Anonymous ID: c97d5d June 13, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6743980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Same here fren, realised that winning or losing the rat race means you are still a rat. Down graded spending, settled debt, ditched the crappy job that I was working to spend the income on booze and outlets for stress OF THE JOB. Now growing food, doing permaculture, got chickens and have rid myself of every bit of social media and online presence. Making money self employed and am time rich because have reduced consumption spending to next to nothing, even heat my house on reclaimed wood via tree surgeon work. Your Lebowski Dudeness comes through, its a lot easier to drop out, mix a white Russian and change your own attitude than it is to waste years yelling at the establishment to change their ways. The only difference for me is that I live in rural Lebowski land, where there is a definite but slow moving defence against the dark arts of city finance, city people and politics. They never conquer our agreeable but interminable 'go slow' on all they plan to do here. Haha

Anonymous ID: c97d5d June 13, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.6744055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962 >>6749 >>3280


I have absolutely no problem with an immigrant family running a corner shop. They have been doing it since the 1970's and most corner shop owning families in the UK are as integrated with their community as it gets, largely because they depend on them for trade and income and supply a service that needs to fulfil a specific price point niche. Frankly if this is your beef about the Islamic issue in the UK I call you an arse and think you don't even live here. The corner shops have long been the institution for post colonial Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims who want a better life for their kids minus hassle.


Don't conflate decent and lawful migration by people with the money to run a legitimate small business with illegal migration by radical fundamentalists who intend to bleed the system and anyone else they can dry.