Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 8, 2019, 5:28 a.m. No.6701454   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sajid is much more closely involved at Scotland Yard than elsewhere. The Met is the only force where the Home Secretary has a role in choosing the chief and his deputy. Sajid is also involved in counter-terror policing, which is carried out nationally through the Met.


However, there is no suggestion that Bas won his promotion through anything other than hard work. Sajid, 49, has pointed to the influence of his brother as he campaigns to win the keys to 10 Downing Street.

Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 12, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.6733085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The security service MI5 has handled large amounts of personal data in an "undoubtedly unlawful" way, a watchdog has said.


The Investigatory Powers Commissioner said information gathered under warrants was kept too long and not stored safely.


Civil rights group Liberty said the breaches involved the "mass collection of data of innocent citizens".


The high court heard MI5 knew about the issues in 2016 but kept them secret.


"MI5 have been holding on to people's data - ordinary people's data, your data, my data - illegally for many years," said Megan Goulding, a lawyer for Liberty, which brought the case.


"Not only that, they've been trying to keep their really serious errors secret - secret from the security services watchdog, who's supposed to know about them, secret from the Home Office, secret from the prime minister and secret from the public."

Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 12, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.6733775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MPs reject chance to take control of Parliament's timetable, blocking the latest attempt to stop no-deal Brexit

Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 14, 2019, 5:30 a.m. No.6748300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6748249 Young Assange spent a lot of time in the great outdoors. He recalled his boyhood being "pretty Tom Sawyer. I had my own horse. I built my own raft. I went fishing. I was going down mine shafts and tunnels." But his adventurous existence had a dark side. When Assange was 8 his mother split from her husband and began a romance with a musician with whom she later had a child. Unfortunately, the man had another family — specifically The Family, a doomsday cult led by the "cruel and charismatic" Anne Hamilton-Byrne.


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Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 14, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.6749777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Chinese-owned company is making circuit boards for the top secret next generation F-35 warplanes flown by Britain and the United States, Sky News can reveal.


Exception PCB, a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer in Gloucestershire, south west England, produces circuit boards that "control many of the F-35's core capabilities", according to publicity material produced by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).


This includes "its engines, lighting, fuel and navigation systems", it said.


When asked about the firm's Chinese ownership, the MoD said Exception PCB is an established manufacturer of circuit boards to the defence industry and presents "no risk" to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter supply chain.

Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 19, 2019, 6:44 a.m. No.6789076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For the first time since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down in July 2014, prosecutors have announced charges against suspects in the case.


Three Russians and a Ukrainian have been charged with bringing a missile into the area in eastern Ukraine and with murdering 298 passengers and crew.


Passenger flight MH17 was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down over conflict-hit Ukraine.


A court case will begin in the Netherlands on 9 March 2020.


International arrest warrants have been issued for the four men.

Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 19, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.6789129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The BBC has defended its vetting process after it emerged a guest on its leadership debate show had shared allegedly anti-Semitic tweets.


Imam Abdullah Patel said he was sure he had not criticised Jewish people but stood by criticism of Israeli policy.


The broadcaster said: "Had we been aware of the views he expressed he would not have been selected."


Mr Patel has been suspended as deputy head of a girls' school and also by the Masjid e Umar mosque in Gloucester.


The BBC said the tweets had come to light after Mr Patel re-activated a previously inactive Twitter profile in the aftermath of Tuesday's debate, and had not been visible to its researchers before then.


A screenshot of Mr Patel's Twitter feed from 2014 posted on the Guido Fawkes website showed he shared a graphic of Israel's outline superimposed on a map of the US under the headline "Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict - relocate Israel into United States".


Labour MP Naz Shah was temporarily suspended from her party three years ago after it emerged she had shared the same image on Facebook.

Anonymous ID: c35cb4 June 21, 2019, 4:53 a.m. No.6805798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3928

Interesting guy …… Distinctions

In March 2015, Field was sworn of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, thereafter being accorded the honorific prefix of "The Right Honourable".[32] He serves as Patron of the Bishopsgate Institute and of the St Andrew's Club in London;[33] he has also been admitted as a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors.