Anonymous ID: edac24 June 12, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.6732867   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3053

Thought this was interesting. Donald trump speaking years ago and it sounds like her could of said it yesterday!


Video also contains some very interesting stuff about tesla's ties to Trumps uncle, and on free energy too. I've always been skeptical about 'free energy' but the more you research the more plausible some of teslas work seems.

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 17, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.6770868   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2091 >>2415 >>1118



How do you know that he voted FOR the EU? Because some UKIP'ers told you?!? I mean it's not like UKIP has an axe to grind or anything!


As for the Tilbrook case and the rest of it, one word, OPTICS! Everyday spent with the main parties arguing and trying to stop brexit, is another day where the normies might just realise that the deepstate runs this country, rather than the people that they elected to do so.


The Brexit Party is a limited company for the reason i already explained above. If you have 'members' of a political party, then they can demand a right to shape the parties policies. As a limited company NIGEL HAS 100% CONTROL OF THE PARTY AND THE POLICIES! Thatmeans that the zionist lobby have no chance of infiltrating and attempting to blame the Muslims for everything, well at the same time failing to call out the likes of George Soros and Friends, who are the main reason why have open borders in the first place!


As for Rotherham etc, well it wasn't the muslims that told the police and media to turn a blind eye to the grooming gangs, it was the politiians like May, Cameron,Blair, Brown etc etc. That's not to excuse the actions of the grooming gangs, (i'd beat ALL pedos to death with a lump hammer given a choice) but you have to try and use your brain and realise that while the same MP's are in power, then you, Gerrard, Tommy and every other zionist shill and UKIP'er can shout and scream 'Muh Muslims' all you fucking want, it ain't gonna do any good until you have seats in Westminster.


When it comes to Claire Fox, if you'd done your research then you'd probably have come to realise that (((capitalism))) and (((communism))) are 2 sides of the same coin! They're both put out there and portrayed as our only two choices, when in reality what we need is something in the middle, 'Fair capitalism' The whole point in the brexit party is to unite left and right, and i'm pretty sure that's what Claire Fox is there to try and do. Just because she joined the communist party 40 years ago, it doesn't mean that she still holds those views, but even if she does, than as long as she supports brexit and direct democracy then i have no problem with it. In the past i was 100% for 'Muh capitalism' and would have been one of the first to call her out as a 'commie', but when you break free from your brainwashing, you realise that we have grown up in a world of false choices and false narratives!

Just because someone wanted to distrubute the wealth evenly, as opposed to it being unfairly in the hands of the 0.1%, then i don't think that automaticaly makes them a bad person, anymore than me choosing capitalism made me one.


We need direct democracy, and also a fairer country for the 99% of us who aren't selfish, elitest pricks. Do you realise how much wealth has been STOLEN by the super-rich in the UK? They haven't earnt it in the majority of the cases, they've outright stolen it or at the very least have taken backhanders or called in favours from their 'secret society' mates, getting them to manipulate the money markets and turn a blind eye to insider trading. If we take back even 50% of that wealth, then the rest of us who actually do all the hard graft could probably enjoy a better life! Maybe we could live in a country where old people aren't left in their own shit and piss, while cunts like Phillip Green swan around the Med in a ÂŁ300 million super yacht, fingering Kate Mosses undoubtedly transgender asshole!


You need to wake up and realise that we've all been deceived…… left and right, capitalism and communism, labour and the tories…..THEY ARE ALL FALSE NARRATIVES! If you truly want a better country, then trust Nigel, forget about the muslims for the time being, and lets unite our efforts towards defeating the deepstate and these pedo/satanist freaks.

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 18, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.6781964   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7703





Thanks frens, i'm glad the vast majority of us here are on the same page.


Fairer capitalism is definitely the way forward IMO.

I think your point about 'John lewis capitalism' is a very good example of how we could go some way to achieving it. You'll get the usual crys of 'Muh pension funds', but i suspect the truth is that it's probably less than 1% that actually goes into private pension pots. I'm sure the vast majority of profits go straight into the pockets of the already super-rich shareholders.





Shill count is increasing by the day, good times must be close!

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 19, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.6790414   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6950

This is horrific… The Second world war as you definitely didn't get taught it in school.




part 2 is here

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 20, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6798486   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5121



Shilling for the 'deepstate' by the sounds of it, but maybe you just need to research more or are a 'little special'….. i'm unsure tbh!


At this point there are only 3 possibilities as i see it…….


  1. Everything that Q said is true and the deepstate is about to go down. This is obviously the case to anyone who has read ALL the Q drops and followed events for the last 18 months. Everything is starting to play out exactly as Q has told us and President Trump has tweeted and said many things publicly about 'Treason', 'Spying' ,'FISA' and many other things Q has told us about.


  1. That everything Q has told us is bollocks. That President Trump has authorised someone to put out a load of 'lies' on his behalf. 'Lies' which have woken up millions of people to all kinds of fuckery, satanism, SRA, corruption and general deepstate bullshit. 'Lies' which when researched, can easily be proven to be correct and to have been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.

If 'Q' and Trump are actually friends of the rothschilds and working for the zionists as you (retardedly) claim, then why the fuck would he get Q to post loads of drops calling out Soros, the rothschilds and many other zionists, on 4chan and 8chan, the two most woke places in the world to the Zionist agenda?? Even in your mind does that make any sense??


  1. The final option is that for the last 18 months, President trump has let someone called 'Q', claim to speak on his behalf about world events and politics, yet he's never said anything about it, and not one reporter from the FAKE NEWS has ever asked him a question about it, despite the fact that nearly every main stream media outlet in the world has tried to call Q out as a hoax! Also, seeing that 99% of the people who really follow Q atm are already trumps base supporters, (who he needs to vote for him again in 2020) why the fuck would he let them all be mugged off by an internet 'LARP' for 18 months without calling it out as bullshit???


If we get to 2020 and nothing has happened, then i'll happily conceed that I was wrong, Q was all bollocks, and that your retarded, illogical narrative was in fact the correct one!

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 20, 2019, 9:39 a.m. No.6798873   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2060



Yeah it's a harrowing video. Evil in the extreme and far above and beyond what was needed to win the war! The treatment after the war was just as sadistic and completely unnecessary as well.


That's a very interesing point about the destruction of national socialism. It's not something i've really considered before, but it makes perfect sense. We all know how much the zionists like their banks and 'muh capitalism' , so i guess the chance to destroy a successful socialist regime would have been an added bonus for them.


As for Churchill, these days i lean towards the latter. I want him to be a good guy, but when you dig into him pre-war, it's all Zionism, Zionism, Zionism…. Sad times.


I'm still not sure on AH tbh. Sometimes i think good guy, other times just another zionist puppet. Histroy has been so bastardised over the last 100 years it's hard to make an accurate assesment.

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 25, 2019, 3:29 p.m. No.6841284   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7143



Agreed on all points.! Like Q has said lots of times, I believe we are watching a movie! A movie designed to expose the deepstate and to wake the normies up gently. We get to watch the movie play out from the best seats in the house!…….Moar popcorn sir? Kek

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 25, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.6842125   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2251



All this CO2/Climate change shit makes my blood boil.


You only have to look at the air quality in every city in the western world, to realise that promoting NOx producing diesel cars, over CO2 producing petrol has been a complete disaster!


The fact that 99% of the population are too retarded to realise that CO2 is less of a threat to their children than carcinagenic diesel soot, just makes me want to smash my own skull in with frustration!


They've probably never even though about it as the vast majority f them just leave their critical thinking to the BBC. They much prefer to spend their time worring about what some plastic slag's doing on 'Love Island' , or masturbating themselves into a frenzy over some fucking dragons in the latest episide of 'game of cunts'


Woke up this morning to sky news running a piece about how if global temps went up by just 2C, that plants would somehow be unable to process CO2, I mean WTF!

Sky news especially have just gone totally overboard with all this climate derangement shit lately, they're fast becoming more of a deepstate mouthpiece than the BBC!

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 26, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.6847686   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I actually agree with you on pretty much all points, (apart from the implication that i have a liking for tiny brown dicks) but where are you gonna go? The rest of the world is just as fucked as the UK!

Anonymous ID: edac24 June 29, 2019, 2:38 a.m. No.6872493   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Partly for keks, but mostly because it's all very true, here is a couple of small clips from Owen Benjamins live stream yesterday.


Topics he covers in just this short clip are:


British Politics ( pretty fucking funny and accurate IMO)

Tommy Robinson being a shill

Muslim vs Jew Question (proxy warriors)

Pedophilia in theTulmud and Hollywood

Iran situation

London stabbings and 'people that fuck stab wounds' kek


I disagree with him on a fair few things, but i really love his challenging ideas and the fact that his livestreams are like '8chan for youtube' No topic is off limits when it comes to free speech and adult discussion.


He's highly recommended for anons, but definitely not one to share with the normies.


Full 2hr 17min stream here (although he only leaves them up for 24 hours before he moves them to his own website)

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 1, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6890824   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6283



The statue of liberty was designed by 3 freemasons who wanted it to stand in egypt originally!!!


As with most monuments in the USA, it has some sort masonic/satanic meaning!


It's probably more a symbol of (((enslavement))) than anything to do with liberty.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 6, 2019, 5:37 a.m. No.6931456   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1681


Let's hope so, sounds very plausable



Whoever it is, we need to dox them here (or get an american anon to dox them on the main board)

I'm so fucking tired of one law for these rich wankers, and one law for the rest of us. With the exception of genuine national security case , or in the interests of securing a fair trial, reporing restrictions and 'super-injuctions' need to be abolished.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 6, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.6931840   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2852


Wtf? I'm saying we should name whoever it is who sexually assulted 2 women, and then used money and the courts to keep his name secret!


Are you saying you disagree with that, or are you just retarded? Your post made absolutely no sense to me.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 7, 2019, 4:41 a.m. No.6940102   🗄️.is đź”—kun

It's either the 14th aniversary of 7/7 terror attacks today, or the 14th aniversary of one the biggest false flags to happen to this country……I know which one my money is on.


It's a strange world when the same isreali company in charge of airport security on 9/11, is also in charge of the non working security cameras on the morning of 7/7… just an unlucky coincidence i'm sure.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 11, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.6996266   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9445



I don't trust serial brain at all. I only watch the odd vid to see what he is saying, but his 'decodes' are tenuous as fuck in most instances, and outright bullshit in others!


I would say serial brain is a mossad gatekeeper.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 19, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.7095800   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6450 >>8647 >>3152 >>3457



Agreed! Serial brain 2 is deepstate shill of the highest order. His mossad mission is to lead biblefags away from anything involving Israel!


His 'decodes' are literally some of the most retarded shit i've ever seen in my life. In fact it's so fucking dumb i will rip a little piece from his latest vid and post it here as an example.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 19, 2019, 8 a.m. No.7096450   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6755 >>6884 >>9126 >>0377



This clip is so retarded that it literally hurts my mind to watch it! The fact that almost 200,000 subscribers lap this bullshit up everytime is beyond words! T


The rest of the vid is just as bad, in one part he actually links the colour of a piece of paper potus has in his hand to the colour of pizza dough, then arrives at pizzagate! I mean WTF?! If it wasn't so serious then it would be keks all round. (pizza dough clip @17:52)


This weekends next big SB2 decode………"If i take the 2nd, 8th and 22nd letter from trumps last tweet, add that to the capital letters from Q drops 21,107 and 56 that gives me the gematria 58! Now as we all know, HORSE PENIS also has a gematria of 58! ..So the obvious message is, POTUS will continue spraying 'good chemtrails' for 58 days, then when you see a photo of a horse penis on twitter, the clintons will be arrested and anything implicating Israel will be a lie!"

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 19, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.7100873   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8046 >>8619



"Is this a false flag?" Almost certainly IMO


"Are they expecting something today?" Epstien case, 2000 documents incoming, LOTS of Brits implicated including Blair if you believe the lists circulating already.


"Uk & Iran in cahoots?" Can't work this one out ATM.The Iran situation is so contradictory IMO. If they are/were part of the 'cabal', then why were they on the right side (against ISIS) with Russia in syria? I understand the Shia (iran)-Sunni (isis) thing, but that would mean they had the ability to decide their own policy.


With everything being so heavily computerised on modern ships, it would be perfectly possible to pilot a ship remotely, even one that size! There may not have been anyone onboard! I've no knowledge that was the case here, but just putting it out there that it would be a possible option.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 21, 2019, 4:11 a.m. No.7119378   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9395

Shazia Hobbs and Mark Collett


IMO two true British patriots from two entirely different backgrounds. They discuss numerous UK topics including, religion, immigration, the JQ, the transgender agenda, knife crime etc etc.


For any anons who don't know who they are, here is a brief summary:


Shazia hobbs:

British, ex-muslim of pakistani parents. Has done loads to call out grooming gangs and the sexual abuse of children in general.

She's spoken at a few of Tommys events in the past, so as such, i largely discounted her as being a shill for you know who. However I believe she's now been kicked out of Tommys 'club' for refusing not to criticise israel and the general NWO agenda, and after listening to her speak i believe she is a genuine patriot, who was just unaware of israels deceptions until recently.


Mark Collett:

Long term BNP member. Was prosecuted for 'Hate speech' all the way back in 2005 (along with his co-defendant Nick Griffin) for being one of the first to call out the same muslim grooming gangs as Shazia, he was aquitted after 3 years of deepstate BS and retrials etc.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 21, 2019, 3:09 p.m. No.7124544   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I get it you disagree with me about SB2, but what is it exactly that you want to discuss? Whatever it is i'm happy to talk about it.


Did you not watch the SB2 video that i posted and linked to? Is that not enough evidence of how in the vast majority of cases he just picks any random bollocks and then tenuously links it together?

If you've got some decodes he's done that you think prove otherwise, then post a link and i'll watch them with an open mind.


As for being a paid shill, kek. Who is going to pay me? SB2's youtube competitors? Tbh I see myself as more of an 'unpaid special needs teacher' if anything…… here to help out anyone (You) who may need a bit of assistance working out which end of their pen is ' the writey end'

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 21, 2019, 3:24 p.m. No.7124710   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Completely agree fren. Who is in the costume is irrelevent, they are just full on freaky/scary for adults, let alone toddlers.


Any parent who takes their children to something like that, should be in prison!

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 22, 2019, 6:03 a.m. No.7130626   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Not sure if you all saw the twatter video of the guy getting slapped after spitting in a womans face during an argument over the weekend?


The amazing manslap and the involvement of oranges meant it had to be done.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 22, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.7130787   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1718



Kek, i've got my popcorn in. At least it seems like we're making progress here now.


My best guess is that Boris will be forced to take us out the EU, then something ( possibly declas?) happens and the whole establishment (including the royals) gets called out as the 'secret society' nonces that they really are!


That results in a General election getting called, and Farage goes on to win with the brexit party, which by then has put forward a system of direct democracy, along with an official written constitution. A constitution that means that ALL the institutions of government, along with the police and military serve US THE PEOPLE, not the royal family.


On a side note, once the wealth of the crown (OUR hard earned money that they have stolen) gets divided between us all, that's gotta be a good few grand each, maybe more……. I've heard that the crowns wealth could infact run into the hundreds of billions, rather then the millions that they officially claim.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 22, 2019, 5:07 p.m. No.7138906   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3698

The 15 CIA operatives sentanced to death in iran is notable AF IMO

Is this them cleaning out their deepstate?


Peace deal/new treaty inbound?

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 24, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.7169043   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9809 >>2500




Yeah boris is a deepstate POS if ever one walked the earth. He just appointed (((Priti Patel))) as home secretary!


That's the same Priti Patel who was sacked in 2017 for having 12 unauthorised meeting with the Israeli government about sending UK aid money to the IDF while on a family 'Holiday'


For anyone with any doubt over Boris, this is all you need to know……. he is another piece of Zionist controlled shit!

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 25, 2019, 8:51 a.m. No.7182500   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2612





Boris and churchill, birds of a feather, both zionist traitors.


IF this was business as normal, then it would mean endless wars ( iran for starters) no chance of brexit, and generally more 'israel first' bullshit! However if we're 'trusting the plan' then i don't think we don't need to worry IMO.


Boris won't be allowed to start wars, either by trump or our military, and having a PM and Home secretary that kiss Israels ass (and in the case of Priti patel, was having secret meetings to send our tax money to the IDF too) will hopefully wake up some of the normies in this country to the fact that Israel runs the show!


The vast majority of people of the UK are so brainwashed by the 600 trillion that died in the holocaust, that they freak out as soon as you mention zionism and israel. (P.s if you're thinking 600 trillion is a bit high, you're clearly an anti-semitic, nazi bastard!)


POTUS using that floppy haired prick as a literal puppet is kek's all the way if you ask me. He was obviously trolling him when he said that he was 'britain trump' That wasn't a compliment, as potus knows only too well that he is toxic to any politician while the normies are still watching the fake news MSM!

I'm pretty sure that was why POTUS waited to congratulate Farage until a while after the EU elections, exactly so people can't accuse Farage of being 'Britain Trump'


I bet nigel was laughing as much as i was when he heard POTUS say that, he's behind the scenes quietly working on policies for the brexit party, while the normies are distracted by the Boris sideshow. Sounds like a plan to me!

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 26, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.7208351   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1852

Tommy Robinsons team in a desperate last ditch effort to save their fake narrative!


The amount of people calling out tommy as a zionist shill recently has reached critical mass, and they just couldn't ignore it anymore!


They have come out accusing all who critcise israel as a Nazi and anti-semitic, but personally i think they will only suceed in waking more people up.


Bearing in mind this is Tommys OFFICIAL CHANNEL, it had 370 thumbs up and 207 thumbs down within 20 mins of going live, along with loads of people still calling tommy out in the comments section. It soon got to the point where they disabled the comments and thumbs up/down feature.


When it's common knowledge that he sold out the British patriots to the Israelis, it won't be safe for that little twat to walk the streets either!

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 27, 2019, 5:27 a.m. No.7212879   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9254



Avi, come on now, we all know you're upset, but your argument is roughly the equivalent of saying that I should still trust the guy who burgled my house, just because he drew the line at shoving the childrens guinea pig up his ass on the way out!


When it comes to calling out grooming gangs and the lack of free speech in the Uk, then i'm pretty sure we can probably find someone whos a bit more credible and a bit less traitorous then Tommy 'the guinea stuffer' Robinson!

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 27, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.7218330   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Latest SB2


For anyone who said i was wrong about SB2/'And we know' being retarded, please watch from 22 min mark and still tell me that i'm wrong!


It's not the rothschilds and the other bloodlines, it's inter-dimensional spiders, that spunk in the fruiting bodies of mushrooms, and live in the small intestines of victims!


Think i'm taking the piss? watch for yourselves.

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 29, 2019, 3:01 p.m. No.7248825   🗄️.is đź”—kun


That wasn't me calling it out this time, but i fucking pissed myself when i saw another anon had told you it was horse penis related anyway! KEK


I actually posted the video you just linked on saturday as an yet another example of just how utterly laughable it has become. If after watching this clip you still tell me that SB2 is anything other than someone out to make a lot of money and make us all look crazy, then you're obviously beyond help or just the one who's shilling,

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 31, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.7279051   🗄️.is đź”—kun

There's a couple of things puzzling me here



I don't see how it's in anyway a 'Q proof'?


It's possibly illegal to retain the access codes, but i can't imagine it's used for anything other than commercial gain, in terms of it saving the delivery drivers time and hence allowing them to do more deliveries.

It could be used by criminals i guess, but then it's not really any different to any delivery driver who is given the code to make a delivery.


That being the case, i think your chances of getting a (You) from Q are fairly remote on this one!

Although i'm sure he's probably horrified by the utter sickness of an old granny needing to produce photo ID to get her alcohol delivery, i'm guessing that probably takes just a slight backseat to saving the world and avoiding a potential all out nuclear war due to a deepstate false flag.



Kek,We can see you replying to yourself! All your posts have an 'ID #' in your case 77e046


If you're going to reply to yourself in future, (we tend to discourage it as it's very shilly/ retarded) then always remember to use Tor or a VPN so you don't embarrass yourself again!

Anonymous ID: edac24 July 31, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.7279350   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0898




For once I'm not going to push my luck and provide a link or mention the guys name, but VERY interdasting the D-notice is on him.


Possibly a long standing one from the time he was exposed by russia?


Is there perhaps a D-notice on naming anyone in security services?


Whatever the case, this is notable AF when it comes to the UK.

Anonymous ID: edac24 Aug. 1, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.7291723   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5143 >>7125


We had some very interesting info on the Skirpal case in an earlier UK bread.


I can't remember which one, i think it was the 1st or 2nd, but 'skripal anon' as we called him, dropped us some very interdasting info about the Skirpal case being a false flag carried out by the UK security services rather than Russia.