The guy has been a known sex offender for quite some time. Why is this a surprise?
He first got caught in 1985, but wasn't convicted because of an illegal search warrant.
That's my thinking.
The guy is a known pedo, and has been convicted as such. This happened quite some time ago.
His convictions happened from where?
From the Netherlands.
From Germany.
From Prague.
This guy has info, because he was a protected asset to the Cabal. Now the media wants to use him as a tarnish on POTUS?
I believe you are correct, Anon.
His arrest will just spill more beans on child porn and sex trafficking that is going on worldwide.
Confirming TRIP 5's.
Always reminds me of the World Series between the Diamondbacks and the Yankees!
It flew right over the STADIUM! Every one went wild! BEST WORLD SERIES EVER!