Anonymous ID: e5381b June 10, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.6721499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Masonic trash published in 1908 Chicago IL ??


I'll treat this as a teachable moment (this was my post you responded to, I may have a new ID due to VPN).


1: The Kybalion summarises concepts from Bhagavad Gita in a concise manner, as well as those underlying other ancient philosophies from the pre-Christian era, and explains why Christ was an activist, not a hermit retreating into a cave to experience the Divine. It lands a MOAB on the trap laid above that calls for inaction, loving thine enemy and accepting him as an inarguable force of nature whilst one's own role is to sit as passive observer, something which would be very desirable to the cabal at this point. This is something I have observed being pushed into the discourse by posts on a number of Q-related sites, 'God is love, therefore just love, trust God… and do nothing.'


2: Masons were the only group keeping ancient esoteric knowledge alive for centuries, but if you plan to throw out your Mozart & Duke Ellington recordings, your Kipling and Twain, and renounce all antibiotics, knock yourself out. They scooped up the greatest thinkers of any era, it is what it is. Baby, bathwater, etc.


3: Even if you choose to completely reject the validity of the concepts above, 'Know your enemy' is wise counsel. You can be sure he knows you, and has a thousand ways to use words and set traps for potential enemies. Eastern philosophies like karma have so permeated our culture via the new age movement that this trap, arising of and from the same origins as new age thought, is particularly dangerous, and must be understood and recognised for what it is.