are you just sitting at your pc waiting to responded to the JQ? asking for a friend.
everyone knows claiming ip hop is a logical falacy. back to plebbit with you
but your habit of plebbit spacing remains. back you go newfag!
what was that private? lets take a look at your permanent record
>linked below
none substance dig, common tactic seen in imageboard raids
thanking baker
everyone knows OP is always a faggot
none substance
by the looks of it private you are need to go back to plebbit
well while im finishing up my tactical beer for the night let me give you a status report there newfag
>linked posts
liberal tears detected
what anon in his right mind would post a face like that!
by the looks of your medical records you have a case of plebbit liberal refuge and the only cure is to go back
top kek newfag! thats the chan spirit! haha like we always say!
then pour water on your head kek!
looks like we broke him kek should have went back to plebbit
im shaking in my boots newfag lighten up and you might last longer if not there is always plebbit kek!
maybe 2 days ahead of schedule kek!