I wonder why this Buffalo family court judge, Lisa Bloch Rodwin, is getting awards from the most disgraced man in law enforcement in US history, James Comey?
And is it also a COINCIDENCE that Michelle Brown-Cohen, of Buffalo Children's Legal used the same campaign manager in 2015 when running for family court judge (she lost) that HRC planned to use in her 2016 presidential campaign. That campaign manager was Steve Pigeon, a member of NXIVM (child sex trafficking cult), who allegedly introduced Roger Stone to the group. However, Pigeon was raided by the FBI in 2015 while working for Michelle Brown-Cohen (now just Michelle Brown). He was charged with several crimes, including racketeering, bribery, fraud, embezzlement and more.
It cool though, HRC just employed another child sex-trafficking dirt-bag to fill Steve Pigeon's shoes… John "the Molesta" Podesta. How wonderful…
Anyway, ALL of these people are STILL working and going about their daily lives, without a care in the world. It's almost like… this is condoned in America.