I was thinking of turning in for the night, but I think I'll stick around to see the flurry of activity around the satanic septs.
I was thinking of turning in for the night, but I think I'll stick around to see the flurry of activity around the satanic septs.
Disregarding the percentages (which are quite interesting in themselves), it strikes me as odd that Judaism is not considered a "non-Christian religion".
They only count if they're in the last 4 digits.
(otherwise you'd have 1,000 posters celebrating hitting "quad 6s")
>calls out his own digits
Them be some balls of steel, anon.
Some motherfucking giant balls of steel.
Either that or there is fuckery afoot.
He was also one of Mueller's "key witnesses".
Was he giving evidence on Trump?
Or on something else?
The timing of the arrest is sure interesting.
And calling out own digits is poster's way of showing off control of boardโฆ?
<Hey, I truly am Highest Ranking Anon, look at thisโฆ
Can't believe that noone has called this out yet for its utter fakeness.
I won't call it fake and gay because it is awesomeโฆ. but still fake.
Lots of tells, but the biggest one is that you got greedy on the multiple 000045 posts.
And here is the video with the highly photoshoppable moment at 10:54.
And now you and I know they know we know they know he knows.