Anonymous ID: d94902 June 3, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6663474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3835 >>3853 >>3880 >>4147

Meet the espionage firm which ordered Trump 'dirty dossier' - a secretive D.C. firm which has aided Planned Parenthood and attacked Mitt Romney's friends


Fusion GPS is the 'opposition research firm' that was hired to dig up dirt on Donald Trump in 2015 - which was published this week and quickly discredited

It sub-contracted Orbis Business Intelligence, run by ex-British spies Christopher Steele and Christopher Burrows

The search for information was initially catalyzed by a Republican donor, and then picked up by Democrats after concerns about Trump's links to Russia

The 'dossier' Steele compiled cites several unnamed Russian sources who claim Trump has been cultivated as an intelligence asset for years

Among the discredited claims was an accusation that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed in Moscow while he watched

Fusion GPS did not just commission it, they also quietly touted it over the summer, sources say


Fusion GPS=Keystone

Anonymous ID: d94902 June 3, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6663604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3753



Best source i have found, with timelines.

Anonymous ID: d94902 June 3, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6663724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DJT already has his victory, because he doesn’t have any credible opponents.


But this is a matter of Law and Justice, not Politics. It isn’t about election victories. It’s about “high crimes and misdemeanors” which (it is alleged) are right now being committed by (presumed innocent) Federal officers, and which (it is alleged) were committed by his (presumed innocent) predecessors. It’s about turning those allegations into bulletproof court cases which will lead to conviction and be sustained on appeal, so that Justice may be served upon people who abused the powers of the Government institutions that they controlled.


Mr. Barr’s declassification powers mean that Federal Prosecutors can have the information that they need, and can legally show it to Grand Juries (which always meet in secret and whose deliberations are never published, even when the jury meets in your home town). The documents most likely WON’T be made public, and here’s why:


Plenty of Chicago crime bosses got off the hook by publishing stories far and wide in the local newspapers. Now their lawyers could say that it’s impossible for the man to get a fair trial because an unbiased jury could not be convened. (Only the very worst of them were trucked to far-away cities where the people didn’t subscribe to those newspapers.)


Although WE know that these people are guilty-as-hell, they are Presumed Innocent. (Except to the extent already covered by Judge Collyer’s ruling, since she is a Federal judge.) We must resist the urge to demand that they be tried in the Court of Public Opinion. “This must never be allowed to happen again.

Anonymous ID: d94902 June 3, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6663798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Opinion about Barr


It seems to me if an experienced prosecutor thinks the documents should not be released to the public and instead be used to catch the perps in their lies, should we not agree to that strategy?


Many people here have stated that the documents must be released to the public. How many saying that have worked as a prosecutor? If Barr is a dishonest swampian, then we are already screwed. If on the other hand, Barr is trying to clean up the DOJ/IC/FBI etc., then we have to let him do what he does. Many are anxious for things to happen NOW; that is just human. But this ‘game’ requires some finesse, the laying of traps, the ferreting out of lies and misdirections from the conspirators.


And as others have said, many of the public don’t know anything. It takes time for the MSM to report the truth, and usually have to be dragged kicking and screaming. This is one of Trump’s greatest strengths, I believe. To begin a process long before anyone knows he has, just to set the table, allowing him and his team to eventually take the action they have planned long before.

Anonymous ID: d94902 June 3, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.6663826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gentlebeings, “Justice does not ‘go on the offensive,’ and it does not care about ‘timing.'” These are things of Politics. Justice pursues the Truth.


And here, as the Good Book says, “The Truth shall make you Free.” The single thing that these “criminal politicians” fear the very most is not Politics … “Politics” they know how to fully control. What they fear most is Truth.


“The wheels of Justice turn slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.” Please foreswear any “politically motivated timelines” as to when Mr. Barr (et al …) will “make his next move.”


Instead: “Presumed Innocent … Presumed Innocent … Presumed … Presumed … CHECKMATE.”


Expect THAT game plan.