Anonymous ID: 1100a4 July 28, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.7233254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3485


My feelings too. I was pondering whether Boris was a fall guy or gap filler between now and the next GE. Then we get Nigel? But BoJo + Nigel coalition could also be a thing. The resurgence of some of the more old fashioned, patriotic, even working class conservatives, who are quite similar to the brexit party, let's be honest, would be a fine thing to see. Get rid of the centrist idiots, remoaners, and other people who don't belong to the party and we might be going somewhere good


I await what will happen with the civil service… Can Boris show them who's boss? Will we get a lot of resignations? Restructuring?