Anonymous ID: 4d57b1 June 22, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6816917   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Student kicked out of class for saying ‘there are only 2 genders’


A 17-year-old Scottish student claims he was told to leave his class after saying there are only “two genders” – a statement which earned him a reprimand from the teacher, whose reaction he secretly recorded on camera. READ MORE:

Anonymous ID: 4d57b1 June 24, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.6830026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Advice From War Room

1) pin great tweet with instructions to your profile

2) send a few GOOD tweets (have something to say, add hashtags, a meme, TY @potus and perhaps an URL to something)

3) search #ReleaseTheTexts

4) select RECENT

5) RT the first 10-15 you see.

Repeat every 30 minutes

War Room.

Anonymous ID: 4d57b1 June 24, 2019, 6:09 p.m. No.6834637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 4d57b1 June 25, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.6841546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2125 >>3280 >>0468

Britain Signs £1 Trillion ‘Net Zero’ Carbon Suicide Note


As predicted, Theresa May’s lame-duck government has gone ahead and signed the £1 trillion suicide note committing the UK to ‘Net Zero’ decarbonisation by 2050.


Do any of the incompetent, virtue-signalling pillocks — both on the Government and Opposition benches — who signed this piece of magical unicorn fairytale tosh have any idea what £1 trillion looks like?


Here’s one helpful offering from the Global Warming Policy Foundation:


With that sum of money, it points out, you could pay the salaries of 314,000 NHS nurses for a century.


Another way of looking at it is this: if one second is one pound, then £1 trillion is the equivalent of a pound spent every second for 32,000 years.


Whichever way you look at it, £1 trillion is the kind of public expenditure you’d need to be out of your mind not sign off without very serious scrutiny.


After all, if you’re going to make a huge fuss about the bagatelle of £350 million on the side of a bus, then clearly you’re going to pay much, much more attention to a figure several orders of magnitude even than the £750 billion or so the government spends on health, education, defence, welfare, housing, foreign aid, and so on.


But yesterday our elected representatives in parliament — the people we rely on to ensure that the money taken from us in the form of taxation or borrowing or inflationary money printing is spent responsibly and wisely — gave it all of 90 minutes sketchy thought before deciding that £1 trillion was so trivial as not even to be deserving of any kind of cost-benefit analysis.


Let’s be clear on the facts, here.


Climate change — aka Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming — is #fakenews.


Even if it were not an imaginary problem cooked up for ideological reasons by activist scientists, shyster politicians, green campaigners and crony capitalists — there is no evidence whatsoever that it is within mankind’s ability to control the climate by reducing industrial CO2 output.


Furthermore, even if we were to believe the green loons, braindead politicians, and rent-seeking scum suckers from the renewables industry who claim that it is possible, such gestures are only going to make sense if all the world’s major economies follow suit. Countries that choose to ‘decarbonise’ their economies unilaterally will simply be committing suicide by burdening their own producers with unnecessary extra costs. And since China — by far the world’s biggest producer of CO2 – isn’t playing ball, nor is the U.S., nor is India, nor, we learn this week, is Japan –there is no chance on earth that this is going to happen.


Net Zero by 2050 is a hopeless aspiration.


Sorry, Angles, Britons and Celts.
