Anonymous ID: 515a38 June 3, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.6666120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6189 >>6268 >>6287

God proof - 4


The Language of God


It used to be believed that the original language of man was Hebrew. You can still find charts of language descent with Hebrew at the center. Now it is claimed that the Hebrew Square text doesn't show up in archeology until the captivity, and they stole it from their captors. This is shear silliness. No one write their more sacred things in the language of their enemies. The Mormon Jewish Indians didn't write in Reformed Egyptian, and Jews did not write in Assyrian.


Daniel records how king Belshazzar use the temple vessels to party with… until he saw the handwriting on the wall Daniel 5. It is plausible that the sacred writings were also 'defiled' at that time, explaining the appearance of the square test in Assyria in archeology. We don't need this to continue. It will prove itself to be the language of God.


The Bible that Jesus read would have been the sacred square text as evidenced in the preserved Dead Sea scrolls which predate Christ. The apostles and Jesus had access to them. The hidden message of God; the record of God working behind the scenes, can now be seen in the text of the Old Testament which was preserved.


The church didn't want to know


When Paul started bringing Greeks into the church, they did not want to become Jewish. They didn't want to learn Hebrew. The council at Jerusalem gave them a version of Christianity-lite (Acts 15), Paul even saying that he chose to know nothing but Christ and him crucified. (1Co 2:2)


Before the last of the Apostles was dead, the Greek church had already begun tossing out the Jewish Christians, even not permitting John himself to visit. (3Jo 1:9)


Augustine in the west and Constantine in the east cleansed the church of Hebraisms and made the church thoroughly Greek, adopting Greek philosophy, logic, rhetoric and debate. Augustine even claimed the the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old testament was more reliable than the original Hebrew. The church has so much forgotten how to read Hebrew, that when Jerome wanted to learn how, he had to go to disbelieving Jews.


The disbelieving Jews had two problems: How to keep their own children from seeing Christ in the scriptures and how to keep Christians from seeing him there. They lied about the language.


They said that Hebrew was like Greek and has 3-letter roots which were decorated for additional meaning. But the 3-letter root is not the atomic level of meaning. The rabbis speak among themselves of 2-letter 'gates' which derive from the combined meaning of the letters, which get their meaning from the metaphor of the strokes within.


They said that there were 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. But since the letter derives it's meaning from the strokes, the five final form letters, having a different strokes, have different meanings. There is also one letter found on the priest garment that is not used to form any words. This brings the total number of letters to 28 or 4 x 7 which is consistent with other uses of the numbers.


They said that there were no vowels. but the Sefir Yetzirah (Book of Formations), a book on Hebrew phonetics and other things, explains that consonants are formed by interrupting vowels. Every consonant has a vowel attached. the silent letters aleph and ayin are used to bring the embedded vowel to the front of the consonant. The B sound 'bah' becomes 'ab' when the aleph is in front.


To make things worse, around 600 AD they added more decorations to the letters to scramble the language and confound those who would want to understand. With these additions, for instance, you lose that the Word 'amar' of God is the Lamb of God. The word אמר is used for both. When John the Baptist declared "Behold the Lamb of God" some heard him say "Behold the Word of God."


Fixing Hebrew


If we are going to hear what God says in the hidden record of the Old Testament, we will have to fix the Hebrew which has been handed to us. These fixes will be self-proving. For instance: the rabbis say the ayin represents the righteous man. But when added to 'son' bar בר it becomes 'son of evil. This is an obvious attempt to confuse.