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6663903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings About Special Counsel Report Without Mueller


The House Judiciary Committee is going to hold a series of hearings about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report even though the special counsel will not be present for any of them.


The Democrat-led committee is searching for any wrongdoing by President Donald Trump after Mueller’s report established no conspiracy or cooperation between Trump’s campaign and Russia, ripping apart the method Democrats sought to remove the president from office.


Mueller also probed potential obstruction but ultimately did not charge or recommend charging Trump with obstruction.


Chairs of multiple House committees, including House Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), have since been trying to obtain information about Trump from as far back as 2011, hoping to gain something they can use to fuel an impeachment push that is now attracting tepid support from the party as a whole, portraying the probing as a continuation of Muellers years-long investigation despite the lack of explosive findings.


“Russia attacked our elections to help President Trump win, Trump and his campaign welcomed this help, and the President then tried to obstruct the investigation into the attack. Mueller confirmed these revelations and has now left Congress to pick up where he left off,” Nadler said in a statement on June 3.


“No one is above the law. While the White House continues to cover up and stonewall, and to prevent the American people from knowing the truth, we will continue to move forward with our investigation. These hearings will allow us to examine the findings laid out in Mueller’s report so that we can work to protect the rule of law and protect future elections through consideration of legislative and other remedies.”


The first hearing will take place on June 10 and include former White House Counsel John Dean, in addition to former U.S. attorneys and legal experts, the committee said in a press release.


The committee previously tried to get Attorney General William Barr to appear and answer questions on May 2, but he declined, leading to the committee passing a resolution holding him in contempt. On May 20, former White House Counsel Don McGahn declined to appear before the committee.


The committee issued subpoenas for former White House communications director Hope Hicks and former chief of staff for McGahn, Annie Donaldson, on May 21. It wasn’t clear whether either or both would appear during the new round of hearings.