>>6664307 (PB)
>SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27 – The Rothschilds, through the San Francisco house of Liebes Co., are about to enter the Alaska trade.
It was the last great gold rush, the richest placer strike in human history and the Rots were worried. What would happen the monetary system the Rots had so painstakingly created?
Placer gold was fine, but the motherlode that had to be stopped, because it the that AU was found and that AU was brought to market it would be just another commodity metal and and the era of human conflict over material resources would be over.
The Rots have been able to keep the Klondike gold in the ground. It's still there there, left in the ground beneath King Solomon's Dome, where many prospectors have been paid to look for it, and paid to find nothing, coming up empty over the years.
Who controls the gold claims around Solomon's Dome in the Klondike mining district YT now?
The Rots of course, through dwarvish proxy Frank "Gutenberg" Guistra; whom anons know as a financier and gold market manipulator and pedovore operator of the evil and subversive cultist mind control operation Lionsgate Studios.