Since you throw this rot into nearly every bread, you obviously care. So which are you, shill or clown?
Tanks Bakes
Laura had a clip of some CNNPC who said something like "This shows that you don't need some large glitzy organization to push fake newsโฆ"
Given CNN's dozens of viewers, most of whom are in the "How to Budget Couch Change to Create Discretionary Cash Flow for the Family" demographic, a demographic that scarcely draws sufficient ad dollars to pad the C-Suite's petty cash account, and whose lemming-like gullibility for leftist agitprop makes them especially indiscerning, I suspect the CNNPC was projecting.
<Actually I am Bulgarian Secret Police. I'm outing myself.
>we know you are a Macedonian content farmer
Only an Albanian would claim to be Bulgarian, while hiring a Cretan to call him a Macedonian. I'm on to you two.
<Why else do you think I pick on you all the <time.. the scintillating repartis?
I prefer reparte. Repartee sounds too much like re-party whereas the former sounds like ray-partay. Which is like a raging beach partay, so a far superior indirect positive emotional response is generated in both listener and speaker, as well as being muy more bitchen. It's less cooler to miss the spelling by several miles. So while I am scintillating as I cross swords hither and yon, I rather suspect that you are incapable of understanding such wit, and therefore made an utterly feeble attempt at sarcasm and ended up smashed in the face with irony.