Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:22 p.m. No.6664267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guinea Pig B is the result of a 50 year experiment conducted by Buckminister Fuller.


All anons are encouraged to read it: hard science, quantifiable results of a spiritual experiment.

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.6664319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4325 >>4336 >>4669 >>4731 >>4753

Advertising supported media viewers are not citizens whom broadcasters compete to inform but

consumer victims to be coerced and manipulated. Advertising supported legacy media is not a passive

partner in subversion - they are the "experts" in subliminal influence – and they are planners and profit

participants in the exploitation, deception and social engineering and now the principal architects of the

psychological attack intended to destroy America. Media has been doing this ever since advertising

supported media was born. Karl Kraus the Viennese satirist, documented the advertising supported

media’s role in fomenting the incompetent and disastrous charade of WW I. One of Kraus’s recent

translators, Michael Russell, summarizes, “Kraus saw a powerful influential press in Vienna becoming

ever more mendacious, manipulative, corrupt and self-serving, forming ever stronger ties with the

aristocratic, industrial, financial and above all political elites of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later,

after the war, with the struggling democracy of a new Austria.”

Kraus recognized as did many that the media was an apocalyptic threat, creating a false reality, one

which it was impossible to reject publicly without being considered a fool or a mad man. Since Kraus’s

day the advertising-media superorganism has developed technologically and consolidated economically

until six five companies today enjoy near total control over all human communication. 99% everything we learn about the world comes to us today through a screen. This has created an extended perceptual

loop, information we receive about the world via a screen is treated the same way that information

about the world which we receive via our senses - it is trusted.

Kraus knew, again, as many people did then, that the first world war was started for profit and that the

advertising supported media complex - newspapers and magazines in that day - were not passive agents

reporting this, but active partners in fomenting and initiating the war and provoking public fear,

hatred and palpably fraudulent patriotism to support it. The media participated directly in the

profits reaped by their advertisers; bankers, arms makers, suppliers of goods and services.

Advertising supported media organizations prospered so greatly from the first, mass mechanized,

slaughter of civilian populations in the history of warfare, that they’ve been at it ever since. Six

companies today exert near total control over the entirety of human mass communication.

As they danced, they sang: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands."

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:33 p.m. No.6664330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3 dimensional space by families of associated, interconnected symbols, sigils and glyphs. These symbols constitute the satanic “brands” marketing identities which we now see all around us; advertising has conditioned us from infancy to view the branding and marketing of consumer goods as “normal.” Recognizing occult elements and understanding how they insinuate themselves into consciousness to become unconsidered, automatic repetitive conditioned or ritual behaviors is part of what the "Awakening" is about.

Repeated exposure to satanic symbols, sigils, images and glyphs embedded in advertising and entertainment media content activates corresponding influences within us all. Hypersexualized, materialist culture is not an accident; it is the product of occult rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices. which produce the illusory materialist environment in which we are, many of us, confined. Rituals whose purpose is to incrementally manifest a trans D parasitic unitary intelligence which propagates via cult initiation and/or by cumulative exposure to satanic “entertainment” programming are certain to exist.

Pedovore cultist openly promote and overtly worship of satan and solicit kids on You Tube to take part in ritual ceremonies disguised as “events;” as theater, art or comedy. Hypno-sexual mind control components like the satanic “brands,” employ ancient runes, and talismans, sigils and glyphs and they perfuse our culture. News and “entertainment” media content pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and subliminal images related to SEX and DEATH. These occult influences combine and accumulate over decades to produce and sustain a selfish, shallow and violent materialist consciousness, a culture where satan and reptoids intelligence can more easily manifest the hierarchical, slave society of pedovore criminality they prefer.

The frieze on Apollo’s temple at Delphi, when properly translated does not say “know yourself.” It says, “watch yourself," because when we watch ourselves, we begin to add additional layers of reflection, increasing our cognitive power as we learn.

Humans appear capable of (literally) infinite self-improvement, and blood drinking petty gods and lizards do not like that. They have expended much cleverness in an effort to channel and confine human consciousness. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary mandated tasks, unnecessary rules and regulations, busy work ‘initiatives” and engineered social conflict, insures that most of us do not awaken to real universe and the powers of big G God inside us.

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6664352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4723 >>4900 >>4911

satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.


A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.


In the case of art we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say; sfumeto sforza, we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.


Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of stars” and celebrities" photographed eating an art corpse soaked in honey at an art event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed art corpse to be published in art & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual.


Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?


A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raise our blood pressure, increase our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We do understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.


Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are not aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.

Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Pedosta.


satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:44 p.m. No.6664393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624

Infectious parasites made me do it.

We're at "the cat's acting kind of funny" stage of revelation.

>This special issue of The Journal of Experimental Biology highlights some of the best-understood examples of parasite-induced changes in host brain and behavior, encompassing both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts and micro- and macro-parasites. The observation that parasitic infection can modify specific host behaviors is an old one (see Moore, 2002). The general consensus has been that these parasites have evolved the ability to manipulate host behavior in order to advance their own reproductive success (

After "acting kind of funny stage" comes "I think the cat's sick, he's up on the roof puking"

>Neuro-parasitology is an emerging branch of science that deals with parasites that can control the nervous system of the host. It offers the possibility of discovering how one species (the parasite) modifies a particular neural network, and thus particular behaviors, of another species (the host). Such parasite–host interactions, developed over millions of years of evolution, provide unique tools by which one can determine how neuromodulation up-or-down regulates specific behaviors. In some of the most fascinating manipulations, the parasite taps into the host brain neuronal circuits to manipulate hosts cognitive functions. To name just a few examples, some worms induce crickets and other terrestrial insects to commit suicide in water, enabling the exit of the parasite into an aquatic environment favorable to its reproduction.

Everything in nature has an abstract correlate. There are viruses and parasite inimical to life in material space which have corresponding structures in computational and mental space.

What is a messenger protein? It is a description of itself (it's reflexive) it is also a command. "Prepare to repel boarders," or "Screw those, make more of these."

That's bio comms for you. They're all about identity and security. Parasites make complex efforts to fool host comm, to forge host signals and exploit host blind spots.

It's glorious to see the same deceptive tactics employed in micro and nano environments deployed to the same purposes at meso and macro scales.

Take the Nab Shub. They are Sumerian texts which had the same properties described above. They were/are reflexive - they describe themselves but they also contain instruction that is carried out or obeyed, consciously or otherwise.

A famous Nam Shub is the "Nam Shub of Enki" which Neal Stephenson wrote about in SNOWCRASH.

Stephenson's book was fiction. Manipulation of human behavior by means of infectious self replicating information is not. The use of harmful, behavior changing forms of information that act below the threshold of consumer awareness?


Who would care enough about these biological curiosities, behavior altering parasites, to research them?

Doc Sid Gottlieb head of C_A tech services would.

Doctor Sid Gottlieb made Dr Strangelove look like a chartreuse drinking green carnation wearing aesthete.

Sidney Gottlieb, the fiendish C_A tech services chief, was the fictional Doctor Benway in the works of William S. Burroughs.(The character and name was appropriated for what was perhaps the first online persona ever recognized. This virtual character posted on the Community Memory BBS, the first electronically accessible bulletin board system.

Sid Gottlieb ran the prison MK programs that produced pedophile gangster Whitey Bulger and Charles Manson.

Sid Gottleib head of Dulles technical serviceswas into some dark occult technology, trying to get on terms with entities, cracking heads and frying experimental subjects brains with drugs, trauma, hypnosis, the program Gottlieb ran at Marine base in Atsugi in Japan exposed a young Marine Lee Harvey Oswald to Gottlieb's MK research program.

Gottlieb was running MK programs at 20 locations prisons, university psyche hospitals military bases and he has funded a 100 million 50s $ highly compartmentalized research program focused on human neurological control systems and distributed the work across several hundred university research labs so no one group would have more than a tiny part of the puzzle.

Doc Sid was looking for a hack, or if possible a backdoor into the human operating system. One that would give the possessor total control over the perceptual environment of another individual or group.

then the BURN EVERYTHING NOW order came…

That's it, the end.

Dr Sid Gottlieb told congress they had found the droid they were looking for he was with his tomatoes down in Virginia unable to testify but commended committees diligence.

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.6664451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined

to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature.

As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals,

Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them

in the nest. A famous human organization employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins. Sabah

reputedly learned the art and science of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the source, Sabah’s Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty from adherents and instant complete compliance with leader’s instructions. Nation states have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command. Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they were able to create thousands of loyal followers.

When after 300 years the Assassin’s luck ran out and their fortress at Alamut (in what is now Iran) was overrun and the Assassin’s leadership captured and executed by the Mongols. What happens to the thousands of faithful assassins scattered throughout the middle east?

The assassins did what companies do after a scandal or serious defeat, they changed the name of the organization and continued to practice extortion and blackmail of nation states which had prospered them for three hundred years. Just as the Arthur Anderson consulting firm changed to itself to Accenture after being implicated in the Enron fraud, the Assassins reconstituted themselves under new leadership and rebranded, terrorized and blackmailed under a new name – the Ismailis. The Assassins / Ismailis are known to have shared their tactics and technology with other groups such as the knight Templar with whom they were allied or who shared their antinomian beliefs.

Groups today employing the Assassin’s mind control tactics command close to 100% loyalty and instant

compliance with leaders’ instructions. Many groups and organizations, religious sects, cults and

intelligence agencies have acquired the assassin’s MK technology and have worked diligently to improve it. The assassin’s tactics are often called “trauma-based” mind control because they employ physical or emotional trauma as an instructional aid.

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.6664471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legacy or mainstream media uses unperceived images, subliminal and subsonic embeds, to deliver trauma inducing data concealed advertising and “entertainment” media content.

Human beings are highly suggestible, extremely imitative and profoundly irrational. “What appears

conscious, logical and reasonable has little persuasive significance.” Deceptions propagated by media,

accumulate. When residual lies are formulated as social dogma, and represented forcefully by media as

orthodox reality, we must wholly accept, as good citizens, or entirely reject lies, as immoral fools,

traitors, and lunatics do. Russell says, “In May 1926 Kraus responded to agitation for Anschluss,

annexation by Germany, declaring that “the hypnotic power of newsprint was creating a “counterfeit

reality” in which “nothing is real except for the lies.” Perception, not the labels used to describe the

nonverbal perceptual process, cannot be divided into simplistic categories such as conscious (cognitive)

and unconscious (subliminal). Conscious and unconscious must be viewed as approximate overlapping

states to be viewed on a scale of more-or-less, rather than either or. Perception as it affects the brain

and body is totally integrated. All portions of the brain interconnect with all parts of the body. Body and

conscious and unconscious mind are inextricable and “programmed from infancy with basic

assumptions, unconsciously supported ideas are usually taken for granted.”

The only way to inhibit the function of overt disinformation and covert control tactics is to expose them.

NSA, US Military intelligence and allies and partners worldwide are doing this now. Whatever the

ultimate extent of the public revelations, the existing damage is real, and remedial measures are

required to initiate recovery with the objective of restoring function and educating the public about our

collective cognitive vulnerability.

Anonymous ID: f7d05f June 3, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6664517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Child stealing networks operate worldwide. They frequently prey on indigenous peoples in remote areas of third world countries.


This witness describes what he saw in the Guatemalan Highlands.