Anonymous ID: e2d6d1 June 3, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.6664976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5085

Read it all in the link provided.


John Huber Took Us for a Ride


Over a year ago, I asked in this space whether U.S. attorney John Huber could impartially and fully investigate FISA court abuses and other matters in which his boss, Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein, was up to his eyeballs. In "Can Huber Investigate His Boss Rosenstein?," I asked:


While it is reassuring to note that A.G. Jeff Sessions has climbed down from the back side of the milk carton, where his missing visage had been hiding, long enough to appoint Utah U.S. attorney John Huber to independently investigate claims of FBI abuses in surveilling the Trump campaign and other matters, one question remains. Can he investigate the commission of his boss, Rod Rosenstein's, of a fraud upon the FISA court by signing a FISA warrant application that relied on a fake British-Russian dossier financed by Team Hillary and the DNC?



Read more:

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Anonymous ID: e2d6d1 June 3, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.6665199   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What’s sad is it does appear that Huber has been sitting on his thumbs, I went back to the latest Q drop on Huber and came back with this gem from FOX news that’s pretty eviscerating of Huber.