Anonymous ID: e3b191 June 26, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6847565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7686 >>0499


Confirmed, UK normies are just a waste of space


Even the anon's prefer to duck muslim cock, and let their police do fuck all about the sex trafficking and prostitution by conducted by the muslim brotherhood right under their nose. The UK is fucked……..


Can't even give the public what they voted for, that is to leave the EU………..


Now signing a fucking joke of a £1 Trillion climate change joke……fuck me this shit is a fucking joke…………


I'm off to better lands, I had hope, but the UK is and has been lost long ago, sad, good men died for the UK, and know they have had their memories disgraced by a infestation facilated by the UK goverment……


Taxed on your wages, taxed on what you buy, taxed to watch TV on a TV or the FUCKING internet or a mobile phone, txed of your car, taxed on petrol, taxed on tobacco, taxed on booze, taxed to fcuking hell and back and then give money to the EU……….Fuck me…….




BBC Pedo enabler, Royals Jimmy Saville, Princess Dianna death, Russia hoax, muslim politicians, FUNDS dedicated to giving financial help to "immigrant business owners" not to white people, muslim brotherhood running all the prisons, and one last thing the amount of heroin that gets in because of these fucks is unbelievable ………


I can understand why the Americans left for the new world.


I'm outta here, good luck bailing out the sinking ship…..