Anonymous ID: cae565 June 16, 2019, 9:04 a.m. No.6764283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4306 >>4322 >>4343 >>5109

Because the implications don't suit the deep state.


See this video, important bits of the Tilbrrok interview previously posted…


Key points:

Government can exit the EU simply by conceding his case

'A couple' of the tory leadership candidates have been in contact with him about this.

He wouldn't name which leadership candidates, but one would presume Raab is one of them.


Meanwhile Farage keeps talking about being involved in negotiations, which shows he isn't a patriot. His party also will not talk about the Tilbrook case.>>6743478

Anonymous ID: cae565 June 16, 2019, 9:12 a.m. No.6764322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4343 >>5109 >>6556 >>2713



Farage actually voted to stay in the EU on April12th at the council of Presidents in the EU Parliament.


Minutes of the meeting have been removed but there are eye witness reports of such from very sound patriots.


Also his 'brexit party' is a private company, all donations go direct to him as sole shareholder. He is deep state.

Anonymous ID: cae565 June 17, 2019, 2:30 a.m. No.6769941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0060 >>0868



Subversives who talked about the Rotherham rape gangs and exposed deep state corruption. Why does Farage not talk about this?


If he wants to leave the EU then why did he both talk and vote against in the European parliament committee room?


If he wants to be in control of policies then why does the brexit party not have any?


If he wants to leave the EU then why doesn't he talk about the Tilbrook case? Why doesn't he simply say vote for me and I will concede the case?


With the Tory leadership election running why doesn't he lobby the candidates to concede the case and get us out of the EU straight away?


Why does he demand to be part of negotiations when he knows that the Article 50 extension specifically ruled out any further negotiations?

"What can and cannot happen


The European Council has reiterated that there can be no renegotiation of the Withdrawal Agreement, and that this new extension period cannot be used to start negotiations on future relationship between the UK and EU - known as the Political Declaration."


Why is the 'brexit party' actually a limited company? No other political parties are.


Why do brexit party MPs include revolutionary communists?

Anonymous ID: cae565 June 17, 2019, 4:21 a.m. No.6770159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0296 >>0329



farage called for a comedian to be sent to prison recently for a joke..


so freedom of speech not so much


he never been elected to anything and none of his mps were elected either so democracy not so much


he never said anything about paki rape gangs rotherham telford oxford newcastle

Anonymous ID: cae565 June 17, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.6775709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7660 >>8411 >>8911 >>8964



Then re-read Q drops regarding the deep state.


Tilbrook's case would deliver a shock to the power of the deep state. This is, politically, an easy win for the Brexit party and merely the widespread knowledge of such would destroy the Tory party. If the 17.4m knew we could exit overnight with no repercussions….


Why would they not talk about the simplest mechanism by which the UK could exit the EU? Instead they witter on about being part of negotiations, which can't happen.


Why are the press D noticed?


Hell try this for yourself… Just go to Guido's blog and put comments in about the Tilbrook case and see whther they are ever allowed by the moderator. And that on a supposedly antiestablishment website outside of UK jurisdiction.


If you are convinced that Farage is playing 4D chess then come up with a plausible explanation. Helpful hint: there isn't one.


This isn't the first strike, back in 2015 he ran the worst General Election campaign in political history quite deliberately to decrease UKIP's support. As soon as UKIP got an MP in parliament he attacked him relentlessly. Cummings won the referendum and described Farage's involvment as completely counterproductive. Quite deliberately so.


Anything that directly threatens tory / deep state power he votoes or deliberately messes up. That's why he wants complete control, that's why he even demanded that the constitution was changed if he became leader to give himself complete control over UKIP. That's why he has complete control over the brexit party, so that he can put the brakes on if they get close to power.


I've been there and I've seen it. At by elections where the press releases say we had 100 people on the ground helping when the truth was a half dozen, meanwhile people wouldn't turn out as they thought manpower was sorted out.


Hustings rigged to pick the least suitable candidate. Brecon for instance. Candidates who were active members of the BNP being given the green light whilst normal straight ones were refused. Leaflets being withdrawn if they were too effective. Popular policies being changed live on air. Staff being fired and smeared if they worked too hard. I could go on and on…


This isn't a game and the naive are just there to be played.


If you think that Farage is straight or your saviour then I pity you. And you clearly don't know anyone who has worked closely with him.


"It does not give me any satisfaction to realise that the old saying “Fish Rots from the Head Down” may have more than a cursory resemblance to UKIP."


And he will do the same to the brexit party.