>>6659341 pb notable
I wish people would stop this BS
Where is the sauce. It's just "Anons Know"
No they don't. No sauce and even more important NO LOGIC
Why would Mueller be working for POTUS?
It's not necessary to explain anything.
Why the push?
"Q" already wrote to us that it was disinfo.
Yet it keeps appearing.
Should be removed.
Happened two nights in a row
Somebody slips it in on the night shift.
>>6659414 pb
What are you missing?
They are full of shit, that's what you are missing
>>6659341 pb
>>6659372 pb
You don't even have to have "Q" to write that to know that it's true.
It's not even knowledge by authority. It's just plain, in ur face.
What would be the motive of POTUS to blackmail or hire Mueller?
It doesn't exist. It's a unicorn.
The real question is: Why is this being pushed?
Please remove this from Notables BO
Yesterday people said it's being pushed for several days.
Some of the PAYtriots must be desperate that their stupid fucked-up narrative, that they collected donations for, blew up in their face;
So, they have to try to show their followers that they were correct all along. It's their cred at stake.
A mini-fractal to what the big news must be trying to figure out.
On a related note, why was AJ said to be ranting against "Q" yesterday?
Could it be his entire operation was BUSTED over here; by witnesses who've been following the actors lying career for a decade?
Thank God for "Q" for freedom of speech and for this board.
Otherwise, people like "jones" play-acting would never be countered with truth.