Anonymous ID: e9f8e0 July 27, 2019, 12:09 a.m. No.7211852   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1999


Lets consider TR aka "four names" is on Mosads payroll, does that demean the message that grooming gangs operate in the UK for the benefit of those in the higher echelons of government and Society, shills welcome to comment to the contrary with distractive comments……

The bigger picture that those less informed and those that lack the wisdom of the ability to dig and research for themselves, that run with the latest hype as they can only operate on a few left brain, brain cells, more info will arise to confuse the narrative. Can you keep up ?

"Fall Man" Boris is gonna have a hard time keeping his Word, as one's Word is One's Bond that in this day and age seems to mean zilch, unless Boris's counterpart in the US, DJT takes a sudden tumble it seems Boris will have a lot to answer for, not just from the UK electorate but from WW influences contrary to the Zionist Ideology. Lets see how BoJo handles this one.


UN warns Britain over child voodoo rituals, pedophile sex tourists



Anonymous ID: e9f8e0 July 27, 2019, 1:52 a.m. No.7212198   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2441 >>2464 >>2520


People on the ground i.e those local to where TR is campaigning are not interested if Mosad is his backer, they are interested in not having their children raped by a bunch of legitimized third worlders that made their way in courtesy of a Zionist Ideology perused by corrupt governments, they have no idea for the most part what Zionism is and even the depth of the corruption. Your argument against TR is misplaced, you try to throw the baby out with the bath water appealing to peoples ignorance and lack of understanding surrounding the bigger picture. Rather than slander TR have YOU tried to educate those reading this board how Mosad the intelligence arm of the zionist's have infiltrated nearly, if not all arms of Gov WW since before the 19th C. Do you have a problem with TR or Mosad, or anyone that gets to close to digging into the bigger picture.

We need more 4 names to create a larger Public awareness, not shills knocking them just because of their sponsor, the sponsor will get called out in due time. If you disregard the message because you dislike the messenger you do so at your own detriment, cos sooner or later it comes to bite you in the ass in ways you never suspected

Anonymous ID: e9f8e0 July 29, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.7241951   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3485 >>2226


There is an order of DS falling WW, something like SA, China/Asia, US, EU/UK, it was an early Q post in Nov/Dec 2017 if my memory serves me, which it does not always. My guess is Boris is the Fall Guy as he is by trade a DS operative. If they were to use Nigel Farage it would look like he was a semi outsider which would give the chance that DS could play the defensive victim. I do believe Nigel is being kept for later episodes.