Anonymous ID: bbdee1 June 7, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6694617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1118


> we ALL control our own reality. Spread love and peace, not hatred.


We are not God, anon.


What is the Divine Paradox?


Tl;dr it is the mistaken and often cynical exhortation to be as all-loving as God, accepting all creations and things as utterly perfected, whilst being in the world and dealing with non-loving beings of equal or greater earthly power than oneself, leading to inaction and confusion, and allowing evil to triumph.


Evil things are falsely presented as the perfect Will of God, to be accepted with love and even gratitude, whilst noble action of one's own to defend the weak and enforce justice is critiqued as resisting What Is, defying karmic laws or the Will of God, and as being spiritually inferior to simply allowing evil to flourish. You, are real; the evil you observe, you will be deceived into thinking, is somehow not real, and yet has priority.


The Divine Paradox explained


The Divine Paradox is found in all forms of spiritual belief that posit God, the FINAL creator, Source, 'The All' as the almighty being who creates, maintains, and destroys all things. The Divine Paradox is explained in detail in a book called The Kybalion which is no longer protected by copyright due to its age and can be found easily online. It's the keystone of the old question, 'If God is all powerful, He cannot be all-loving, for bad things happen to good people, and evil doers prey upon the innocent.' It is at its heart an attempt to reconcile belief in an all-loving and all-powerful God and the presence, nay the abundance, of evil and suffering in the world.


These belief systems hold that mankind is innately Divine, carrying a small spark of that God or Source energy within, either as a created being or as small fragments of the Source which has taken on human form to have experiences. Some of these experiences cause people to lash out, succumb to vices such as greed and rapine, or be born into environments where they're misled into performing acts the observer believes to be evil. There is room within this system to posit a 'fall' into the physical, if one feels this to be correct, but it's not essential.


This is the belief system that underlies both eastern religions (primarily Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism) and also the new age movement, the latter of which has significantly permeated contemporary Christianity by now, and when misunderstood or wilfully warped, it results in garbage like the above, in which 'if you kill your enemies they win,' and you are also called out as the origin of, and responsible for, anything bad you observe. This is a false rendering of ancient spiritual understanding, but it can be difficult for many people to explain why, so this is what I will address today.


Only half-wise


The Divine Paradox trap begins when people, being these small autonomous beings with free will (created beings, or fragments of the Divine), subject to the actions and will of other beings in turn, are bamboozled into believing that they must, as human people, think LIKE the Source (God the omnipotent creator of all things), and see all events and actions of their fellow man as equally of merit, be they terrorism, rape gangs, or planned genocide by replacement and artificially-induced low birth rates.


The Source (God) the argument goes, sees this and permits it, therefore the individual person must remain passive and 'above' taking effective action on the human level, and if he were to engage, he may attract negative karma or other consequences. There is the added stinger that the individual, being, as the fool blinded by the Paradox believes, non-different from Source (God) he is himself the sole originator of anything bad that he observes, and only regression into extreme inaction and absolute unconditional love and compassion for all beings and actions can prevent him from unpleasant consequences.


I will allow the text to speak for itself:


The Divine Paradox.


'The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.


… Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master.'


Cont'd below >

Anonymous ID: bbdee1 June 7, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6694630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Divine Paradox, cont'd


Wilful deceit


I contend that most abuses of the Divine Paradox we will see when discussing political and social reality are not those mouthed by well-meaning fools, but by conscious deceivers, who extol absolute unconditional love and a 'do nothing' approach, whilst holding the terrorists, the rape gangs, and the sundry other evils very real upon our world morally blameless since, you will be misled into thinking, you yourself have created them in some way, and they are the Will of God, whilst your visceral reaction of righteous fury is somehow - not.


God manifests or creates the universe; you are as one with, or created by, God, the deceiver states, so you must accept that you have created all this and yet at the same time, as God, you must also totally love, accept, and take no action, for it all originated within you. Any natural human reaction against the evil you observe, such as fear, anger, disgust, or contempt, may tip you off your mountaintop and result in… (and here the deceiver resorts to shaming words from the currency of the school of thought you belong to, on here probably love, talking to a Christian audience, in other venues 'bad karma' and so on). So observe evil, do nothing, you are the one responsible for it, and anything you feel that resists evil or cries out for justice is wrong.


Two concepts are discussed here, and the deceiver attempts to intertwine them: the objective view of the Source, creator God who is all-loving and all-wise (pic related delves into the Kybalion's text in more depth on this), and the subjective view of you, a person who is living in reality, trying to go about your life as best possible guided by moral principles, and ever in search of self-improvement and spiritual wisdom.


The final argument against the 'Love all things, you manifested them' deception is this:


The Creator is objective, seeing all things that occur as part of Its own Divine will, and it is obvious if one accepts this concept for a moment that the Creator has created mankind to act AS mankind, including our thirst for justice and compassion for the weak, and not to sit idly by as the world burns, thinking of lofty reasons to do nothing, whilst evil actions take place, children are violated, and innocent people are massacred.


God, the Source of all creation, created you and your sense of justice and outrage in this precise time and at this precise location for very good reasons: it is your moral duty to rebalance, to bring justice, and to manifest the kind of resisting force that is the only viable counter to the evil doers who will use violence, deception, and any low methods that bring them greater power, and more tender victims. Use what resources you have available, with due care to rest and nourish yourself spiritually, and you will attain the fulfilment of having acted honorably and according to your conscience.


Do not sit idly by trying to rationalise why evil is probably just fine, or allowing deceivers to lull you into inaction, for you are not, in and of yourself, God, able to judge the evil as necessary, and the innocent as without worth. You can test whether you have become fully the Creator of reality by attempting to create a zebra in front of you right now, from nowhere. If you succeed, please post the video: if you fail, righteous fury such as Christ showed expelling the money-changers from the Temple, or Krishna when he came in battle to restore dharma upon the earth, is your natural, holy, God-willed and divine right as a bringer of justice, according to your own abilities, upon the evildoers of this world.


If you're interested in eastern thought about the coexistence of karma and the call to duty against evil, The Bhagavad Gita, with a commentary atteched to give the ancient verses context, is a noble field of study. Pic related contains relevant text taken from The Kybalion.