Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:38 p.m. No.6666752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6989 >>7083 >>7130 >>7176 >>7188



Syria calls on Security Council to condemn terrorist attacks on safe civilians

“Some Security council member states, particularly the US and western states, circulate fake information that the Syrian army and its allies shell civilian targets and facilities in Idleb… unfortunately, some officials at UN General Secretariat, for their part, are completing the circle of unprofessional information which mainly aim to mislead the world public opinion to protect Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization,” Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a letter sent to UN Secretary General and President of Security council.


Syrian forces seize US-made TOW missiles in terrorist redoubts

Syrian army troops discovered and sized terrorists’ weapons, including hundreds of thousands of machine gun rounds, some of which Israeli-made, machine guns of 12.7 mm, 14.5 mm and 23 mm.

It added that Syrian soldiers also discovered a number of anti-tank missiles, including US-made TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) missiles.

The report also said that among the seized weapons there was a drone capable of carrying about 20 kg of explosive materials.


Military Situation In Syria On June 3, 2019 (Map Update)

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed advance north of Kafr Nabudah;

Airstrikes were reported in northern Lattakia and northwestern Hama;

ISIS claims its members had killed several SAA soldiers, destroyed vehicles near Sukhna;

A car bomb explosion in Azaz killed 16 and injured 50 others;

Israeli warplanes struck the T4 airbase killing a service member and injuring two others. 2 missiles were intercepted, according to the Syrian state media.


Syrian Army Launched Advance On Militant Positions North Of Kafr Nabudah

SAA and the Tiger Forces already entered the village of Qasabiyah, but have not been able to secure it yet. Clashes were also reported in Hamirat.

The resumption of military hostilities in the area became a logical continuation of the recent developments in this area. Radical militant groups, including Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, ignored de-escalation efforts by Damacus and its allies and continued offensive actions against the SAA. This forced the Syrian military to respond.


Syrian War Report – June 3, 2019: Israeli Military Intensifies Attacks On Syria


No Chemical Attacks in Syria. Misleading Public Opinion. Blaming Bashar Al Assad. The Media’s “Humanitarian” Pro-War Narrative

he corporate media is concealing a leaked UN agency report that shows Syrian government innocence in an alleged chemical attack.

“Americans have been fed a steady diet of ‘Assad the butcher’ and any counter narrative is disappeared.” Cont. in images

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.6666774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7046 >>7163 >>7207

Trump Meets British Humor


U.S. President Donald Trump is currently visiting Britain. He is not much liked in that country. A recent poll shows that only 21% of the British people have a positive a opinion about him.


Some young man even prepared a special welcome message for Trump:


A teenager has mowed an anti-Trump message, complete with a giant penis, into the grass of his family home ahead of the US president’s UK state visit.

The A-level student hopes that the US president will spot his creation as Air Force One approaches Stansted Airport, which is near Hatfield Heath, on Monday morning.


It is unlikely that Trump saw that picture from the air.


But the British security that escorted Trump from Stansted into London seems have borrowed the idea.


Stansaid Airport @StansaidAirport - 9:32 utc - 3 Jun 2019


Well done our security escort team! The President is now arriving at the U.S. Ambassador's residence off Regent's Park. Good work people.


Stansaid Airport is a humorous account. There are several other pictures that play with the theme. We can not vouch for their veracity.

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.6666802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932

Court Docs: Monsanto Paid Chemical Industry Front Group to Claim Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’ and Attack Its Critics


Monsanto paid a shadowy chemical industry front group to help push back against the mounting scientific evidence that the company’s signature Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, court documents reveal.


“If a company like [Monsanto] won’t support us, then who will?” the head of the American Council on Science and Health wrote to a Monsanto scientist in 2015. A day later came the reply: “[T]he answer is yes…. [D]efinitely count us in!!”


Emails between Monsanto and the American Council on Science and Health, or ACSH, and related internal Monsanto emails were first made public during the trial last July of a lawsuit by a former California school groundskeeper who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after using Roundup. The jury awarded Dewayne “Lee” Johnson $289 million in punitive and compensatory damages, later reduced by the judge to $78 million.


The internal Monsanto/ACSH emails reappeared as evidence in the most recent lawsuit to go before a court, brought by a California couple who were both diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after decades of using the herbicide. In May, the jury ordered Bayer-Monsanto to pay Alva and Alberta Pilliod more than $2 billion in damages.


It was the third verdict in less than a year in which juries found that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Roundup, causes cancer and that Monsanto covered up evidence of its health risk for decades. Last year, Bayer bought Monsanto for $63 billion and is now facing tens of thousands of similar lawsuits.


The emails – here and here – show that in February 2015, Monsanto was working with ACSH to prepare for the expected fallout from a pending report on the safety of glyphosate by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC. The following month the IARC, part of the World Health Organization, would release a report that classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.6666825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aussie Feds Raid News Corp Journalist's Home After Government Spying Exposé


Australian federal police officers are raiding the home of News Corp Australia journalist Annika Smethurst over an April, 2018 story accusing the government of radical new espionage powers allowing the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) to monitor citizens for the first time, according to the Daily Telegraph (via the Herald Sun).



Ms Smethurst, the political editor for News Corp Sunday titles includingThe Sunday Telegraph, was at home preparing to leave for work this morning when several Australian Federal Police officers arrived with a warrant from an ACT magistrate giving them authority to search her home, computer and mobile phone.


Ms Smethurst complied with the warrant and is presently waiting for the raid to be completed. She has declined to answer questions apart from confirming her identity. -Herald Sun


Smethurst's article revealed that the emails, bank accounts and text messages of Australian citizens could be secretly accessed by government spies without a trace under the proposal, as long as the Defense and Home Affairs ministers approved the plan.


The raid comes three weeks after the federal election returned the Morrison government to power, leaving Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton at the helm.


Ms Smethurst’s original story included images of top-secret letters between the secretary of Home Affairs, Mike Pezzullo, and his counterpart in Defence, Greg Moriarty, outlining a plan to potentially allow government hackers to “proactively disrupt and covertly remove” onshore cyber threats by “hacking into critical infrastructure.” -Herald Sun


Current Australian law prohibits the ASD from spying on citizens - a power left to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the country's domestic spy agency.


Smethhurt revealed that Dutton and former Defense Minister Marise Payne had reviewed the proposal, however it had not moved beyond that stage to be formally presented to the government.

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.6666859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All you need to know about George Pell's appeal


At the Melbourne County Court in December last year, Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of sexual abusing two altar boys when he was archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s.


The convictions were not made public until February this year due to a ban on media coverage imposed by Chief Judge Peter Kidd.


Pell’s legal team successfully applied for leave to appeal, and the hearing is coming up this week.


Here is a summary of the main questions surrounding the appeal process and its implications.


When is the appeal taking place?


The hearing will take place on Wednesday and Thursday this week (June 5 and 6).


Although it is a Court of Appeal hearing, it will take place at the larger Supreme Court building in Melbourne to cater for the intense interest.


The hearing will take place in front of three judges, Supreme Court Chief Justice Anne Ferguson, Justice Chris Maxwell, the president of the Court of Appeal and Justice Mark Weinberg.

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.6666871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Trump Attorney John Dowd: Entire Report by Mueller is a Fraud – We’re Going to Find More False Statements


On Friday evening Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys.


Mueller and Weissmann used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.


The Hill reported:


Federal prosecutors have released the full transcript of a voicemail from one of President Trump’s attorneys to an attorney for Michael Flynn that special counsel Robert Mueller examined as part of his obstruction inquiry.


The voicemail was left for Robert Kelner, a lawyer for the former national security adviser, after Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with Trump’s attorneys and began cooperating in Mueller’s investigation.


According to the voicemail transcript, Trump’s lawyer asked Flynn’s attorney for a “heads up” if he knew of information that “implicates the president,” describing it as a “national security issue.” The president’s attorney also said that Trump’s feeling toward Flynn “still remains.”


Mueller examined the voicemail as part of his investigation into whether Trump or others obstructed justice, in which Flynn provided information. Mueller ultimately did not make a decision on whether Trump obstructed the investigation.


After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report.


Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissmann manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.


This is more proof the deep state used any means possible including lying to get Trump.


Rosie Memos discovered the Mueller-Weissmann edited the report to make it look more damaging.


Via Rosie Memos: Once again #MuellerReport edited messages to make them appear more damaging, full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.6666899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6977

Hollywood Producer Peter Chernin Amassing War Chest for ‘Legal Attack’ on Abortion Laws


Hollywood super-producer and media executive Peter Chernin has kicked off a campaign to raise millions to fund a “legal attack” against abortion laws sweeping parts of the country, according to the New York Times.


Peter Chernin, founder of The Chernin Group and former president and COO of News Corporation, has enlisted some of Hollywood and Silicon Valley’s most prominent players to contribute fat checks to the cause.


“I am launching a campaign to contribute to the $15 million that is needed to fund the [American Civil Liberties Union’s] legal efforts to battle the national anti-abortion effort,” Chernin wrote in a fundraising email to business bigwigs like Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, and several movie studio chiefs.


“[W]e have a moral responsibility to act immediately,” Chernin continued, revealing that his company and family foundation has already donated $1 million to the effort. The media entrepreneur also said ACLU executive director Anthony Romero is assisting him in raising funds.

Anonymous ID: ba34fb June 3, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.6666915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956 >>7092

Mexico Says It Is Holding Back 250K Migrants amid Tariff Threat


Mexico’s top diplomats issued a veiled threat to the U.S. government suggesting that without their efforts, 250,000 more Central American migrants could proceed north. The statement follows President Donald Trump’s threat of raising a 5 percent tariff if Mexico does not strengthen its borders.


On Monday evening, Mexico’s Foreign Relations Secretariat posted a statement claiming the country was effectively providing humanitarian visas to Central American migrants and strengthening immigration enforcement operations in southern Mexico.