Anonymous ID: 9812b1 July 22, 2019, 12:35 a.m. No.7129327   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Read his de-codes, the message gets lost and distorted in translation when "another" makes a vid about his work. The language (system) Gematria is ancient,

Personally I have no vested interest in who wins or looses a fight between good and evil as they are both mind created concepts, as is language that "spells" and creates the visual/material reality that the mind seems to treat as real. Q said "sit back and watch the Movie". The truth is "we" are watching a "mind movie" and because it is accepted (believed) to be real, it Acts as real.

The battle is first one of becoming Master of the "mind", not slave to it, then when watching one is not tricked by "who" or "what" disseminates information. Do you really believe there is a "right or wrong" in this world drama ? Q, DJT is a psy-opp of the highest order in the collective consciousness of mankind, the tools implemented have a range that many would never come to terms with or understand, those on these Boards are privileged to be hearing near first hand info, so to there are many aspects to the information drops. My request is, do not attack another until you know first hand where he or she is coming from and then when one knows that one is looking from a whole different perspective, one where Freedom is not a concept to be fought for but an Absolute Knowing.