Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 5, 2019, 3:33 a.m. No.6923241   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3357




Who faked it and why? Betting it was someone like Mark Sedwill. If Number 10, as reported by the Telegraph, are denying they kept stuff from him then it is clear that the PM did keep stuff from Johnson. Never believe anything until it has officially been denied.

Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 9, 2019, 12:20 a.m. No.6964226   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4395

The leaks regarding the British Ambassador have to be done by Q, it is the only rational explanation. And its effectively a marker in waking up the British public to the corruption of our establishment.


I bet there are links between the grooming gangs in Rotherham and Epstein/HRC. That is why the DS are trying to silence him.

Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 9, 2019, 5:06 a.m. No.6965108   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6827 >>3123

Trump is going after the UK Gov't. Our deep state, this is just the beginning. The storm is here.


Q is protecting HM the Queen, and destroying the deep state civil service. Question now is what Q thinks of Boris and how much leverage does Q have over Boris?

Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 12, 2019, 2:47 a.m. No.7008981   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I have a few questions for Q on the war in Afghanistan.


Q has said little on Malala Yousefzai, fundamentally I do not trust the story. The idea a young child can get shot multiple times by the Taliban, most likely a 7.62mm round from an AK-47, and survive, let alone without any obviously physical problems is dubious at best. What can Q tell us regarding Malala? What makes Malala special, the Taliban shot hundreds of children, the topography and infrastructure in Afghanistan and Pakistan isn't the most conducive to an emergency casevac.


I have friends who served in Afghanistan (WIA and KIA) with the British Army, the wounds soldiers received from the AK-47 were rather horrific. Not to mention being blown up by IEDs.


#1 They have all said the same thing regard the poppy crop. They were protecting the poppies rather than destroying them? War drugs? Nah… Unknowingly protecting drugs for the big American deep state/pharmaceutical companies? More plausible.


They have all said, they felt like an occupying force rather than a liberating force.


Casualty minimisation, the BBC World Service would tell the world the British would attack Lashkah Gar at a certain time the next day, by which time the Taliban scarper and the Army moves into a deserted village.


For a war to be just there has to be clear reasoning and openness with the public on why we are sending brave young men to have their brains blown out of for Blighty. I don't see any of that in Afghanistan.

Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 13, 2019, 2:10 a.m. No.7024428   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4589 >>4664



I think some peripheral Royals maybe are, but the Queen herself, Charles and William; I don't think so. The Queen is a praying Queen, she is very faithful and embodies a huge amount of grace.


During the state visit, her relationship with Trump was just exceptional.


The British psychy is a strange one at times, the way The Rogue Parliament has behaved with a compromised civil service. People seem quite happy to have the Queen rule directly whilst the Westminster cesspit is cleaned.




Hopefully flipped or patriot, it will be interesting to see what Q puts up in the "players" section of QMap. The fact Boris is taking a Q line is reassuring. Also, economically he seems to be taking a Trumponomics tack.

A confirmation from Q, publicly or anonymously, would be great.



Shortly after Trump's speech at the NATO summit in Warsaw, Prince William also gave a speech, in the style of a typical British Army Officer, but the content was remarkably similar.

Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 13, 2019, 5:24 a.m. No.7025098   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5719 >>5694

Two things I want to know from Q:


#1 Is Boris a patriot and does he have any form link to the Q team?


#2 Are there any links between Epstein, Rotherham/Telford (mass grooming of young girls) and high level British officials? Given the massive cover-up, I suspect there is.

Anonymous ID: 02e788 July 13, 2019, 5:50 a.m. No.7025227   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5233

Interesting narrative from Boris. More evidence of a Q narrative in today's Telegraph.


It seems as if he encourage this deep-state corruption to be made public. Very interesting article… 1/