For me, the first two sealed indictments to be unleashed were Alison Mack and Keith Raniere. Remember Q saying "Alison Mack is singing like a bird?" – and now Alison Mack, Nancy Salzman and Clare Bronfman – the last two being top members of the Clinton Global Initiative – have pleaded guilty and face jail time. Guilty to being accessories to child sex trafficking, among other things.
A Bronfman facing jail time? This is like a Rothschild facing jail time. This is epic. If you haven't followed this story on you are seriously missing the show.
This Nader story looks – at first sight – like the next genuine "unsealing" and who knows where it might lead. Three down, 80,000 to go.
As a foreign anon, I have to say, the tide is very visibly turning over there in the USA. The Plan is unfolding exactly to plan, I think.
I'm beginning to wonder if the real plan is not to score a true landslide in 2020, win the popular vote, end any suggestion of a "stab in the back", and then hit the Clinton crime cartel from the top down with everything the law has.
You need to win 2020 big, anons. No court can overlook the overwhelming will of the people, so maybe it needs to manifest in full. The pitiful Dem lineup makes me wonder if Hillary isn't the best they've got. She just won't go away, and she's insane enough to think she could still be elected. If she can just totter up a flight of stairs without falling on her fat backside, that is.