Anonymous ID: c8f401 June 3, 2019, 3:59 p.m. No.6664501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550 >>4560 >>4594

William Barr, Wilbur Ross notified of contempt vote over Census citizenship question


House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings notified Attorney General Bill Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross that his committee is moving forward with a vote to hold them in contempt of Congress. In a pair of letters sent Monday, the Maryland Democrats said the vote will be scheduled due to their failure to comply with congressional subpoenas issued more than two months ago regarding a citizenship question was added the 2020 Census.


“Unfortunately, your actions are part of a pattern. The Trump Administration has been engaged in one of the most unprecedented cover-ups since Watergate, extending from the White House to multiple federal agencies and departments of the government and across numerous investigations,” Cummings wrote to Barr and Ross.


On Thursday, the New York Times reported Republican consultant Thomas Hofeller conducted a study that concluded adding a citizenship question would help Republicans better gerrymander districts to thwart Democrats. Before his death, Hofeller pushed the Trump transition team to consider such a question and then wrote a portion of the Justice Department's draft letter that said it would help enforce the 1965 Voting Rights Act. “The tactics of this cover-up are now clear,” Cummings said. “The Administration has been challenging Congress’ core authority to conduct oversight under the Constitution, questioning the legislative bases for congressional inquiries, objecting to committee rules and precedents that have been in place for decades under both Republican and Democratic leadership, and making baseless legal arguments to avoid producing documents and testimony.” The contempt votes could be postponed if Barr and Ross choose to comply with the subpoenas by June 6.

Anonymous ID: c8f401 June 3, 2019, 4:15 p.m. No.6664618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4633 >>4723 >>4736 >>4900 >>4911

Trump demands investigation into FBI, Obama administration over use of informant


President Donald Trump announced on Twitter Sunday afternoon that he was planning to officially demand an investigation into the FBI, Department of Justice, and Obama administration on Monday, following reports that the FBI used an informant to investigate Russian contacts within the Trump campaign. If Trump follows through and orders the DOJ on Monday to launch an investigation, it would force the Justice Department to decide whether to follow Trump’s order, and could severely inflame tensions around the presidency and Russia investigation.


“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” he Tweeted. The message followed string of earlier Tweets attacking Robert Mueller’s investigation, criticizing the cost of the ongoing probe into his campaign’s potential collusion with Russia. The last message also marked a possible turning point in Trump’s online criticism of the Justice Department if he does, in fact, ask the DOJ to investigate the FBI or the Obama administration on Monday.


Following the release of a New York Times report on Saturday alleging that Donald Trump Jr. had met with an emissary for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates during the 2016 campaign, Trump lashed out against the “long & boring story” on Twitter and asked when the “world’s most expensive witch hunt” would finally “STOP.”


“Things are really getting ridiculous. The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton) @nytimes has done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World!” Trump tweeted Sunday. “At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP!” Trump added in a later tweet.


According to the New York Times report, Trump Jr. met with George Nader in August 2016, during a meeting in which Nader said that Saudi Arabia and the UAE were both eager to help Trump win the presidency. The meeting, which the Times noted has been a focus of Mueller’s probe, was also attended by Erik Prince, a Republican donor and private security contractor with ties to the Middle East, and Israeli social media specialist Joel Zamel, whose firm specialized in social media manipulation. The Times reported that Trump Jr. responded “approvingly” to the nations’ offer to help the campaign, and Nader was embraced as a “close ally” by the campaign, suggesting that the campaign’s potential collusion with foreign nations could have gone beyond Russia. It is unknown, however, whether Nader’s proposal for Saudi Arabia and the UAE to assist the Trump campaign was ultimately executed.


In his Sunday tweets, the president then went on to criticize the investigation for its bias toward Democrats, questioning why the FBI had not looked into Hillary Clinton’s emails and why Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta, who is reportedly under investigation by Mueller for his ties to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, had not yet been charged and arrested. “Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party,” Trump tweeted. “Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier!”


The Mueller investigation marked its one-year anniversary this week, and despite Trump’s repeated claims it is no more than a “witch hunt,” it has already resulted in nearly two dozen indictments and several guilty pleas. It is unclear where Trump’s specific $20 million price tag for the probe comes from; according to a congressional budget cited by Politico, Mueller’s team is spending approximately $10 million per fiscal year on the investigation.


Note: This is from last year still relevant for context. May 20, 2018, 2:50 p.m.: This story has been updated.

Anonymous ID: c8f401 June 3, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.6664660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4667 >>4736 >>4900 >>4911

TrumpWatch, Day 412: Mueller Investigating Seychelles Meeting to Set Up Back Channel to Russia


Important Snippet Here:

The investigators have questioned George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who was a back-channel negotiator with Syria during President Bill Clinton's administration. He became an adviser to the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates and last year was a frequent visitor to Trump's White House.

Anonymous ID: c8f401 June 3, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6664735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4900 >>4911

FBI operation locates more than 200 missing/exploited children


More than 200 missing or exploited children are in safe hands thanks to the FBI’s Metro Atlanta Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking task force. In a statement released last week, the FBI Atlanta Field Office disclosed the results of its May operation to locate children in the Atlanta metro area deemed vulnerable to sexual predators. This collaborative effort included cooperation between the FBI and other local, state, and federal agencies.


Operation Safe Summer’s goal was to “combat all forms of child exploitation and make our community safer for our children heading into the summer months,” the FBI statement read. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1 in 7 runaway children are victims of sex trafficking. In 2018, more than 23,500 runaway children were reported. It was estimated that about 420 missing children were located in the Atlanta metro area.


“Thanks to the month-long efforts of our partners, 231 children are no longer vulnerable to predators who seek to exploit them,” Special Agent Chris Hacker said. “Operation Safe Summer is another example of the FBI’s commitment to protecting our children before they become victims.”

Anonymous ID: c8f401 June 3, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.6664876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Reaffirms US-UK Relationship During State Banquet at Buckingham Palace


President Donald Trump exchanged formal toasts with Queen Elizabeth II during an elaborate State Banquet at Buckingham Palace on June 3, ending the first day of his state visit to the UK. Trump is spending three days in the UK during his weeklong European trip, which is both ceremonial and official. The centerpiece of the president’s visit will be two days to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day on June 6, likely the last significant commemoration most veterans of the 1944 battle will see. Apart from visiting the queen and attending D-Day commemoration ceremonies on both sides of the English Channel, he will also make his first presidential visit to Ireland.


With around 170 guests, the state banquet began with Queen Elizabeth’s remarks, where she said, “visits by American presidents always remind us of the close and longstanding friendship between the United Kingdom and the United States.” “I am so glad that we have another opportunity to demonstrate the immense importance that both our countries attach to our relationship,” she said. “Tonight, we celebrate an alliance that has helped to ensure the safety and prosperity of both our peoples for decades, and which I believe will endure for many years to come.”


Returning the toast, President Trump also highlighted the close friendship between the UK and the United States, and reaffirmed their alliance. “This evening, we thank God for the brave sons of the United Kingdom and the United States who defeated the Nazis and the Nazi regime, and liberated millions from tyranny,” Trump said. “The bond between our nations was forever sealed in that ‘Great Crusade.’ As we honor our shared victory and heritage, we affirm the common values that will unite us long into the future: freedom, sovereignty, self-determination, the rule of law, and reverence for the rights given to us by Almighty God,” he added.


The dinner was held in honor of Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Along with the queen, members of the royal family, the British government, Trump’s four children, and members of the Trump administration were also in attendance on Monday evening. Earlier in the day, Trump and the first lady were warmly welcomed by the British monarch and Prince Charles after arriving in the UK. The Trumps then had a private lunch with the queen, where they were afforded the opportunity to view the royal collection. The Trumps then paid their respects at the grave of an unknown British warrior who is buried at Westminster Abbey, before having afternoon tea with Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cambridge.


Before the state dinner, Trump gave an update on Twitter: “London part of trip is going really well. The Queen and the entire Royal family have been fantastic. The relationship with the United Kingdom is very strong. Tremendous crowds of well wishers and people that love our Country. Haven’t seen any protests yet, but I’m sure the Fake News will be working hard to find them. Great love all around. Also, big Trade Deal is possible once U.K. gets rid of the shackles. Already starting to talk!” The second day of Trump’s trip will focus on politics, including a breakfast with business leaders, talks with outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May at 10 Downing Street, a news conference, and a dinner at the U.S. ambassador’s residence.