Anonymous ID: 0c4b1d June 3, 2019, 8:54 p.m. No.6666909   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>I suspect they are the roadblock.


Obama executive order #13526 already forbids material being classified or remaining classified to cover up incompetence, embarrassment, or criminal activities. All Barr needs to do is follow it

Anonymous ID: 0c4b1d June 3, 2019, 8:59 p.m. No.6666959   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Music time, anon!




From the rock opera "The Source", prequel to Ayreon's other "Forever" albums, including "Planet Y", "Earth", "The Final Experiment", "The Human Equation", "Into the Electric Castle", "The Dream Sequencer", and "Flight of the Migrator"


Great shit if you have time to listen to them. I recommend listening in the order I listed, except listen to The Source last… it provides more backstory on Alpha, the original home planet of the Forever before they migrated to Planet Y and became immortal.

Anonymous ID: 0c4b1d June 3, 2019, 9:08 p.m. No.6667013   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>It is time to end the Capatcha per post.


So you say, I disagree. You are stating an opinion, so it would be forthright of you to word it as such. "I think it's time to end the Captcha per post." Plus, while typing this, maybe you'll remember that you are stating your opinion and that you don't necessarily speak for all others.


>It does not stop the shills but it does slow down Anons posting, especially when we are trying to get news out fast to other Anons.


I disagree. It slowed down a lot of the lower-quality posters (not all of whom are necessarily shills) including Ebot and chased off the uncommitted and lazy. I view those as valuable outcomes, even though the captcha is a burden. Maybe it's a good thing that it's harder to post. I find that I no longer make very many 1-word posts or reply just to post an image macro. It's very rare to see Tiresias post 40 times per bread anymore, typically he's posting 8-10 times if he even logs on. He's been gone for days right now and it's really nice.


>There is a reason the shills (especially AFLB) are go full throttle against any Anon who complains.


Have you considered the problems inherent in choosing to identify anyone that supports the captcha as a shill? It really only leaves you one conclusion to reach, and there's a very strong possibility that your conclusion is wrong. Does not seem like quality critical thinking to me. I acknowledge that it's not very friendly, or even that it's divisive, to attack the anons that complain about the captcha. I've done it quite a few times myself, but I'm trying to stop and remember the things Q has asked us to do. But that whining really does grate on me, and many times the people doing it speak as though everyone agrees with them and they speak for everyone, which is simply not true.


Anyway have a good night and good luck solving your captchas.

Anonymous ID: 0c4b1d June 3, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.6667152   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Someone tell me the craziest thing you’ve learned since Q went active?


Certain Hollywood figures are secretly transgender or crossdressing. Certain others have been murdered and replaced with body doubles. Hillary Clinton uses 1 or more body doubles.

Anonymous ID: 0c4b1d June 3, 2019, 9:37 p.m. No.6667180   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7194


>He's being blackmailed for being a pedophile.


Yeah, he has that Patton Oswalt look to him. The kind of guy who probably couldn't get any without dropping $200 well into his 30s. Like Ron Perlman. For some reason the ones that spend a lot of early life as incels end up going after children. Why is that? Trying to capture the excitement they missed in their youth by ruining someone else's?



>I sort of believe this. he went insane when Trump ran


So did a WHOLE lot of people. One prevailing theory on WHY is that Trump has spent decades around these people–hollywood and the politicals–and amassed a reputation for being "boring." A party Trump was attending was expected to be a boring party; no pizza. Trump doesn't drink, use illegal drugs, or mess around with children. He's not into any of the same recreation as they are. In 2012, he posted about death penalties for child sex traffickers.


If you've never watched the Al Smith Dinner from 2016 where Trump and Hillary roasted each other, now's a great time to do so. You can speed it up if it's too long for you. Don't focus too much on Trump: the interesting part is watching the faces of the other participants when Trump talks about corruption and Haiti and similar subjects.





Anonymous ID: 0c4b1d June 3, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.6667212   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7223


>My plan, the #CAREact, would spend $100 billion on treatment, recovery, and research to end this crisis.




>How about revenue clawbacks on the pharma criminals (looking at you, Sacklers) who created this problem?


It's worked wonders against big tobacco. I say we go for it. Put those mother fuckers in the bread line. Clean. Them. OUT. All their assets, properties, annuities, stocks, bonds, vehicles, anything the government can liquidate, they take and they liquidate. At the end, these execs should be forbidden from working in medicine, food, or any other professions that involve producing drugs, chemicals, cleaning products, pesticides, food, drink, topical ointments, literally ANYTHING that is put on or in a human being or plants or surfaces utilized by human beings. The end goal is these guys cannot get work doing much else besides minimum wage night shift security. Make it a felony to give them any form of aid or comfort, too.