Anonymous ID: d7332f June 3, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6664567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4590


For me, the first two sealed indictments to be unleashed were Alison Mack and Keith Raniere. Remember Q saying "Alison Mack is singing like a bird?" – and now Alison Mack, Nancy Salzman and Clare Bronfman – the last two being top members of the Clinton Global Initiative – have pleaded guilty and face jail time. Guilty to being accessories to child sex trafficking, among other things.


A Bronfman facing jail time? This is like a Rothschild facing jail time. This is epic. If you haven't followed this story on you are seriously missing the show.


This Nader story looks – at first sight – like the next genuine "unsealing" and who knows where it might lead. Three down, 80,000 to go.


As a foreign anon, I have to say, the tide is very visibly turning over there in the USA. The Plan is unfolding exactly to plan, I think.


I'm beginning to wonder if the real plan is not to score a true landslide in 2020, win the popular vote, end any suggestion of a "stab in the back", and then hit the Clinton crime cartel from the top down with everything the law has.


You need to win 2020 big, anons. No court can overlook the overwhelming will of the people, so maybe it needs to manifest in full. The pitiful Dem lineup makes me wonder if Hillary isn't the best they've got. She just won't go away, and she's insane enough to think she could still be elected. If she can just totter up a flight of stairs without falling on her fat backside, that is.

Anonymous ID: d7332f June 3, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.6664856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4906


Botswana is a MAJOR cabal base. There have long been stories of US or strange foreign military bases in Botswana guarded by people with American accents. An absolutely reliable source, with a military background, used to deliver goods all over Botswana, including to regular Botswana military camps. He knew many top military men there, generals. They were very, very unhappy with these "American" bases. This same guy was stopped by soldiers with American accents asking him what he was doing in a rural area. He asked them what THEY were doing there.


More to the point: he was adamant that he had literally seen a VTOL jet emerging from a mountainside and flying off, from a hidden opening that was rapidly sealed.


The Americans have been asked about these rumours by South African journalists and have repeatedly denied them. I think they may be telling the truth. I think these are true global cartel bases, maybe with US guards.


Ian Khama, former president of Botswana, has been accused of genocide for his treatment of indigenous people in Botswana, this is all hushed up.


Ian Khama saw to the removal of King Kgafela II of the Bakgatla tribe. This is literally the richest tribe in the world, they own about half the platinum supply on the planet. Kgafela II is a big problem in the globalists' plans for that part of the world. He was born in the USA (his father was ambassador) and this was held against him, he was accused of not being a proper citizen. He is the top human rights lawyer in that country by far – he defended Mariette Bosch, who was very hastily executed by the Botswana government in a travesty of justice in a weird murder trial. His tribe demolished a cellphone tower near his palace, he was convinced it had killed his father, who got a brain tumour. This was actually the first incident that led to charges against him.


He held a workshop with Mr Barrie Trower, British government expert on microwave warfare turned whistleblower, telling top government people about the dangers of cellphones. A little while later, the telecoms industry held a counter-workshop. They made sure the King was put in jail that weekend – he was arrested on insane charges of human rights abuse, because one of his tribal courts had flogged some youths. This goes on all the time, and as I say, he is actually the top human rights lawyer in the country. It shows the power of the telecoms industry.


He is now living in a secret location in Pretoria, South Africa, trying to get reinstated. He is very popular with the people, who know that all the vast sums from the platinum mines have been stolen and siphoned off.


Botswana … is another story, especially when it comes to aviation. Ian Khama is actually a pilot himself.

Anonymous ID: d7332f June 3, 2019, 5:02 p.m. No.6664906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Incidentally, the person who confirmed to me that King Kgafela II of Botswana had been jailed and deposed because of his opposition to cellphone towers, was an intelligence officer and the personal pilot of President Ian Khama himself on occasion.


King Kgafela II lives under constant threat of assassination and only moves under heavy guard.


It was shown a while back that the government of Botswana is basically owned lock, stock and barrel by De Beers Diamonds – diamonds are the main source of wealth there. The platinum is actually in South Africa, where the senior clan of the Bakgatla tribe lives, it's split across the border. One hell of a mess.