Anonymous ID: 8f94b5 June 4, 2019, 1:40 a.m. No.6668130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8195

From now on, i am going to give you a briefly (almost short) update from the past, the gamergate past, which played later on into the corruption all the way up. Some of you are already aware of it, doesn't matter, let this be a refresher for your mind.


>part 1 of 2

A Happening was already going on

but the Happening Train went into full speed when the Zoe post was made:


16 Aug:


>The Zoe Post

>• Programmer Eron Gjoni publishes the Zoe Post:

>◦ The long post outlines Eron's breakup with a game developer called Zoe Quinn. In the post, Eron outlines that Zoe displayed what others would later note was a general pattern of abuse against him


17 Aug:

it was then, when the threads begun to walk faster as normal

and with that, Anon started to notice something:

>"I can't get over the fact that one of them was Nathan Grayson.


>You know the guy that bitched at the Blizzard rep for "sexy" costumes and then tried the samething with CD Project but got shut down fairly quickly. The same guy thats close friends with some of the Eurogamer staff and Matt Lees who happens to be close friends and work mates with Quinns who just so happens to be dating Leigh Alexander.


>Its like all of the fucking awful journos we have to put up with on a daily basis all fucking live in the same house."


This post was made befor Anon even knew about the GameJournoPro List.

Because of the fishy network, they started to dig into these Journos.

As soon the Journos notic this, they quikly begun to attack them.

>see part 2

Anonymous ID: 8f94b5 June 4, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.6668133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8195

>part 2

28 Aug:

The "Gamers are Dead" articles - A blitz of anti-gamer articles begins to hit the web from various games journalist sites. Articles originate from a variety of sources including, but not limited, to Gamasutra,[96] Destructoid,[97] Kotaku,[98] RockPaperShotgun,[99] ArsTechnica,[100] Vice,[101] Buzzfeed,[102] The Daily Beast,[103] and Dr. Nerdlove.[104]

◦ 'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. 'Gamers' are over. Exclusive - Leigh Alexander of Gamasutra (28th Aug)

◦ A Guide to Ending "Gamers" - Devin Wilson of Gamasutra (28th Aug)

◦ We Might Be Witnessing The 'Death of An Identity' - Luke Plunkett of Kotaku (28th Aug)

◦ An awful week to care about video games - Chris Plante, Polygon (28th Aug)

◦ The Monday Papers - Graham Smith, Rock Paper Shotgun (1st Sep)

◦ The End of Gamers - Dan Golding, Director of Freeplay Independent Games Festival (28th Aug)

◦ The death of the “gamers” and the women who “killed” them - Casey Johnson of Ars Technica (28th Aug)

◦ It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Why Are Gamers So Angry? - Arthur Chu, The Daily Beast (28th Aug)

◦ Gaming Is Leaving “Gamers” Behind - Joseph Bernstein, Buzzfeed (28th Aug)

◦ Sexism, Misogyny, and online attacks: It's a horrible time to consider yourself a gamer - Patrick O'Rourke, Financial Post (28th Aug)

◦ The Independent Game Developers Association (IGDA), also releases a "Statement on Harassment" - IGDA Board of Directors


The very same people who Anon looked into where the same people who wrote these articels.

Anonymous ID: 8f94b5 June 4, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.6668195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From now on, i am going to give you a briefly (almost short) update from the past, the gamergate past, which played later on into the corruption all the way up. Some of you are already aware of it, doesn't matter, let this be a refresher for your mind.

Just testing how it is going to look like for future breads, no need for notable, i will keep track of all previoues gamergate timeline postings


Last post




The Happening Train that was already goingn on was the Wizardchan happening.


12 Dec. 2013

>Zoe Quinn posts[20][21] on Twitter, claiming that she is being harassed by Wizardchan. These allegations were never verified.


See also:


17. Aug 2014

to make things short, this is what anon had to say:

>She lied about wizardchan harassing her a while back, and everyone immediately believed her despite their not being a single PM or tweet of evidence (she claimed she got rape threats through phone calls, which usually come after fucking tweets). She used that popularity to get her shitty game greenlit and now she has an audience of rubes to spout SJW crap to.


The very same Journos who where in the GameJournoPro List also helped her to get Disinformation (fake news) out in the wild. But to this point, Anon still didn't knew about the Journo List.


23 Aug. 2014

>Polygon Editor Ben Kuchera is revealed to have been donating to Zoe Quinn's Patreon fund since Jan 2014. Kuchera wrote a positive article in Polygon in May [67] about Quinn based on her alleged online harassment by WizardChan in Dec 2013, which lead to her game being green-lighted on Steam.[68][69]


This Happened Days befor the 'Gamers are Dead' Articles came out!

During the end of August of 2014, many Anons learned about how their Media worked, colluded and how they make coordinated Attacks.

Much later in the History of gamergate we will learn how Julian assagne tells the anons to go up the ladder. At this point more and more was digged up. Keep this in mind for later.