SKY event.
There's already been a movie made about that premise - "National Treasure" based on a Dan Brown book. Since They have to tell us what they're up to, perhaps you're just tapping into the Truth.
May's appearance resembles "the walk of shame" the day after a one-night stand. Seems highly inappropriate to be wearing an evening gown displaying cleavage to meet with a foreign dignitary.
So classy: blame the butler. "The butler did it!" is more than just a cliche in royal circles it seems.
Yeah, in Darwin no less. Before the Socialists took over every other bloke would be packing a sidearm. Now? Wankerville.
Meh. It's NYT. Natch they think they've got all the answers and correct conclusions. Among people younger than Millennials, conservative, Constitutional ideology is quite stylish.
>>"I don't know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law."
I don't do social media, so if someone likes this, tweet it to Killery:
"I don't know who needs to hear this, Hillary, but NO ONE is above the law. Just ask Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch"
Definitely a Q proof, but UK paper publishing this looks like a DS comm regarding where to aim. Disturbing.